Saturday, March 3, 2018

Could You Potentially Lose Ranking Factor If You Remove An Irrelevant Category With Syndicated Posts?

“In episode 171 of Semantic Mastery's weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked if one could potentially lose ranking factor by removing an irrelevant category and deleting curated posts on it that have been syndicated through IFTTT.

The exact question was:

I'm using virtual silo structure for an affiliate site. One of the silo categories is probably not relevant to the overall theme of the site, and also gets very little traffic, so I am considering removing it altogether to keep my site more focused. My question is: since I've published a few curated posts in this category and syndicated them w/ IFTTT, if I remove those posts could I potentially lose ranking factor for my site's pages in other categories? And if so, how would you suggest mitigating that? Thanks a lot.”

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