Click on the video above to watch Episode 137 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
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Adam: I got some, but … okay. All right, well, there we are. Hey everybody. We are live, only one minute late. We were scrambling; not gonna lie, but Bradley got everything sorted out so here we are, and this is Hump Day Hangouts episode 137. Today is the 21st of June, so we'll do our thing real quick and say, “Hi” to everybody, and then we will get started. So Chris, how's it going man?
Chris: Been good. In a heat wave here in Austria.
Adam: Yeah? What do you … What kind of temperatures are you dealing with?
Chris: 34 degrees celsius-
Adam: Yikes. That's like 90 something I think, right?
Chris: Yeah, 93 or so.
Adam: Yuck. All right. I'll pass. I'm living in luxury, man. It's like 75. This has been awesome. Hernan, how about yourself? You got like six feet of snow or something or what's going on down there?
Hernan: No, doesn't snow actually. It doesn't actually snow in Buenos Aires, so it's not even funny. You know?
Adam: Okay.
Hernan: Yeah, get the all humid cold, but it's not even fun to go out and … But anyways, yeah, I'm excited to be here. I'm excited for tomorrow's webinar for the Battleplan members so it's gonna be a lot of fun and I'm excited to be here.
Adam: Awesome, awesome. Marco, how you doing man? It looks pretty nice there. I'm guessing the weather's probably pretty good. Maybe.
Bradley: Maybe he's muted.
Adam: Maybe not. All right. Well. I'm gonna go with the weather is probably pretty good but we'll fill that in later. So Bradley, how you doing man?
Bradley: Good. I'm glad that I got it fired up at the last minute, man. It was my Chrome cache was, I guess, clogged up I guess two gigabytes of cache is enough to slow down a browser.
Adam: Imagine that.
Bradley: So I had to shut everything down, run CCleaner and then start it back up and it took longer than I expected, but we're here, so better late than never.
Adam: Good deal. All right, well, just real quick, if you're new to Semantic Mastery, first of all, thanks for showing up to Hump Day Hangouts. We certainly appreciate it. You should definitely check out the Battleplan. I'll share that link shortly below and then, also if you haven't yet, for some reason, signed up for your free account at SERP Space, head over there. We got the Done-For-You services there and also a couple free tools with more coming, stuff like Mark Up and stuff like that.
And then, before we dive into stuff I just wanted to share this. This is like Adam's little book report minute. I've been taking my book reading up a notch. I'm trying to knock out a book like every week or two, and so this is “High Profit Prospecting.” Let's see; who's this by? Mark Hunter. So, good book so far. It's exactly what it sounds like. If you're someone who does outreach for customers, who, I'm guessing nearly everybody here should probably be doing that, I think it's a good read. The big one, it's on prospecting, obviously, and then attitude as well as getting into the specifics of how you can approach people, which is really good. I don't come from a sales background, so it's been a good refresher. You know, we always hear about, you know, “Okay, here's the ABC's of this,” but definitely good to go into that and get some more detail, so, pretty good read. I think it was like 10 bucks on Amazon, so if you're interested in that, you should check it out.
Bradley: Awesome. That's a really good recommendation. I haven't read that one yet, but I'm gonna add it to my list. I'm trying to do the same thing, Adam, is read about a book every two weeks or so, and I only got 30 minutes scheduled every day to read, but I'm trying to keep to that schedule so that I actually get it done, and I've just finished reading, for the second time, Bill Good's “Hot Prospects” book, so that one's probably gonna be a good one to follow up with so I appreciate you pointing that out.
Adam: Yeah, and I'll probably put something on the page, on the Semantic Mastery page if people are interested. If you guys are interested or if you have any questions or anything, just pop the question on this page if you're at the event and I'll answer that but, anyways, you guys have any announcements, anything we need to cover today?
Hernan: I think we're good.
Bradley: I think so.
Adam: All right, let's roll.
Bradley: All right, cool. Let's see, before I get into-
Marco: [inaudible 00:03:52] Before you get into that-
Bradley: I'm sorry.
Marco: For you guys dealing with the heat, I just want to show you something. I just want to show you something, man. Dig that motherfuckers, dig that. 75 degrees. Beautiful weather. Come on, man.
Bradley: Tropical climate.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:04:13] Why deal with the cold? I have a little waterfall in the background, just keeping me peaceful. While you guys [crosstalk 00:04:26]
Adam: I'm beginning to think Marco is subsidized by the government, you know, to boost [crosstalk 00:04:31]-
Marco: You know, right? Ed's trying to log in, man. He's using my login but … So if you see two Marcos, it's Ed.
Chris: Ed's cool.
Bradley: Ed is one of our newer Mastermind members. He's a real hustler. He's been out just crushing it and getting new clients. I mean, it's just amazing how much action that dude's taking, so, he's down there visiting Marco right now, and, if he can, he'll jump on.
Mini Case Study On Video Re-Indexing And Re-Ranking For Video Production Company Using Video Powerhouse
All right. So let's get to questions and stuff. There's something I do want to share in just a moment, though. Just very quickly, 'cause I want to show you guys something. Let me zoom in on all this first. All right, cool.
