Monday, February 5, 2018

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 168

Click on the video above to watch Episode 169 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at  




Bradley: Live.

Adam: We are live. Hey, everybody. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is Episode 169. Actually, this is kind of crazy, seeing it like crank up, we're getting … I understand we're not close, close, but we're getting close to episode 200, which is pretty awesome. Anyways, I like it. I'm glad everyone's here today and we got almost all of the team here. I think Chris is out and about. He's had kind of a shaky internet connection. Let's just go through real quick, say hi, give some updates, and then we'll get into it.

Hernan, how is it going? How's the summertime for you?

Hernan: Hey, guys. It's really good. It's really warm today. But I'm inside with the AC, so I can't complain. You know, one of the perks of working with you guys. Anyways, I'm really excited for this episode, for this Hump Day Hangout. Really good to be here.

Adam: That's good. All right. Marco, how are you doing, man?

Marco: I'm good, man. We don't need air-conditioning or heating in Costa Rica. My electric bill is like 40 bucks a month.

Adam: Well, how about for some more good news, because, I mean, it's snowing right now, but in terms of more good news from you, how did we do with the charity drive? I know that wrapped up last week. Were we able to give what we needed for everybody?

Marco: We wrapped it up on Friday. The people who follow us, our membership, everyone, the total came to 8,200-plus.

Adam: Nice.

Marco: The total that we sent to the charity was 10k, because I told everyone that I would make up whatever was left, and so I did. But we'll be starting a new drive soon so that maybe for school year 2019 we can send them 15.

Adam: That's awesome.

Marco: That's going to be … maybe we'll set it at 20. Let's go high. All right? Go big or go home.

Adam: Yeah, we can aim high and, regardless, we're going to do some good stuff. From us, Marco, thank you for getting that stuff. You really did set that up and get it going and, obviously, you donated yourself. Thank you to everyone who donated. It's a big help when we did something pretty cool there, sending a lot of people, or a lot of kids, I should say, to school and giving them the supplies they need. I know that's pretty big thing to them.

Marco: The really cool thing is that they're going to be tracking some of the kids. We're going to get monthly updates on how the kids are doing, the kids that we're helping. That's going to be posted on the subdomain, the We're going to be posting monthly updates on the kids and how they're doing. We'll get specific details on a certain child each month during the year, which I think is really fabulous. So that people can actually see for themselves, the money that they donated, where it's going and what it's doing. I think that's really cool. It's one of the things that I arranged with the people who donated the money. It's going to be really good seeing how these kids progress.

Adam: Good stuff. Awesome. Well, Bradley, speaking of the cold weather. How are you doing?

Bradley: All right, man. Yeah, it got stupid cold again here, which is dumb, but I guess it's that time of the year. But, yeah, I'm good, man.

Adam: I know you've been busy because it's cold, so there's nothing else to do …

Bradley: A lot of work.

Adam: … besides working. What have you been up to?

Bradley: A lot on the marketing front. Forgive me for being kind of crude here, but I'm balls deep in the mastermind training, all the new training. I started heavy on it this week with the AdWords, the PPC campaign, because that's module one is PPC. I'm going through … We did two webinars already, but the first one was really just a high-level overview, and the last webinar we did last week for mastermind was to kind of like lay out what the plan was going to be for, at least the first campaign, which is the CrossFit gym. Today alone, well, over the last two days, I've added 10 new videos to the training for mastermind members specifically about PPC.

This Stuff Works
Guys, what's really cool about this, and this is exactly how I wanted this to go, was when we developed this new training curriculum, it's essentially, we're going to be basically producing an entire internet marketing product every single module. Right? This is a whole like … Basically, local kingpin is what I did when I created an AdWords training product about, what, maybe close to two years ago, a year and a half ago, whatever, but a lot of change in AdWords since. At least the interface has, the principles are all still the same.

I'm going through and I'm rerecording basically all of Local Kingpin all over again. It's under the mastermind now. So guys, those of you that are in the mastermind, if you haven't gone and checked it out yet in the dashboard, you should go check it out because it's going to be a full-on training course that'll be in there for PPC stuff. We're just getting started.

Basically, every single module will be a whole another training course starting with PPC. Next module goes to video marketing, which includes video SEO and video PPC. Then , we're going to get into local SEO, like maps ranking, essentially. Then from there, we're going to content marketing.

We've just got so many things coming up, guys. I would highly encourage you to come join the mastermind, if you haven't yet, because for $300 or 297 a month you're basically going to be getting step-by-step training for all the different things that I do to launch businesses, which obviously the emphasis is on local, which includes PPC and video SEO, and local SEO, maps SEO, content marketing, outsourcing a lot of the work for the agency stuff, prospecting and sales.

There's so much stuff that goes into that. But we're also going to be doing direct mail, local outreach stuff, like for example, one of the things I'm going to be doing for the CrossFit gym is reaching out to local high schools and talking to their athletic departments and offering to coach free training classes and stuff like that.

There's just all the stuff that we're kind of combining to grow these two businesses, which is what we, as digital marketers guys, as consultants, especially when we're dealing with local businesses and providing marketing advice to them. That's what we need to be able to do, is help them to grow their bottom line. It doesn't have to just be digital marketing. Does make sense?

I know Hernan and Marco are always preaching about how we shouldn't be talking about SEO and rankings, we should be talking about producing results and, as a marketing consultant, that's what our job is to do in any way that we can help. Do you know what I mean? That's basically what we're doing.

I know I didn't mean for this intro to go so long, but I just want to show this screen briefly to tease you guys a little bit, to show you what's going on in here. This is our mastermind. By the way, we have a QA mastermind webinar today, immediately following up the hangouts for an hour guys. Those of you in the mastermind just come to the live webinar page here and this is where the Q&A will be.

Let me just show you the content. If we go down here, this module one for PPC, starting the new training. You can see all the training that's in here already. We had the first two webinars and now I've added these in just the last two days. Basically, nine lessons going through entire set up, how to set up a tag manager, Google Analytics, the AdWords campaigns, ad groups, keywords ads, all of that, landing pages.