So this is something … You guys should be seeing my full screen, correct?
Adam: Yeah, I got your whole desktop.
Hernan: Yep.
Chris: Okay.
Bradley: I'm gonna zoom in on this a little bit. All right, this is from Pro Rank Tracker. This is a screenshot I just took yesterday of a local video that I had done for the video production company that I do a ton of work for. They had a client, or one of their customers had been paying for SEO services for their video for about 6 months and then they allowed their subscription to lapse or to expire, I guess, and so I unlisted the video, which was in the number one position for the six or eight months, whatever it was, that it was running before their subscription expired, and once it had expired, I just went through and unlisted the video, but it had been sitting at number one for, you know, six or eight months.
So, when I unlisted the video obviously it fell out of the index for a while, and it was probably, I don't know, three or four months had passed before they resubscribed to the service for whatever reason. I don't know why they went so long without renewing but, whatever. They contacted the video production company and renewed their Video Boost subscription. That's what they call it.
So I went in and just reset the video back to public instead of unlisted. However, it didn't just appear back in number one position, and I didn't expect it to. In fact, I even charged the company, the video production company, another setup fee, even though all I had to do was go in and unlist it. I mean, set it from unlisted to public, I still charged them the additional setup fee, which is a one-time fee for whenever I initially add a new video to a marketing campaign, and I told them, “It's been paused for the last few months, so I'm going to have to charge you an additional setup fee.” And they said, “That's fine.” Blah blah blah.
So I was only tracking two keywords for this one video but you can see when it did re-index, it re-indexed at position nine and position 12 or 13, respectively. What was crazy was … All I did … I put it … Sent this video through a video powerhouse blast. I did an embed blast of about 50 embeds. I did both primary and secondary embeds of only 50. And then I went in and I set up a YouTube AdWords campaign. An AdWords for video campaign using the video as the actual … So let me just explain how I did this, guys. I set up, inside of AdWords, I used in-stream video option, right? So it wasn't a video discovery ad, it was … I just took the same video that I wanted ranked, right? And I used that URL as the in-stream video ad URL, and then the landing page link that you click on from the in-stream ad, right? That's always the link that's in the bottom left corner of the video when an in-stream ad is playing, that … All I did was use that YouTube URL, the same video that was the ad itself. I used that URL as the landing page URL, right? So does that make sense? So essentially an in-stream ad that when clicked will take somebody to a YouTube video, and it's the same YouTube video.
But what I did was I set up geographic targeting, and I went into interest targeting using the in-market or ROI interest based targeting, which is called in-market targeting. Very very very powerful. I started playing with that a lot recently, and I'm getting really good results, especially for local.
So I set geo-targeting and I used interest-based targeting, the in-market, ROI targeting, and I went and I found that specific category, and this is a home services-type of business, and I selected that proper category, and I set my budget for one dollar per day, guys. One dollar per day. Now, if anybody's been following us for long, you know that, for like the video production companies, I only charge 100 dollars per month per video to rank or per keyword to rank for them. That's what I provide as wholesale services.
So I'm only making 100 bucks a month, but I set up a one dollar a day budget that has local IP's with people that are in-market. Let me explain what I mean by that. Google understands now, through browsing history, recent browsing history, what people are looking for. Like, if they're in-market, so to speak, for a particular product or service, then Google knows that because they've been searching buyer-type keywords, commercial intent keywords. Recently, it's in their recent browsing history, right? And so Google places those people into a bucket that means that they're highly likely or they're really engaged with that particular product or service or keyword at that moment, so it's highly likely that they're in the market. That's why it's called, “in-market,” for that product or service.
So it doesn't matter what videos they were going to look at. The people in that bucket, doesn't matter what videos they were going to look at on YouTube. My ad can play in front of any video. A silly cat video. It doesn't matter because they were … By Google's own … Google has categorized them as being in-market, so they're likely to convert.
So the reason I'm explaining this to you is because, with something so simple as setting up a one dollar a day ad and I got 10 clicks in the first day, or, no, I'm sorry. It was five clicks in the first day. I had 10 impressions, five clicks. So it was a 50% click-through rate on the video, which was interesting, but they're all from local IP's from people that are in-market, so that means it's highly relevant traffic.
It's relevant for two reasons: the geographic location, so local IP's essentially, which will count as a local IP click to that video, plus those were in-market visitors or viewers, right? Clickers, so to speak. YouTube users. They're in-market for that particular product or service category, anyways. So that means it's highly relevant.
Well Google and YouTube knows that. So now the traffic that … The engagement that I just purchased from Google AdWords to that video was locally relevant and topically relevant, and it shot it direct … The very next day, it had jumped from whatever this is, nine and 13 or whatever to the number one position, and in fact, one of these keywords is now triggering the great big video. I know you guys know what I'm talking about. It doesn't happen very often, but where the video is ranked number one and it's freaking huge and it takes up where the maps pack would normally be.
And all I did, guys, like I said was just set up a local … I ran a 50-embed blast through video powerhouse and then I set up a local YouTube ad, and this was just yesterday. You can see that … You know, yesterday is when I took this screenshot, and it jumped, basically in 48 hours from … It went from not being indexed to being indexed at like nine and 13 for that variant, for that keyword, to being number one and also triggering that great big large video in the SERP, which is amazing, and I just wanted to point that out, guys, 'cause I know we've talked about that here on Hump Day Hangouts a lot, about using AdWords, because you're buying engagement signals from … And you can specifically pinpoint where you want the engagement signals to come from, right?
You're paying Google for engagement signals. Instead of buying views or buying fake social signals, you can buy real, organic … I say they're organic because they're real. They're real click-throughs and real views from real people on real IP's and real devices, with real browsing histories in a real location, if that makes sense, and it just works like crazy.
So any of you guys that are doing video SEO stuff, especially local, guys, this should just be a standard operating procedure for any one of your local campaigns, is set up an ad, run the targeting like I just mentioned, geographic targeting, and even if you just do a dollar a day, just until you get it ranked and then pause your ad campaign, it'll help immensely.
So, brief little tutorial. Hopefully that was helpful. Anybody want to comment on that before we get any questions?
Chris: That was pretty amazing, Bradley.
Bradley: Yeah, thank you. Thank you. It's quite … I mean, it's just amazing and the fact that I saw that it triggered those big big videos, which is crazy, 'cause that's rare that that happens. The six or eight months that it was ranked number one before I had unlisted it, it was never a big video, so it had quite an effect.
Where Can You Get A Double Verified Gmail Accounts?
Okay, cool. Earl's up first. He says, “Can you suggest a place to get double-verified Gmail accounts? I cannot seem to find a source on Fiverr that I once used.”
Okay. I'm going to recommend a guy that we have been using for, I'd say over a year now, but one of our Mastermind members, Beau, who's also our moderator in the Syndication Academy Facebook group said that he's had terrible communication experience with this dude. So, anyways, I've never had any problems with him. He's always been really good about replacing any accounts, the communication's been good, so I'm going to point it out anyways, but I just want to mention, full disclosure, that one of our members is having issues with him, so just take that into account.
Marco: Yeah, I'd-
Bradley: Go ahead.
Marco: I'd like to mention, too, that we ordered accounts and they were resold, and so-
Bradley: Okay, so don't use them is what you're saying.
Marco: No, I'm not saying, “Don't.” I'm saying that, when you get them, you have to change the phone number and the email, right? The email that you used to recover the password. Switch that up right away in all, whatever accounts that you order. Because they're a pain in the ass, which is why you should have a VA.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because they did get resold and so it was a whole big mess, and so, you know, we talked to him and he just gets so many orders that he's swamped, and so I think it's more a case of him not paying attention to what he's doing, rather than being dishonest.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: But I wanna add that that happened to us.
Bradley: Well thanks. I appreciate that, because again, and that's why I wanted to fully disclose what Beau had mentioned, too because like I said, I've never had any issues with him, but in part, the reason that Marco just said that he thinks it's because he's getting too many damn orders. It's probably because I've recommended the dude quite a bit. He was extremely happy when I started recommending him because he was like … And maybe that's why I never have any issues with him, because he always takes care of me because I sent so much business to him.
But regardless, like I said, you know, be careful, Earl. That's the only guy I've used but apparently some people have been having issues recently, so there you go.
How Do You Handle Content Issues With A WordPress That Stop Syndicating To A Network?
Chris, that's gonna happen from time to time. No matter what you do, there are gonna be times where one of your Web 2s, even a branded property that you've taken well care of will sometimes still get terminated because of the automation that we're using. That sometimes will trigger it. There's just a number of reasons. It's rare … We go to great lengths through how we set up these accounts to prevent from that happening, but it does happen from time to time and there's nothing any of us can do about it, right? Except try to prevent it, right?
So Chris, yeah, we've even had some of ours terminated, and what you mentioned about a short code, so like if you were using a plugin or something on your main money site that inserted short codes into the post which would obviously, when the page was loaded, would convert into a script or an image or whatever it was that you needed it to be, when it gets syndicated, that's not going to occur because that plugin's not present on the site, if that makes sense.
So you've gotta be careful about that. We've had that same issue on a number of occasions with some of the stuff that we've syndicated from our own blog, causing problems. Like, you know, form code for example. Opt-in form code that just looks like raw code on the page because it doesn't translate 'cause it's not in the short code and the plugin's not present. That kind of stuff, so … You just gotta be wary of all of that.
Something that you can do if you are going to continue to use those kind of like short code plugins and things like that on your money site … Excuse me, I've got somebody calling in. Hold on a minute, let me hang up on them. Sorry guys. Give me a second. It's my Google Voice number. It's a spam call, I'm sure. Okay, so if you're gonna continue to use those kind of, um … It's still ringing. I'm going to have to just let it ring out.
If you're still going to use those kind of plugins, I would recommend that you just set your WordPress post to your RSS settings from “full post” to “summary.” Now I know for branded properties we like to recommend using the full post, the full text of the post, instead of just the summary, but if you're using short codes and things like that from your main money site that aren't going to syndicate and post into the blogs of your syndication network, then you may want to use the summary post instead. Okay? Or reconsider what you're posting within the content of your posts so that you don't have those issues. You could do that as well.