Again, guys, I would highly recommend, if you're serious about growing and building a business, whether it's a local business or an online business, either way, national, local, it doesn't matter, join the mastermind because this is going to be really, really intense training for the next year.

Adam: Awesome, awesome. If you're completely new to Semantic Mastery and you're just joining Hump Day Hangouts, the good news is we're going to start answering your questions. You might also not know about the mastermind, that's a great place to find out more. I'll just put the link on there.

If you're truly are new, then welcome, come to the Hump Day Hangouts, ask questions, a really good place to start, gets the battle plan. We've got a coupon, I'll put that on the page in a second so you can save a bundle on that. If you don't yet, you can go to and get your free account there. There are some tools there that you can use and that's where we have all our done-for-you services, RYS stacks, the syndication networks, all sorts of stuff.

Then also, we want to let you know about the knowledge base because it comes up occasionally. We don't want to seem like we're being mean, but we may point you in the direction of That's got a lot of frequently asked questions where Bradley does his famous drawings and diagrams, and some of the more involved answers where it takes a lot of time to answer, but it's a frequent question. We want you to be able to find that anytime.

Then, like Bradley mentioned, if you're ready to do the mastermind and you want to build a business, see how a business is built, get your business built, and learn more about SEO, digital marketing, conversion, optimization, whatever it is, then the mastermind is there and definitely waiting for you.

Anything else, guys?

Bradley: That's it for me.

Adam: All right.

Hernan: Yeah. That's all for me. Sorry, if you guys haven't signed up for the webinar that we are having tomorrow and you want to find out more about why we're doing this, and the background behind Hump Day Hangouts, and also deepen understanding of the mastermind and how is that working, I don't know if we have a link that we can drop it on the comments, but that's going to be a pretty cool webinar too.

Adam: Yeah. We've got two because I think there's two different things kind of going on tomorrow that we know that there are people who are interested like Hernan said, this webinar, a little bit more about Semantic Mastery, how to grow some opportunities there. Then also, we're going to have a webinar with Bradley and Roman tomorrow talking more, and more of us, but I think those two are going to be the ringleaders of that webinar talking about the SEO ranking packages that we've just started to offer in SerpSpace. Okay.

This is a really, really, really, really powerful service that's kind of undiscovered as of yet, so we want to tell people more about it. We've been getting some questions and we want to start answering that and kind of show you, hey, this is how you can use it. When we say ranking solution, we mean it, we want to show you what that is.

Bradley: Yeah. Anybody that's doing SEO work for a client or work for yourself too, but for clients too, this is a great way because it's something that you can just resell, like an SEO ranking packages. And it's hands off. I mean, it truly is hands-off, which is absolutely crazy. If you're selling SEO services to clients, then I would highly recommend you check that webinar out because it could really seriously reduce your workload. I mean, think about it, guys, if you could go out and just focus on selling because you had basically the work done, the SEO work done, how quickly could you grow your business? So consider that and consider joining the webinar tomorrow to check it out.

All right, guys. We're going to get any questions if everyone else is cool with it.

This Stuff Works
Adam: Let's do it.

How Would You Localize Videos On YouTube?

Bradley: All right, sweet. “Good day and thanks for this opportunity ask questions.” Yes, of course. We certainly enjoy it. “Now that YouTube has removed the place where we can localize our videos with longitude and latitude, how would you suggest we localize our videos?” Easy. Put NAP in the description, drop the link to the Google My Business Map, share URL, Google My Maps URL, if you've got it, any sort of citation links. I typically just, guys, just to let you know, in every single video description, if it involves a local business or a lead gen site or whatever, I add NAP, the web address … Well, NAP is name, address, phone number, in case some of you aren't aware of that.

So, NAP, the web address, the Google Maps share URL, the Yelp page, and the Facebook page. Those are the ones that I always put in regardless, no matter what. Then if I have a stack for it, a drive stack, I'll put My Maps link in there, potentially the G site link, if I've got one of those. But usually, like, I said the top five that always put: NAP, web address, Google Map share URL, Yelp, and Facebook. Those are the ones that I put in there because all of those will validate the location.

You can always put latitude and longitude in the video description if you want. That's fine, it's up to you. I personally don't. Just because it's just an extra step. I don't know how much of a benefit that would give it. But just put in the name, address, phone number in there, and the links out to verifying properties is all that's really required. Good question though.

Male: I still have access to the old YouTube and I'm not giving that up on though until they take it.

Bradley: They'll take it. It's just a matter of time.

Male: I know, but I still have access, thank God.

How Does A Custom Lead Gen System Be Used To Acquire PPC Clients?

Bradley: Yeah. Scott's up. He says, “Can you elaborate further on how the custom Video LeadGen System can be used to acquire PPC clients? I'm trying to acquire clients who are already using AdWords and the biggest challenge has been getting them to open the videos. I'm following the old training Bradley made with the “question about services in city” format emails. Is there a better email style to use? Thanks, Scott.” No. I mean, if you're having trouble getting them to open the videos or getting them to open emails?

The question just above yours, Scott, is from Mohammed and he's been doing a lot of video email stuff recently. He's saying he's having trouble people getting people to click the video to watch it, but not so much open it. Right? They opened it but they didn't have time to watch it or whatever. My point is, are you having trouble getting them to open or getting them to watch the video?

Now one of the things I've found that helps with getting them to click the video is, if you're using a still screenshot as the embedded video, kind of, it's not really an embedded video, but it kind of looks like it if you do it correctly, is to have something that, you know, one of their properties in the webpage. Right? … Or, excuse me, in the screenshot, the still image. If it's a gif, then you can put, which I recommend that you do, because it's a lot more attention-grabbing.

It's kind of a gimmick, guys. There's no doubt. But it works. It works. I got a higher percentage rate of people clicking through the video when using a gif. The trick with a gif is to add … have the gift to where it's not just like … where if it's a boring screenshot, you know what I mean, like if you're just looking at like a page like this and that's the extent of the gif, then there's not really going to be much motion. So you want there to be something that kind of stands out. Like I'll superimpose text on to it or something like that sometimes or I'll just have it where I'm clicking from one property to another one of their properties.