Is It Okay To Upload 30 Videos At Once In A YouTube Money Channel That Is Syndicated To A T-1 Network?
All right. Dave's up. He says, “I have a new tier one network for YouTube.” Uh, oh. It's, by the way, just so you know, do try … I would say start a new site and then just start syndicating posts from that point forward. The moment of origin forward, if that makes sense, because I wouldn't worry about going back and publishing all the already published posts on the new WordPress site. I wouldn't worry about that. It's too much manual work. If you've got a VA you can send it to, fine, but I wouldn't do it yourself. If it were me, I would just create a new account, attach it to the Network. Set up the automation that triggers and all that, and then I would just post from that point forward, okay?
Yeah, I wouldn't do that Dave. I would probably not do more than like five posts per day. [crosstalk 00:20:48] But you could do that, you know, five posts per day over six days. That's what I would do. And it's not … It's just because when you hit a … especially a new network with like a whole bunch of posts all at once like that, it's likely gonna be terminated. Okay? So you don't want to do that.
In fact, like we always mention, or it's mentioned in the training, you should post a few posts, as we call seed posts, and leave it sit for a few days. Post with no links, by the way, or only links to other blog posts on that same platform. So in other words, if it's a Blogger blog, you can link to another Blogger blog post from somebody else's Blogger blog because it's still the Blogger domain. I wouldn't have any external links, okay? It would be an internal link to another Blogger blog. Might not be yours, but somebody else's. That's the only type of link I would have, and then I'd let it sit for about seven days before starting to do any automated posting. And then when you do, ramp up slowly. Don't do thirty at once. Do something like maybe one or two a day for a couple of days, and then you can ramp it up from there. If you've only got thirty videos, I'd probably spread that over, you know, a week to 10 days, something like that. If it's a new network. If it's an established network, you can be a little bit more aggressive. All right.
Best Practices In Managing YouTube Channels If You Are Wholesaling Video Promotion Service
Columbia! She's been crushing it. She's been a go-getter. Columbia, I've been really proud of you, coming here every week and asking questions, and I seek that you're going with the agency model and it sounds like you're well on your way and I just wanted to say that that's awesome. We appreciate you being here and taking action. She says, “My goal is to promote videos in five to eight niches, with each niche having a YouTube channel and associated website to support videos from multiple cities, as I am wholesaling video promotion service.” Very good. She says, “If I set up five to eight YouTube channels with each having an associated website, could I put all of those on my main Google and YouTube account, or do I need to break them up under some separate persona Google accounts? Each associated websites would just have a tier one network, but I will likely want to stack two or more tier twos on some of or most of the YouTube channels.”
Which is, yeah, that's a good idea, Columbia. Is it a good idea to your main Google account? Okay, again, and this is the same advice that I always use, even though your problem … I can tell, Columbia, that you're gonna be taking care of these networks, and you're not gonna be doing anything real spammy, your setting up for long term, I still recommend that you would create each of the five to eight YouTube channels under a different persona account and then add yourself, Columbia Jones, your profile as a manager of all of them.
So after you've created the YouTube channel under a persona account, then you go in and you add yourself as a manager so that you can access, manage and maintain all of those channels from your main Google profile. It'll make it convenient and much easier to work on, but it will protect each one of those channels in the event, God forbid, that something were to happen to your account, Columbia, that you wouldn't use all of those assets, because even if your account got terminated, and again, that's worst case scenario, but if your account got terminated for some reason or another, all of those other channels would still be present and available because they weren't your … You, as the profile Columbia Jones, wasn't the channel owner. You were just a manager, if that makes sense. So I'd do that specifically for risk mitigation, right? Just set up different … create a different persona account. Set up the channel, and then make yourself the manager. And that way you protect yourself.
“So how many channels with each associated website can I run on my main Google account without running into problems, as I would be setting up five to eight niches all within a single month?” Again if you … You can manage up to 50 channels from any one profile. So, again, set them all up underneath different … So the channel owners are different personas. Different Google accounts. And then add yourself as a manager. And you can add as many channels, I mean, up to 50 channels as a manager to your account, Columbia, and that won't look weird at all because there's a lot of people out there that are, you know, digital marketing consultants, and they manage a lot of channels and stuff, so it's natural to do that. I wouldn't worry about it.
It is, in my experience Mohammed. So the reason why I say that is because I get … Any call that goes … Okay, so, on the lead-gen sites that I have that … I'm just about on 90% of them. I have an answering service call center set up that I pay for. It's my expense, but the reason I do that is because any call that comes through, it first … It does several things. Number one: it screens the calls because anybody here that has been doing … Either has your own local business or you provide local business marketing services and you, so you manage stuff for clients, you already know that you get freaking hammered with solicitation calls all day long from every type of business out there. From credit card processing machines to marketing services to Yelp. Yelp'll call you 15 times a freaking week. It's ridiculous.
And so I use an answering service, number one: because it's an automated call screening system. Any solicitation call gets screened out by the answering service, so it doesn't bother the contractor or the service provider who's purchasing the leads with a bunch of spam calls. Right? So that's number one.
Number two: any lead that's a valid lead is going to answer the call screener's questions, which means once that lead is done, or once the call is over, that's a bona fide lead that I can go for. Now obviously I still get some solicitation leads that come through. In other words, they're people that answer some questions from the call screener so the lead still gets pushed through, but it's very clearly identified as such when it goes through. So what happens is, with AnswerConnect, that's the service I use, by the way. I've been using them for about five years. Great service.
Anyways, I get an email copy of every lead call that comes through, and then it also gets emailed and texted to the service provider, and so again, I like to use it because it's a call screening system. I have a record of everything. I've got an email and a text record, plus AnswerConnect keeps records of everything as well. And so, for me, that's how I validate everything.
Now, if somebody submits a web form, a contact form, you know, contact request form, on a lead-gen page instead of calling, then I get a copy of the email that also gets sent to the service provider, and now I'm using Zapier, I don't know the proper way to pronounce it, but I'm using Zapier to send an SMS text alert, it connects with Twilio, but it'll basically monitors a Gmail address and every time a new lead comes in from that lead-gen funnel, it triggers Zapier to send a text message via Twilio to the contractor notifying him that a new lead had come in and to check his email for the lead data. And that's only for contract request form submissions, if that makes sense. Phone calls go through AnswerConnect.
Hernan: Mm. May I?
Hernan: May I add something, Bradley? I think that this really valuable and you first told me about AnswerConnect, back in the day. I think it was two years ago, but I think that you're adding a lot of value to the process, right? Because if you can sell a qualified lead … Because, here's the deal: you can sell that lead to one contractor for example, or to one client. That would be like an exclusive lead. Or you can get it qualified and sell it to multiple contractors or to multiple business, right? You will need to be really clear that that lead will be, you know, sold to many, so that … The value of that lead usually decreases. You know, if it's qualified plus exclusive lead, you can charge premium for that because they're going through … It's not completely automated. They are going through some kind of interaction with a person, right? So I think that adds a lot of value and it will solve a lot of problems in terms of tracking and in terms of qualifying the leads. Again, because, you know, you want to send a contractor the best possible leads, you know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: So I think that adds a lot of value. It's a little bit more expensive to run it that way, but I think it's sort of worth it because, again, you can charge a premium for your leads because they are coming through a verified source, right? They are going through human interaction first, and then they are going to be pushed through the contractor.
That doesn't mean that the contractor doesn't have to … or your client, they will have to act fast because that lead is warm [inaudible 00:30:56]. Right? They're hot. They've gone through one interaction. They are going through another. So they're willing to the purchase process. That adds something that you can 100% outsource. It's a little bit more expensive but this is kind of … The little things that add a lot of value to your business and will make those businesses stick with you for a longer time than any other lead generation company that does this massively and all they're doing are pushing calls. Does that make sense?
Bradley: Yeah. And the other part of that is, you know, by providing the answering service, we're doing the service provider a favor, too because the calls are automatically screened and it prevents them wasting time and energy on answering the phone for spam calls or solicitation calls, and that's a huge selling benefit for contractors or for service providers. Again, mostly for me it's contractors so …
But, and like Hernan said, I also, you know, if you're going to sell exclu- … I promote my services as exclusivity of leads. It's rare that I will ever sell a lead to more than one service provider. It does happen from time to time, but it's usually rare and it's usually because there's a specific reason for it, so I always just charge more per lead if I'm selling on a per-lead basis, or if it's a revenue share, like what you're talking about, Mohammed, then it's an exclusive lead anyways. That's just a given.
Is It Normal For Keyword Lists From Google Adwords To Have Names Of Different Cities?
The last part of your question, “Is it normal for keyword lists from AdWords to have names of different cities? Despite my living in Alberta, Canada, a large portion of my AdWords list contains American cities and states.” Yeah, that's because the vast majority of search traffic is coming from Google U.S., but just, Mohammed, what you can do is … This isn't an AdWords tutorial, guys, I'm certainly not going to log in to my AdWords dashboard to show you this, but Mohammed, what you can do is make sure that you set your advanced location targeting or advanced location options to where you are only … That only include people that are in your target location, not that are in or show interest in. That's number one. So do that number one.
Number two is set an exclusion list. That's something else you can do. Again, I can't go into it and show it to you here, but you can set an exclusion list and actually specifically exclude all 50, or the United States for example. And if you set that as your exclusion list, then people that are searching, even if they're in your target location, so let's say Alberta, Canada, but they search for, let's say, you know, “Remodeling company New York City.” Then if you have New York or all of the United States in your exclusion list, then it will prevent the ad from showing to them, even if they're in your Alberta Canada and they're searching for one of your keywords, which might be, you know, “Remodeling contractor,” or, you know, “Home builder,” or whatever it is that your keyword is. It'll prevent it from showing to them because they're showing an interest in a location that's on your exclusion list, if that makes sense.
How To Test A New YouTube Syndication Network?