Again, these are just gifs that I pull right out of the analysis video or the audit video that I create. Right? Go to That's what I'm using. I got a paid account over there so it removes the watermark. But you go to and you can either upload the video file or just drop the video URL from YouTube there and it will import it into the application. Then, you can just select an eight or 10 or 12 second or whatever segments from the video to create the gif.

What I do is just find a section in the video where I'm switching from one of their properties to another. I use that in the gif so that they're seeing their properties in their own email, in the email that they receive from me, and then they see the action of it shifting from one property to another. That just piques curiosity, right? Who is this person sending me a video showing my digital assets? What is this about? Right? So the idea is to try to entice them to click.

I experimented with some text overlays too, but that's a little bit more gimmicky, that's more salesy, so I tend not to do that. I try to make it just more look like it's just more of an educational type video where I'm trying to relay some valuable information to them about their digital assets. That's really what the audit is all about, right?

When you're asking about how to get AdWords clients, now those are just some tricks, I gave you tips to try to get the video to be clicked. That's assuming that you're getting the videos or the emails opened, right? If you're using tracking, you should be able to track all of this? Opens, clicks, everything.

Okay. Also, guys, remember we're going to have the Q&A webinar, we're having a bonus webinar, which is going to include several things, including Q&A for the Video LeadGen system coming up in a couple of weeks. I think it's in two weeks from today actually. Just keep that in mind, guys. A lot of these questions can be answered there. We'll go a lot more in-depth with that kind of stuff.

As far as AdWords, specifically for AdWords clients, guys, it doesn't matter what service you're selling. It doesn't matter. Adwords, Maps, SEO video, SEO content marketing, web design, I don't care what service you sell. Okay? It doesn't matter. All you have to do is be able to provide valuable information and portray yourself as an expert when you do.

How do you do that? How do you portray yourself as an expert? You offer valuable, useful information that can help them, something that they can … I like to try to include something that they can do right away that can improve their digital presence in the audit video and then I ask them for a response, a reply to my email. Contact, right? I ask them, call me, text me, email me, just reply to me, respond to this? That's it, if you keep your audit video that way. In your case, with Adwords, you could look at their campaigns and analyze.

Guys, remember you want to keep these rather short, these videos. Try to keep them under 10 minutes. I know, I have difficulty doing that sometimes, but try to keep them under 10 minutes. Take a look at their AdWords stuff and maybe explain how you feel that you could do better or how they're missing potential opportunities, something like that.

This Stuff Works
I try not to criticize what I'm auditing. I try to find stuff to complement that I'm auditing at the same … but then, say, explain how it could be made to work better or improved upon. Does make sense? Because you don't want to criticize because then you put people on the defensive. Some people have an emotional connection with their digital properties and so when you criticize them, it's like you're criticizing them. Right? So, don't do that.

What I recommend doing is, you say, “Hey, this looks pretty good. These are good keywords in this ad. This ad looks like it's written fairly well, blah blah blah. However, I feel like maybe it could be improved upon if you were to do this.” Right? Again, guys, it doesn't matter what you're selling, it doesn't matter what service it is, as long as you can provide value and portray the fact that you know something about, what you're talking about, and then just ask for the contact. That's it in a nutshell.

All right. Good question though, Scott. I appreciate that question. Hopefully, you can make it to the webinar, if you hadn't purchased it. I recommend that you do the updated training because we're going to be going through a lot, even one of the gold mines places that you can find. A lot of you guys that are doing SEO and video SEO stuff, I've got a great source of leads, just a great source of leads. We're going to be covering that step-by-step in the webinar.

How Do You Keep The Dialogue Rolling With Video Email Prospects?

Mohammed's up. Mohammed said, “Hey guys. I'm having a persistent problem with my video emails. For a lot of emails, someone clicks the link, and I phone them a few minutes later and tell them I'm having problems with my email and I make sure they received it. Okay. Then they say that they opened it, but they didn't have time to watch it. So I wait, but nothing happens! I tried sending a follow-up email the next day, but that doesn't amount too much usually. How can I keep up the dialogue? Do I just call again the next day?”

Yeah, you can, Mohammed. It sounds like you're being pretty aggressive and that's how you do it. There's really nothing else I can say about it. For a lot of the industries that I've worked in, I've always had a really good response. Not all. I mean, it's not everybody opens the emails, clicks, but the vast majority do, especially when you use … Mohammed, I know you asked a similar question in the mastermind and I replied to you about using a gif. At that time you said, and this was last week, I think you said you had not been using gif, you were just using still images. I would recommend that you try that.

Let's see, “They say they opened it, but then they didn't have time to watch,” Okay, yeah. That's all you can do. If they're opening emails but they're not clicking, is if you try to make that … That's why I said a gif works better than a still image because it will entice them to click. Remember, a lot of the times these people are busy. That's part of the reason why I like the video email system better than cold calling. Right? Because if you send them a video email, if they open it, but they're not able to because it's not convenient for them to watch a five or 10-minute video at the time, it's there for them to watch at a later date.

It may be that you have to remind them that it's there by sending it to them again in a couple of days. Right? If you follow up with a phone call after they've opened the email or whatever and they say, “Oh, I didn't have time to watch it,” ask them, “Would you mind if I follow it up with you in a couple of days?” Then the very next day send it to them again. You know what I mean? The point is you've got the dialogue going there. Especially, if you got them on the phone and they said that they haven't had time to watch it. Well, you still had a chance to. At least get the dialogue going and, if you're persistent, it may work.

You're going to piss some people off, there's no doubt. But some people are going to be mad no matter what you do, right? What you're trying to do is avoid those people and that you want to qualify people. Don't chase people too much is what I'm saying, guys, because that reeks of desperation. My point is if you call them and they say, “Well, I didn't have time to watch it,” and ask them, “Would you mind if I follow it up with you in a couple days? I think it's important. You're going to get a lot out of this. I'm not trying to pitch you on anything, I just I wanted to offer you some value, provide you some insight about your digital presence. Check it out when you have time. I'll follow up with you in a couple days.” Don't even ask him, just tell him, “I'll follow up with you in a couple days.”