That's also really important for call-only ads, guys, that you set your exclusion list to. All right. All right. So Greg's up. He says, “Hi. Wondering really how to test a new YouTube syndication network. How do we download a video from YouTube to test our new YouTube syndication network?” Well, you can download it. Use Firefox and use something like Video DownloadHelper extension or something like that. There's a ton of them, guys. They're a dime a dozen. Just go search, “Firefox YouTube download extension” or something like that and just pick one. The one that I use is Video DownloadHelper. Been using it for years and you can view and just about any video, in the Firefox browser when you have that extension, and then you can just click the extension itself and download the video. You can do that, but why would … You don't even need to do that, Greg.
What I would suggest doing is setting up either a like trigger applet or setting up a subscription trigger applet. So, and then publicly subscribe to another channel or something that you can upload a video … What I'm saying is you don't need to download … In fact, for what you're specifically asking, I would say just set up a like trigger applet and just go like one of the videos on one of your other channels or at least, if you don't have a video in that specific niche that's your own video, then just go like somebody else's video that's in that niche so it'll help to theme your network, too, because I see what you're saying about … “Once it's tested, do we need to go into network properties and remove the syndicated video?” Well, if it's a thematically relevant video, right? If it's themed, if it's relevant, then there's really on reason to go in and do that and delete the post from the network. My point is: set up a like recipe and just go like a video, whether it's yours or somebody else's, preferably one that's gonna be relevant to what the network's about so that you don't have to go in and delete it later. And that's how you can test it. Okay?
Does Using Aged Or Expired Web2.0 Accounts On The Persona Rings Would Help Boost Rankings?
Okay, Alexander, he comes every week now and asks questions as well, so Alexander: What's up buddy? He says, “Hi guys. It's good to be here again. Let's get down to business. I'll do my first video gig for a client.” Sweet. “He said he'd pay me to set up … set him … to set up to him but not enough money so I could make another one for me and use to rank videos as a service.” Okay. “Does using aged/expired Web 2.0 accounts in the persona rings would help boost rankings or will be worse because we have some random anchor text from referring domains theme?”
No, aged Web 2.0s will certainly help. I mean, look, if you're doing it specifically for SEO purposes, then yes, using aged Web 2.0s will help. There's no doubt. I've seen some really strong Tumblrs that can do some really amazing things with some strong Tumblrs and there's a million Tumblr scrapers out there now, guys. Shit, you can go to Fiverr and like SEOClerks and those different types of services and buy Tumblrs now, so it's simple to do, and yeah, those work. For purely SEO purposes? You can absolutely do that.
Now, for branding purposes, I recommend that you set up your own with the branded username. But again, for purely SEO purposes, expired Web 2.0s are certainly going to help. Okay? “Should I add some RSS feeds to the endpoint accounts/accounts that don't trigger others so that way I get more related content to build their theme/topical relevance?” You can. That's what, like out at tier two and stuff like that, if that's what you're doing, and you said this was a video gig, so chances are they're … You've got multi-tiered networks anyways, then yeah, absolutely you can, guys.
That's the thing: if you guys are … I mean, even for YouTube, but especially for blogs … But here's the thing, guys, if you've got, let's say a two tier network for YouTube, and remember YouTube, we don't have to worry about footprint issues or anything else. My point is if you're uploading videos but you're not staying consistent and you're not uploading a lot of videos, but you want to keep increasing the power of the network, then yeah, set up some related content triggers on the tier two networks, even for YouTube networks, guys, because you can start feeding relevant content into those secondary networks.
Okay, “Or is there a way to do it even for lower tier feeder rings, uh, a way to send content to tier one that would not be syndicated again on the other tiers.” No, I wouldn't do that. Again, I wouldn't … If it's persona-based tier one network you can add content into there and that'll take care of the second tier networks because you can set the trigger up on tier one, but if you're doing branded tier one, then on the … Then I would set the related content triggers up on tier two because I don't like to feed other people's content into branded tier ones, if that makes sense. Persona-based is fine. Branded, no.
What Are Some Good Link Building Strategies For Persona Accounts?
“If you can, would like to hear more about backlinking strategies to those kind of persona accounts. Thanks guys.” Backlinking strategies is just contextual links to those properties. If it's out at tier two, you can be even more aggressive, more spammy. Generally, what we like to do is contextual at tier ones to the network properties. Typically on domains that have, not the pages … We've had some issues with people saying, “I just got our link report and the PA is one on every link page that was created.” Well, that's what happens when you create a new page online; it is a PA of one. Period. It doesn't start with anything higher than one.
And so, anyways, my point is that you … We try to use domains with higher decent metrics, relatively speaking, right? Compared to all the other spam sites out there, and then set contextual links, we try not to hammer our network properties, anywhere between 50 to 125 contextual links per property, and then we throw spam behind those. Okay?
Are You Using RSS Masher And Rankwyz For Related Content Feeds?
Adam: Real quick, Bradley to … Alexander was asking if, for the related content feeds, what tool would you recommend? RSS Masher or Rank Whizz or something else?
Bradley: Uh, yes. Any one of those. You know, it really doesn't matter. Rank Feeder, which is Lisa Allen's tool, it's a great tool, that's more of an SEO tool, which is great, it's very very powerful. It works really well. It basically is running on the principle of co-citation and it works really really well. RSS Masher, which is Damon Nelson's product, that's also good. That's more of a … There are some SEO benefits that you can do with that, but it's more of a, in my opinion, more of a traffic tool than it is just an SEO tool. I think Rank Feeder is very specifically an SEO tool and RSS Masher has a little bit … It's not as good for SEO but it has other functionalities that make it better for other things, if that makes sense. You have to figure out what your objective is and select the correct product based upon that. Okay?
Okay, cool. You think that answered that? Hopefully.
Adam: Yeah.
Marco: Nah.
Are You Using Your YouTube Channel For Putting Up Client Videos And Ranking Them And Doing The In-Market Ads Or Do You Use Your Own YouTube Channel?
Yes, I'm still using my own channel. Now, listen, what I'll do is I will take … When a client has a video, or if I have a video made for a client, which happens a lot, then I will upload that video to their channel, but then I'll also upload it to my channel because my channel is the one that has all of the SEO all the networks. It's got the authority, the relevancy, all that kind of stuff. Typically, because, again, I've already … Most of my con- my … Unless it's a client that I don't have a network built for, like that's in an industry that I have nothing for, in which case I'll just do it on their channel because I'm not, like … But that's why I try to stick with just clients or lead-gen assets that are in this categories that I've already built the infrastructure for, if that makes sense.
I don't like to take … I did just take on a new client three or four … Nah, I guess it's been about five weeks now because I got the first subscription payment from them. So it's been about five weeks and they're preschool. I've never done any preschool marketing but it was a client referral from one of my best clients that I've had for five years so that's why I took the job, and so I don't have a network for them, if that makes sense. So, basically … And I've already done a couple videos for them but I put it on their channel. Because, again, I don't have a network built for preschools and I don't plan on building one, either.
So, my point is, I use my network where it fits for the SEO part of it, and then yes, I'll just use, because I'm trying to rank the video through my channel and my network, then that's the same video that I will use in the YouTube ad, if I'm setting up the local clicks campaign, which is essentially what I'm doing.
But again, I can still upload the video to their channel as well. That way they feel all nice and warm and fuzzy that their video is on their channel, but all the benefit of that video is coming from my channel because that's the one that's ranked and providing the clicks and the leads and the exposure and all that kind of stuff. All right?
Adam: Just real quick. I'm having a conversation with somebody on a YouTube channel. I know some people get lost there and go over to YouTube channel instead of the Google event and check and make sure everyone's able to get to the event page, but I see that you're commenting on this page, too, but sorry, we don't have time to call everyone out by name and ask them to leave their comment, so. If anyone else is watching this and is confused, the way we do it is you just come to this page, write your questions on the event page right here, and, you know, we do first come first served, so sometimes we don't get to all the questions, but that's the way it is.
Bradley: This is pretty cool. Thank you, Paul. Paul says, “I use this guy for Google and YouTube accounts, haven't had any problems and Is very reasonable.” Livemono … I don't know what the hell that says, but he's on Skype. I assuming that's his Skype username.
Adam: Yeah, it must be.
Bradley: I'm not sure what the live colon means, but-
Adam: That might be part of his name. I know that you can use periods and other things as part of your Skype name, so that might be it.
Bradley: That's pretty cool. I'm actually going to put that in a Notepad file 'cause I might reach out and I'll say, “Hey, you want some business buddy? ‘Cause this other dude, like we blew his business up, man, because we sent him so much damn work and now he can't keep up with it and its quality starting to slip.” So maybe I'll reach out to this dude. See if he's interested in some additional work. Thanks, Paul.
Okay. EntrepreN8 Consulting. “Are we able to join the group with video?” I'm not sure what you mean.
Adam: Yeah, don't worry. I answered him.
Bradley: Okay. All right. Yeah, Adam, if you want to … Yeah, go ahead. We've still got about ten minutes.
Bradley: Yeah, it's not gonna be like … We're not hosting a live event type thing, guys. It's gonna be literally a meet-up, like a casual get-together. If anybody wants to come out and see and hang out with us and have a few drinks and just talk marketing, and really it's more about networking. It's not like we're gonna just have some training session. It's not like that at all. It's about networking. Rubbing elbows. Meet-and-greet. That kind of stuff, and obviously we'll be talking shop. There's no doubt. But it's gonna be … And it's … It's just gonna be a way we're gonna start trying to do that.
At least, we're planning on wanting to do that a couple times a year, so, in various parts of the country, so. In the U.S., at least, as far as we know. I don't like to travel. All right, cool. [crosstalk 00:48:33]
Adam: Also, real quick. Sorry, real quick. I was gonna say Alexander, are you asking a question about the webinar and Zapier? If you are, before we hop off, say something.
Chris: Can I get one of those in my webpage? [inaudible 00:48:44]
Do You Have Already Get Into The Limit Of Playlists On A YouTube Channel?