Then, the following day send it to him again. If they don't open or they don't click and you have to call them again and they say, “I still didn't have time,” cut them off from your list, man. Just delete them from your contact list because they're obviously going to be somebody that's going to be a pain in the ass to work with because they can't even take five minutes to try to listen to something that you're …

Again, guys, remember, you got to step into their shoes for just a moment. Think about how many times people get pitched offers all the time. I mean, if you're a business owner, you probably get pitched often too. So, it's only natural for them to put up their defenses. But if you're coming at them with trying to provide genuine value, which is what I recommend, what is your intent? Right? If you come with pure intentions, then don't chase them too much, because there's plenty of other people out there that will actually appreciate that. Right?

That's my point, is don't chase people too much. Yes, definitely follow up. You don't want to give up on the first try because some people need a little nudging. But after a couple of attempts if … Again, with you coming at them like, “Hey, I just wanted to send you some information about how you can improve your digital presence, I'm not trying to sell you on anything. I'm just looking for a conversation. Can you check out the video? It's under, say, it's six minutes long, or whatever it may be.”

If they're too damn busy to watch a six-minute video after two or three attempts, guys, then cut them off your list and move on. Don't waste any more time. Okay? That's why, by the way, I mentioned, guys, keep those videos really short because you don't want to spend a shit ton of time. I've made the mistake of making 15 and 20-minute videos that never get watched. Right? You spend all this time analyzing and creating reports and all this stuff for people that aren't even going to reply to you or respond. Right?

Again, that's why I tell you to keep them short. Just provide value very, very quickly upfront, ask for a contact back. Say, “Look, I'm not trying to sell. I just want to have a conversation, see if we may be a good fit for each other.” I always like to use that. Right? I always like to use that. “I want to see if we maybe.” Because I don't want them to think I'm chasing them. I just want to have a conversation to find out if we may be a good fit for each other. Right?

Adam: Real quick, too, Bradley, you touched on this, but put this into the mastermind newsletter. I think it goes in December, maybe. The contact point, so you definitely do want to follow up. I know a lot of people do this. But if you're not following up, automate this if you can, because obviously, you don't want to waste your time on people who aren't going to respond. Most people will just contact once and then if you don't follow up your odds of getting responses is really low. Hitting them two or three times and getting that out there is going to dramatically raise your response rate.

Bradley: Yep. Yeah and if you got a VA, I mean, that's something you can do. When you're doing this kind of a method guys, because it's so targeted, it could be manually, you can automate some of that stuff using autoresponders and all that, but if you're just getting started, you could just do it manually and then even a VA could do it. Right? Just have a VA go check replies and messages and stuff like that. If somebody hasn't replied after two or three days, you send them another email, follow-up email. Right? It could be canned text that you send out, like templated emails, so you don't even have to do it yourself, Mohammed. Right?

What Is Lead Gadget And How It Differs From GSite Builder?

Nigel's up. What's up, Nigel? He's been coming and asking lots of questions lately. He says, “Hope you guys are all doing well. I know you're busy grinding and I appreciate those emails come fast and furious. The SM reputation management strategy where you bump my other subscriptions out my inbox appears to be working.” That's awesome. That's the first time we've heard that one. All right. “Lead Gadget, what exactly is it versus GSite Builder? When to use either and which gets better results, ROI relative to cost?”

Well, this is a similar question on I think we had last week. Lead Gadget is a mass page generator, GSite Builder is not. GSite Builder is, I mean, you can use it in a much lesser scale and create a bunch of pages or sites targeting various keywords, but it's not scalable like Lead Gadget would be. In other words, Lead Gadget can go out and create a WordPress site that has 30,000 posts on it or pages and posts, basically, in a matter of two minutes. It takes time to set the site up and all that, but it deploys a site really quickly, builds a site with tens of thousands of pages of posts in a matter of minutes.

You can blanket, you can target all the towns and neighborhoods and all that kind of within a geographic area and append all of your keywords to those local modifiers and just blanket for all these long tail terms. That's what Lead Gadget is. Right? It's a mass page generator. There's several of them out there. Lead Gadget is like an industrial version of one. It's got hikes. It's got expense involved because of its industrial strength. Right? Because of its size and everything else and what it does, it can be expensive, guys. It's like $250 a month for Lead Gadget and you have to have the servers. The idea with the servers is get a dedicated server and you just start slamming sites on these servers, building more and more sites.

GSite Builder is something that can create pages, but on a much smaller scale. Right? You can target, say, 100 keywords or something like that and that's what you're going to get; not 30,000. Right? Personally, I use the GSite Builder for building link networks. I don't use the GSite Builder to try to rank the G site pages or posts. I guess you can try to do that. That's not what I use it for though. I use it specifically just to create link networks, especially to link to other Google properties like my Google site from a drive stack, which would be my primary Google site. All the GSite Builder sites I used as like linking backlink properties. Okay? Or you can use it to link up to your Google Maps. You can use it to link to your money site, if you want. Or drive folders, or whatever you want. It's typically how we use it though.

This Stuff Works
As far as ROI relative to cost, it depends. Lead Gadget, you can make a lot of money if you are building sites. It's a spam method. In other words, you create a shit ton of sites. The idea is that if any sites get deleted or smacked or deindexed or whatever, you just build more. Right?

I had somebody approached me in private message in Facebook the other day asking me about, because they apparently jumped on Lead Gadget. They said, “I brought up backlinking to a Lead Gadget site and like it was everybody in the group of screaming blasphemy, like they jumped down my throat about it. ‘Don't build links, don't build links.'” He says, “I want to build links anyways. Why are they like this and what type of links should I build?”

I replied, “They're like that because it's silly to build links to those sites when they're churn and burn style sites.” Some of those sites might last for months, guys, or even years, but I always expect them to be slapped, deindexed at any time. Why build links to those sites when you can just build more sites, right? If you go after a set of keywords, why not build 50 or 100 WordPress sites all targeting the same keywords just on different domains? Some are going to win. I mean, some are going to rank; some aren't. Who cares? Just build more sites. You don't need to backlink that stuff. Right?

Nigel, if you're on your own, if you're not running an agency, I wouldn't recommend Lead Gadget. I recommend sticking with GSite Builder, unless you know what you're doing with Lead Gadget, in which case, yeah, use it. But if you're running an agency, Lead Gadget is a more powerful tool for spamming and driving traffic. GSite Builder, I would still use a link building tool. Anyway, it's good question. I appreciate the question.

What Is The Fastest Way To Monetize Your Site If You Have New Assets With Limited Traffic?

He says, “What is the fastest way to monetize when you have new assets with limited traffic and how can it be done cost-effectively in conjunction with the initial digital asset break-in, seasoning period?” I'm not sure what you mean. Are you doing affiliate, are you doing local, or what? “For local, when you have limited traffic, how can you monetize?” Well, with LeadGen, if you got limited traffic, but if you're still providing leads or still producing leads, you sell the leads. Right?

If it's a digital asset that you own that you want to do a rank and rent, then you can lease it out, even if it's limited at the beginning. Right? You can actually lease it out as you're trying to get it ranked, if you can at least produce some leads with it, that's something else you can do.

If it's an affiliate site, I'm not sure. Maybe start using it to build an email list. If you have limited traffic, I'm not sure. You got to get your traffic up, really.

You guys have any ideas for that? Any good suggestions for that one?

Male: I'm trying to think, because I think that one, what you suggested, Bradley, “Monetize when you have new asset with limited traffic.” I guess you can definitely start building list right off the bat. I always, always recommend that. I mean, when you have … Because the main point of these websites is to catch as many long tails as possible and then funnel them to … to a funnel, or to an offer rather.

I'm trying to think maybe, I haven't done much with Lead Gadget, but what I always, almost always suggest is that you can start building lists right off the bat. This can be done with PDFs or whatever on the sidebars or even field ones.

Bradley: I don't think that this question specifically has to do with the first question. I think he was talking about having a digital asset that has limited traffic that's not monetize. How can he monetize it?

Male: Right, right, right. Well, in any case-

Bradley: If you have limited traffic, it's going to be difficult to monetize because that's where the monetization comes from. Right?

Male: Yeah, for the most part. Unless you have or you find a high ticket offer for that traffic. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. In any case, if the … yeah, for some reason, I thought that the two were together. But if you have a low amount of traffic, yeah, that's going to be hard unless you find a high ticket offer for the traffic. In any case, you will need a kind of a funnel to build it, to sell it actually.

Male: Yeah.

Bradley: Yeah. I mean, it's difficult to monetize the site that doesn't have much traffic unless it's super targeted traffic and you have a super targeted offer.

Male: Right.

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Bradley: He says, “I am looking for insight beyond the where to start of Battleplan. By the way, great stuff. I need a low dollar entry point that provides an expedited one in a row win. Is it $5 Facebook ad, YouTube video, an affiliate offer, for example?” I'm not sure. I'm not really following that question, Nigel. I apologize. He says, “What would you do? A brief real-life three-figure example would go a long way.” I'm not sure. Are talking about spending $5 a day on Facebook ads, YouTube videos? I'm not sure I understand the question.

Hernan: He's got new assets, right? It hasn't been around for a while. He's built stuff, so what would be the low dollar entry point to start winning with?

Adam: Yeah.

Bradley: Maybe he got traffic to that asset, maybe that's what he's asking about?

Hernan: Yeah. Kind of a $5 Facebook ad or YouTube video campaign, $5 a day would give him some results. At the end of the day, it's always the same, Nigel. You either have money to spend or you work hard to get the organic side of things growing. Right? Yeah. You need to have a balance. If you have a lot of money right in the bag, you can buy a lot of data out of Facebook or YouTube or Google AdWords to pay traffic. If you don't have a lot of money, the organic/”free,” because there's no such thing as free traffic, but you have to put the time to build that, right?

Bradley: Yeah..

Hernan: So you either have time or you have money, which are kind of the same thing. But the main point here is that, it still remains. I would definitely for $5 a day from Facebook Ads, I will try to buy it to build a list. Because when you have a list, you can sell them CPA offers, you can sell them your own products, you can sell placements on your newsletter for other companies, et cetera, et cetera. At the end of the day, it's going to take you longer. It's not like you can magically make money. It's not like it was 10 years ago. It's not that anymore. You either put the time and a little bit of money or you put a lot of money and a little bit of time, or both.

It's up to you how long and how long and hard you want to work. If you're building, for example, blog and you're trying to rank on Google, it's going to take time. Right? It's going to take time to get those results and to get that traffic going. In the meantime, $5 a day can accelerate your results. I wouldn't say do one thing or the other instead of either or do both.

Adam: Yeah.

Bradley: Hernan said that he would spend $5 a day on Facebook traffic and I would spend $5 a day on YouTube traffic, so there. What I'm saying is, pick whatever works for you. Like me, I don't want to run Facebook ads. I know it works, but I just don't want to do it, so I would run YouTube ads. Either way, just figure out something that's going to generate some traffic. Five dollars a day to generate traffic, if you're targeting is right, can produce some decent some really good traffic.

Hernan: Yep, I agree.

Should You Stick To One Internal Link Per Curated Post?

Bradley: Okay. James says, “I always get so much out of these. Thanks guys.” Well, thank you, James, appreciate that. He says, “When it comes to internal link building within curated posts, should I stick to only one internal link per post? There are times the content just begs for additional links to other pages. Is this causing issues if I have two to three internal links?” No, not at all, James. Absolutely. Especially … Okay, so here's the thing. First of all, don't not link to other content that makes sense to link to. If it's relevant, it's on your site, and it's useful to the reader, then why not? Why not link to it?