Bradley: All right. Alexander says, “You guys have already get into the limit of playlists on a channel because if I want to create one playlist for each focused keyword on a city … I'll end up with a …” Yeah, no, I don't … I mean, I don't do that. Look, I don't create play … Like, Bill Cousins, he's got a great software, Rocket Video Ranker or whatever. He's got a playlist option in there that will create a single playlist for each keyword as well. I don't do that. To me, that is just way too much overkill, and if …
Honestly, I just always use playlists as like a container. It's like a silo. That's it. So I try to go broad, so broader type keywords, more top of funnel type keywords with a playlist and then I put all of the supporting keywords, longer-tail stuff within that playlist, if that makes sense.
I don't know if there's a limit to how many videos you can put in a playlist or how many playlists you can have in a channel. I don't know that because, again, I don't use them like that, so I've never played with that. All right? That's just too much work in my opinion.
“The other idea is to get just one playlist per city and inside it work one main keyword plus internal link where is for other important keywords.” Yeah, I mean again, I would recommend doing, you know, it depends on how you're gonna categorize or silo out your channel, right? You can do a city playlist and that is … And remember, you can have a video in more than one playlist, guys.
So let's say that you are providing marketing services in Atlanta, Georgia, and … Well, let's say in all of Georgia, for example, and Atlanta is one of the cities, so and, let's say that you work with plumbers, electricians, and HVAC contractors. Let's just say that those are the three types of businesses that you work with. I recommend you work with one and one only, but let's just say three. Then you could have an Atlanta business playlist that has all three of those business types in it because the common denominator, the common theme is they're all Atlanta-based businesses. Then you could have an electrician silo or playlist, and all electrician videos go in there. One for plumbers, one for HVAC, right? So you could do that, and then again, you could have the electrician playlist, for example, you could have Atlanta, and, what, Savannah is another city in Georgia because the common denominator there is they're all electrician videos. Right? So you could have electrician videos from different cities in that playlist, if that makes sense.
So the point is that you can have a video in more than one playlist. The idea is to keep the category or the theme relevant throughout. Does that make sense? So that, again … I wouldn't … You can have multiple playlists and there's a reason for using multiple playlists, so that you can increase relevancy across different keywords or across different geographic locations as needed. All right?
Let's see. Are we almost done? “Bradley, where's the link to the webinar about … Oh man, awesome. Zapier. Thanks.” Yeah, that's the last update webinar we did in syndication academy. And for whatever reason it wasn't posted in the members area after we did it and I just posted it a couple days ago, maybe it was Friday of last week. So it is in the members area now in the update section.
“Hundreds of accounts … ” Thanks, Paul. We appreciate that. Let's see.
Fuck you, Wayne. That's awesome. Yeah, “Tell me where to get access to … The IF-?” Uh, yeah. That's the syndication academy. The member's area, so it should be That's the login screen. All right?
Bradley: Yes. I mentioned it.
Adam: Okay.
Bradley: Somebody asked about it and I mentioned it.
Adam: Cool. So you still use it?
Bradley: Yeah, I mean … I'm not building WordPress sites that much anymore. Very rare. Usually now when I build a WordPress site it's only for the blog and that's it because I'm using ClickFunnels now as my website builder for just about everything.
Adam: Gotcha.
Bradley: However, I'm about to start a project that I am gonna need to build a silos, and so, it … Just so you guys know, on all the sites that I have that are existing sites that have been siloed for the last four years, I've been using that plugin, yes. It was originally called the DWS Silo Builder.
Adam: Mm-hmm.
Bradley: I don't know what it's called now. It's a very simple plugin. As far as I know, it's free. It used to be free. That's what I've used. Now, again, if I'm going to silo out another site … I don't even know what the other options are now because I've just never used anything other than that. So.
Adam: Cool.
Bradley: Anything else?
Adam: Think we're good. Uh, last call. We've got a couple minutes here. I think … That's about it. Anybody got any more announcements or anything else coming up? Let me check our calendar real quick before we hop off. Nope. Hernan mentioned it. The Battleplan buyers update webinar. I'll pop a link in if you want to grab the Battleplan. I would suggest you do that. We'll have the update webinar tomorrow, and then we'll have some news going out about good webinar with Keith Mallinson on Monday. So we've got some good stuff coming just in the next week.
Bradley: Yeah, I won't be here next week, guys, 'cause I'm going on vacation. So I might pop in, depending on what's going on. Looks like my video's all choppy. It's weird. Anyways, I won't be here next week but it looks like the rest of the team has got it covered, so. Marco's going to be rubbing his weather in everybody's faces as usual.
Marco: Of course I am. Why else would I live in Costa Rica in paradise if I couldn't rub the weather in your face?
Bradley: That's right. All right guys. Well everybody, have a good day. Let's see. We have a webinar tomorrow, don't we?
Adam: Correct, we-
Bradley: A Battleplan webinar.
Adam: Correct, correct. Yup.
Bradley: That's right. Okay. So we'll see a lot of you on that. Otherwise, we'll see everybody next week. Thanks everyone.
Adam: Bye everybody!
Hernan: Thanks! [crosstalk 00:54:55]
Chris: Bye everyone.
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