Here's the thing. If it's within the same category, so essentially the same silo, like if you're trying to link to two or three other posts or pages in the same silo, then yeah, link to as many as you want because it's fine. You don't have to worry about no-follow or follow links or anything like that, it's all internal. Leave it the way that it is, right? Just link to them, if it's all within the same category. If it's outside of the category, which sometimes it makes sense, like if you're mentioning something that's in another silo, another category on the site that you have content about, published about that particular topic or subject or whatever, then yeah, you should link to it. Just no-follow the link. You know what I mean?

The reason why you do that is to keep the silo theme very, very tight. If you start linking from one silo to another with do-follow links, then you start to bleed the theme and it kind of ambiguous that entire silo, the keyword theme of that category, of that content stack, Right? What you want to do is try to keep any do-follow links within the same category, the same stack. Okay? Other than that, yeah, absolutely.

Because, guys, remember, the way I look at it is even a no-follow link … Remember, no-follow link, Google still crawls the destination. Right? Whatever it links to Google is still going to go crawl that other page. They're just not going to pass pagerank through that link.

Who cares if you have a link to another page on your site that's relevant content that you're linking to from the article or post or page, or whatever that you're linking out of to that other piece of content? If it's relevant, it reinforces the overall theme of whatever your content was about to begin with. Even if it's in another category, just no-follow it, because Google's still going to read the page that it links to and it's going to make the association between those two topics. It's just not going to pass pagerank, right?

Again, guys, internal links are incredibly important. Follow or no-follow, it doesn't matter because it's just a way to reinforce your overall theme and relevancy of whatever it is that you're trying to tell Google what your content is about. Okay. Also, from user's standpoint, the visitor's standpoint, a human's standpoint, it makes sense to do so. So you want to do that as well. Don't worry about the two to three internal links. Don't worry about it, guys. I mean, just think about it. You want to interlink from within your site as much as possible without going in excess. As long as it makes sense, it's logical, do it.

How Do You Make “Near Me” Keywords More Natural In A Curated Content?

“Do you use ‘near me' keywords in your curated content and link it to money pages? If so, what's your strategy for making it sound natural?” No, I don't. I don't do any “near me” SEO, unfortunately. It's just something I haven't played with. I do the “near me” stuff with AdWords because it's just so easy. But I don't do any “near me” targeting. I don't target “near me” keywords via SEO. I know it can be done, it's just not something I've done.

Does anybody else have any experience with that?

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Male: Yeah, question and answer format. You ask the question, I don't know, whatever product or service “near me,” and then in the answer you use “close by” and “nearby,” which Google directly relates to “near me” and now you've given the bot everything that is looking for as far as the “near me” term is concerned.

What Are Some Best Link Building Practices You Recommend For A Syndication Network And Extended Products?

Bradley: There you go. That's a great advice, a great suggestion. Okay, next. Good questions, James. Harold says, “What are the best practices for link building with my network and extended products, example, citations and press release. What is best to build links to and how much and how often?” Okay. I'm going to give you a couple answers here, Harold. A great question, by the way.

Citations, absolutely. What I'd try to do is find out the best citations, the most powerful, according to Google. The best way to do that is go search for the company name, plus the phone number, or any two data points from the NAP. You can search company name and address, company name and phone number, address and phone number, whatever. I usually just use company name and phone number. Then, just do just go do a Google search: company name, phone number. Then, look at the top two pages, extract all of the citations, or all the properties, period, the Google is listening for your brand, plus the phone number on the top two pages. So, the top 20 results, right?

You want to grab all the citations and directory sites or whatever the list because that's what Google determines are the most important for your brand, at least for that search type, which would be in my case, what I just mentioned, was the brand name and phone number. I use those. Those are great to start hitting those with links.

Remember, you've got to pay attention to the ones that have do-follow links. Once you've extracted the top two page results, just manually go through them, unless you know already which ones have do-follow links, which ones have no-follow links. Just be mindful of that because if you have do-follow links from a site and you hit it with a shit ton a kitchen sink spam and you're over optimized anchor text, it can cause problems. So you just want to be careful with that.

Typically, what I do, just so you guys know, is I bunch all of them together, whether they're no-follow links, do-follow links, I don't care. I put them all in the same link spam campaign and I just make sure that and it's … Now I don't even do it, I have my link builder do it, [Darya 00:41:16]. I just send it to him and say, “Here's all the things,” and he knows to set up the links in the anchor text in such a way that it's not going to matter whether they're do-follow or no-follow. It makes no difference, right? It's not going to be harmful. Okay. I would recommend citations over press releases, unless you know which press release sites specifically you're going to be targeting that don't get purged. Right? I've talked about this many, many times.

Guys, we got a press release course coming out next month, in February, I mean. We're going to be doing the press release course then, guys, and we're going to go into that in much greater detail. There are a lot of sites that purge press releases. They delete them. Right? They scrub them from their sites after a period of time, and it varies. Some lasts as much as 180 days, some 30 days. Right?

What's interesting is even some press releases will last three months and then the same site with a different press release in 30 days is deleted. So, it's hit or miss. What I recommend is that if you're going to be link building your press releases is that you identify press releases that are going to stick around for a while or that don't ever get deleted and use those as target URLs instead of …

Here's the problem. If you go build a shit ton of links to a press release that in four months is going to be deleted from their site, didn't you just waste all that time and effort and perhaps money on building links to a press release that no longer exists? So, don't do that. Right? Citations are typically going to stick. Press releases, some will, but you got to identify which ones will and then use those as link targets. Okay?

One of the best things you can do, guys, is if you're using a press release distribution service that gives you a company or organization page, is used that. Right? Because that's typically going to list all the press releases that have been published for that particular organization. It's usually a page that's going to exist indefinitely so that you can just hammer that with links over and over again. Every time you publish a new press release the new press release will benefit from it because it's listed on that page, if that makes sense. Okay.

“What is the best build links and how much and how often?” With citations and press releases, both, you can be really aggressive. I mean, super aggressive.

Marco: Any Google property.

Bradley: Yep, and any Google property. That's right. Yeah. Guys, don't worry about any sort of link velocity issues for citations and/or press releases. Just hammer them to your heart's content.

Is It Effective To Build Quality Links Directly To GMB For Local Search Rankings?

Scott says, “Is it effective to build quality links directly to GMB for local search rankings?” I do, Scott. I am currently using citations and press releases. I do it all the time. I build links directly to the Google My Business share URL all the time. Okay. As far as I know, it's effective because it's one of the things that I do and I tend to do very well with ranking Google Maps.

How Do You Manage The Erratic Rankings Of A G Site Optimized For A Medium Level Competitive Keyword?

Vitally says, “Hello. I was trying to rank G site for the medium level competitive keyword. The site is two months old. At first, it got high in rankings second page. I added around 15 links to the whole silo. Got to the first page. Added few more links to the page I was trying to rank. Then it dropped to the fourth page and later to sixth the page. Has not moved after few weeks. It is possible that it triggered some algorithm no manual actions?”

Yeah, it is very possible. Remember guys, most inbound link penalties are like filter type penalties. They're not going to produce a manual spam action like a message in search console. Most of those, they're algorithmic filters, algorithmic penalties, which means you're not going to get a notification. Those are mostly link type things, guys, which are considered like penguin stuff. But, yeah, if it happened that's what I would … It sounds like you may have been in … But it's a Google site, so it doesn't seem like it's a velocity issue.

Marco, what would your comment be on this?

Marco: I'd build the drive stack iframe, the properties that we teach in RYS Reloaded, and that's internal. Right? It's both internal and external because then you can send it anywhere you want. But you would add all of that relevance, the keyword relevance. You could target whatever page it's sticking now and at fourth to sixth page in the SERPs. I would just add a … I don't know if he did a drive stack, but this is totally looking for a drive stack for more relevance. Then, that will go ahead and take care of any over optimization issues or heavy anchor text use, because you're just adding so much inside the drive stack, so much relevance.

Bradley: Yeah, okay. Cool. Possible course of action, besides what Marco just mentioned, Vitally, you say, “Just wait.” Personally, with Google sites guys, I've experienced the whole big dancing issue multiple times and I've just been patient. I've learned to just be patient with G sites because a lot of the times they do some really weird, like they'll bounce in and out of the index entirely and then they'll do some really wild swings in their positioning as well. Then after time they just, boom, they just come and they rank well and they stick at that point. I've seen that, I've experienced that a lot. Now sometimes they don't ever rank well. Period. I've experienced that, too. But I've had more often that when I see a lot of wild dancing like that, that it's just a matter of time until they come back.

That said, “Build more links to diversify anchor profile.” Yes, you can do that. I would do that over option number three any day of the week. I would also do what Marco said because you can use drive stacks to diversify anchors as well. But to change anchor text, no, don't do that because Google's already indexed those pages that your links are sitting on. If you go in and start swapping the anchor text from those links, Google recrawls that page and checks it against its cached version. It knows that you're in there modifying anchor texts. Who does that kind of stuff? SEOs do. Google knows that, right? Normal webmasters don't do that, SEOs do that.

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Changing the anchor text is a clear indication that you're an SEO trying to manipulate search rankings. So I don't ever do that. Okay. I don't say I don't ever do it, but I do that very sparingly. I would rather dilute the anchor text, the inbound anchor text profile with additional links. They call that “pillowing.” Right? You can do that with press releases, by the way, it's a great way to do it.

“Drop the links?” No, I don't think I would drop the links yet because, again, that's another signal to Google that you're an SEO. Right? The best thing you can do is just dilute it.

“Move pages to another location and start over.” That would be my last resort. I'd still be a little bit more patient first.

Marco: We saw this exact behavior during our one million link test where we hammered a G site drive stack with a million garbage backlinks and this was the exact behavior. It moved up and then it dropped to whatever, sometimes couldn't even be found, you'd get that NA in the rank tracker, and then they came back and just started ranking in maps and organically for everything.

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: Sometimes, as Bradley said, you just have to be patient. When it went to the first page and you hit it you could have triggered the Google dance algorithm. Right? So now you just have to be patient and see when it decides to move back, if at all, if within, I don't know, I'd give it 30 days. If it doesn't come back, do what Rob does. Just keep hammering it.

Rob gets Fiverr gigs to his stuff. I mean, this is how much you can clean up stuff. But then we do both, right? We both had the drive stack and the G site before we hammer it so that you did have all of that relevance going through, going back and forth to the G site and to the drive stack. So that may be what you're missing in this equation. That's it. I don't know since this doesn't explain it, but I think you may be missing the drive stack so that the iframes pull the links into the drive stack and clean them up before they head back out.

Bradley: Yeah. Good advice. Thank you.

Do You Still Use The Tool RVR Pro?

SJ has got a good question. He says, “On your site, the bonus site, guys, you have the course called RVR Pro Case Study Bonus. I'm thinking of buying it. Do you still use this software? If so, is it still getting good results?” Yeah. I use it occasionally. Yeah, it's a good tool, guys. Understand that it is a spam tool. Okay? It's very similar to what I was mentioning with Lead Gadget in that you can use it to create 30 videos all at once. Right?

Essentially, RVR Rocket Video Ranker Pro, it's a couple of apps. They're online web apps that you can use to take a video that you have and spin it so it creates a whole bunch of different versions of it. Then, you upload all at once up to 30 videos. You can do more than that, I know because I've tried it, but really 30 is supposed to be the magic number, according to Bill, who's the developer.

You basically upload, the app will upload 30 videos. That's the same video, but it's been spun so the file looks a little slightly different. Right? It uploads 30 all at once and all unlisted. Right? They're all unlisted videos and it uploads all 30 of them.

Then, there's something about the algorithm that has been, at least it has been working when you go in and you turn them all public all at once from unlisted to public. For whatever reason, they tend to rank really, really well when you do that. Yeah. Also, specially if you use the YouTube silo method, which is included in the bonus site. So, you'll have access to that training. But, yeah if you use YouTube silo, then you create the playlist, you interlink everything, all that kind of stuff. It's super powerful.

What I've experienced, and I'm going to be 100% transparent about this, guys, is what I've experienced with some of these channels is do not use an established channel for this, guys. Use a brand new channel that you buy. If you want to get a phone verified accounts and all that, that's great. You can do that. But use brand new channels. Don't tie in a bunch of syndication networks to these channels and all that kind of stuff because they rank well without all that stuff.

Just like I what I was mentioning with the mass page generators, and we were talking about Lead Gadget earlier, there's no reason to go in and start backlinking all this stuff because they may rank really well for a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months, but eventually what I found is a fair amount of the channels that I've used this on, eventually, all of a sudden, all the videos just completely drop out of the index.

It's crazy because the channels don't get terminated, but the videos just won't index. So, if I go into a channel … So, just to understand, it's a turn-and-burn strategy, guys. It's a temporary thing. What I like to do with it is I'll use it on a prospecting side of things. In fact, I'll go and upload a video and use set target like 30 keywords. If it's local, I'll target like 30 local areas and neighborhoods and things like that. I'll upload the video, I'll turn them all public, boom, they'll rank really well.

Then, I'll approach a particular client or if I'm making a proposal or a pitch to a prospect, I'll do that because it only takes a matter of minutes to set it up. Then I'll go turn them all public. I'll enter all the URLs into Pro rank tracker. Then, I'll give it about 15, 20 minutes or whatever. I'll go back, I'll refresh Pro rank tracker and it'll show a handful of those 30 will have ranked. Right?

Now these are live videos, not just like with Live Rank Sniper, which I use a lot, too, which is just like a place order to schedule live event. These are actual videos. So then, I can take the ones that rank and put those into the proposal or the pitch that I'm making to a potential prospect and say, “Hey, look, I just did this in the last 24 hours to show you that I know what I'm doing.” It's a tool that I've used to impress a prospect because I can show them results that are tangible. They could see right now with their very own eyes. They could click on the video and see the video and all that kind of stuff and then it helps me to close a sale. Then once I close a sale, then I go do the more traditional route of video marketing and ranking videos and doing other at digital assets, and that kind of stuff.

We're almost out of time. Damn it. Anyways, just keep that in mind. It is a good … What I recommend doing with it, guys, is using it as instructed. Right? So using it to test for keywords and be able to get quick wins. Then, once you've identified those ones that were able to rank and stick for a few days, a couple weeks, whatever, now you can go actually target those with money channels. Not spam channels, but money channels, that have syndication networks and all the traditional stuff that we do to produce long term assets. Right? You use this, it's like a discovery tool and then you go and target the ones that I've identified as being easy wins with more traditional stuff. That's pretty much how any poking tool works.

All right. “You mentioned there's a service that you build when you like a video from a channel that gets video distributed to something like 320 sites. Can you share that with me?” Yes. It's called Syndication Academy. That's how we do it. Right. We have a training product that teaches you how to build your own networks. If you're curious on how to do that, that's called Syndication Academy. You can just go do a search for it in Google.

If you want to buy networks done for you built by us to our specifications, you can do that via SERP Space, Either way, you can do it on your own or you can buy them from us. I don't care, if you've got time but no money, then you're going to want to build them yourself. If you've got money and no time, you're going to want to buy them.

We've got five more minutes, guys. Let's see, we're going to try to run through a few. Hey, Walt. How you doing, buddy? “Mastermind is just a little bit awesome.” Thanks, Damon. It's awesome, Damon. Damon's been with us for a very long time. Are we out of questions?

Marco: I think we're out of questions, man.

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Bradley: Yeah. Walt, I did mean animated gif. I didn't realize there was a difference between a gif and an animated gif, but I'm assuming you're right. I'm pretty sure everybody got what I was hinting at, but thank you.

“Add scarcity to your offer. Tell them that you only have two more days availability to talk to them.” That's a good one, Walt. Yeah. That's something I forgot to mention. You can do that. Typically, the scarcity or availability, adding scarcity to an offer for me works better on the pitch side of things. In other words, after I've had the conversation with a prospect and I make a proposal offer, I make them an offer, then that's when I put a time limit on the offer. Because if I'm getting them, if they're wishy-washy, they're sitting on the fence, they're stalling instead of making a decision, then they're going to be a pain in the ass anyways. Honestly, a lot of times, if a business owner can't make a decision, then a lot of times they're like that. They're one of those types of people. Right?

A lot of times I'll put a scarcity on it. Then say, “Look, this offer is only good for a couple days. I've got other offers out there.” Then make them, it's like shit or get off the pot, so to speak. Sorry to be rude again, but that's what it is.

All right. We got three more minutes. “Google puts you on page four to test you.” Yeah. If you react … Well, it's exactly right. This is what I was talking about earlier. That's why, by the way, Vitally, think it was, who was asking that question or Vitality, I'm sorry. Yeah. You don't want to go into change anchors and things like that because, as Walt is explaining right here and he's absolutely correct, is if you react like an SEO then they pretty much know what you're doing. Right?

We talked about being in a sandbox or on a probationary period, especially with newer sites, I don't usually worry about it so much with Google sites, but with brand new web sites on your own domain, if you go in … Usually, they rank really well at first and then they go, they slide back. Right? They drop and then there's like about a 90-period where they're kind of on probation. You can do some things to help them to rank, but if they do the Google dance and you're in there swapping stuff out all the time, then it will flag the site as you as an SEO, or the site is being manipulated. Right? Then it could permanently sandbox the site. So, that's something you want to be very careful of.

Okay, great. We got to all the questions. I was concerned we weren't going to do it. Thanks everybody for being here. Thanks guys for sticking around. Mastermind members, be over in the mastermind live webinar area. In the next five minutes, we're going to start up the Q&A section. Okay?

Adam: Awesome. Have a good one, everybody.

Bradley: Thanks, guys.

Marco: Thanks, everyone. Bye.

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