Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 180

Click on the video above to watch Episode 180 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at




Bradley: Hey everybody. This is Bradley Benner with Semantic Mastery. This is Hump Day Hangouts Episode 180. I'm sorry, I'm a couple minutes late, or a minute late, I had the wrong hangout started. So Marco and I were on the Mastermind webinar for tomorrow. What's up, Marco, are you there?

Marco: What's going on, man? Yeah. I made it.

Bradley: Digital marketing Q&A instead of Mastermind. Anyways, hey guys. Adam is not here. As you can tell, we're coming apart as it seems. So it's gonna be Marco and I today alone, I think. I don't really have many announcements, except for we're gonna do a little bit of teasing as usual. Marco, do you want to start it, or should I?

Marco: I have an announcement, actually.

Bradley: Yes.

Marco: I announced it on in Hangouts a while ago, but once you guys agreed to it, it's the charity, right? SUBs for Kids. I'm actually taking over all of the online marketing, let's call it, for the charity to generate, take what we did last year during December, which we made it to 10k, December and January, and try to get them even more what they need, that their operating budget for the year is our goal, which is $60,000. Of that, 90% of that 60,000 goes to the kids, which is fantastic thing.

I'm taking over, I'm volunteering my time and I do have a team and they're going to help me, all of the partners at Semantic Mastery have agreed to help me. Tomorrow I will be asking our Mastermind members to help out, whatever they can, whether it's donating time, resources, whatever they can to the cause, so that we can knock this out of the park and move on to, once we have them going, move on to something else that's worthwhile. It really makes you feel good.

Bradley: Yeah. That's awesome, man. It's amazing that you were able to help them with much money generated for the Christmas, New Year's kind of thing that you did. It's great that you got, I mean, apparently, you impress them in order for them to ask you to come on and take over everything. So anything that we can do to help. Guys, we encourage you to help as well because it's very admirable what he's doing. It's helping kids, so I mean, how can you argue against that?

Okay. Going forward, by the way, if you're new to Semantic Mastery and Hump Day Hangouts, you can find out answers to frequently asked questions at We have a knowledge base there so I encourage you to go check that out. If you have questions, I mean, you can certainly post them here too, but sometimes you can get your questions answered immediately by just going checking the knowledge base.

Also, I think we're going to get right into questions here as soon as I tease this a little bit. Here's the backstory.

Marco: It's what you do.

Bradley: Go ahead.

Marco: It's what you do. Guys, you can also get answers by searching our YouTube channel. Visit the Semantic Mastery YouTube channel

Bradley: Subscribe while you're there.

Marco: Please subscribe, of course. Hit that subscribe button. But then search the channel. Guys, we have hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands hours, thousand, we have thousands now of information that's there free for you guys to look through so you can get started making some money. Then come join our paid groups and make some more money and then just scale it out, man, so you have a really successful business, get a head start. You can get ahead of the crowd by just finding out, searching the channel, searching the knowledge base. That's all it takes.

Now without further ado, drum roll, please. Tell them, Bradley.

Bradley: Just when you mentioned how many videos we have in our YouTube channel. I just went in check, I'm looking at it now, we've got 2,107 videos in our channel. Not all those are public, but there's a lot of damn videos in there. We're getting like close to 20,000 views per month. That's insane. Anyways, please subscribe, guys. We actually just semi, kind of recently just crossed the 5,000 subscriber threshold. I'm trying to push to six as soon as possible. We're trying to eventually get past the 10,000. These are all organic. We're not even …

You can set up some YouTube ads for subscribing stuff, which we probably should do eventually this year. When I finished the prospecting module in the Mastermind, we're gonna be going into video marketing and we'll be on that for about six or eight weeks. I'll be setting up various different types of YouTube ads. One of the campaigns I'm gonna set up is subscribed campaign for Semantic Mastery and I'm gonna document all that in the Mastermind.

Anyways, I just kind of wanted to point that out. It's very interesting. We've got a lot of growth in the last couple years because of these Hump Day Hangouts really.

All right. Really quickly guys, I want to tease you with this, because we've been talking about our next product that's coming out next month. It will be called Local GMB Pro. It's basically how to get freaking fabulous results entirely within Google's Google My Business dashboard, so its environment. No external website needed. It's absolutely insane.

I've been testing what Marco and Rob have been developing. I'm just the dummy here. I'm just the grunt put in together what they've … like I'm implementing what they have been discovering and developing and for a case study that was a brand new client. He's getting phone calls and linked clicks and all that kind of stuff already and his website isn't even built.

In fact, I've got his primary domain, I picked up a domain to build him a website, but I've got it just as meta refreshed over to the Google My Business website right now. Because I'm trying to do everything entirely in GMB first, and then eventually, after this project is done for the local GMB Pro course, I'll finish building out his actual WordPress site. So for right now, that's just on hold while I complete the case study.

Anyways, the reason I'm telling you this is because I'm so impressed with the results that I'm seeing there. I also have another client that does his own … he's got his own in-house like social media manager that handles a lot of the posting and stuff like that. They're posting to Google My Business using the GMB post a lot.

It's been the easiest SEO job I've ever had. In other words, I'm not doing any of the GMB post stuff for this other company, it's a client of mine, I'm just doing traditional SEO stuff, local SEO stuff, so ranking them and maps. However, because of the activity that they're social media manager has been doing inside the Google My Business dashboard, it makes me look like a freaking rock star with me having to do very little work.

So between that and this new client that I'm setting up exclusively in GMB right now, I'm so excited about it that I decided that I was just gonna go ahead and pitch all my existing clients, one of my best clients anyways, right now with an offer to get set up on a GMB. Basically posting service that I'm gonna train one of my VAs to do. It's very simple to do.

There's a service that one of you guys, Quit This House, you, who's always here on our Hump Day Hangouts. He's the one that sent me a link on our Hump Day Hangouts several weeks ago, maybe a couple months ago now, and asked me to check out a service called Sendible. It's just like HootSuite or Buffer. But it also posts to GMB business, so Google My Business. You can post to GMB posts with this service.

I told him I was gonna test it out. I bought an individual or a micro account or something like that. It's $29 a month. I tested it with one business, which is the CrossFit business that I'm a part owner of now, and started to see some results there too. I went ahead and pitched my clients today, I pitched three clients today of mine that have been existing clients for years on upgrading them, as an add-on service to do GMB posts for them.

This Stuff Works
Because I was looking at the Sendible pricing page and they have an agency account. It's $200 a month and I'm only paying $29 a month for a single account right now that I was using just as a test for one of my own businesses. However, like I said, I was like, “Okay. You know what, this is working really well. I want to start applying this to other lead gen properties that I own as well. So I'm gonna train a VA how to do this.

Because, guys, it's like SEO without having to do SEO. You don't have to build backlinks. You can, and it will help with press releases and all those other stuff. But my point is, it's producing crazy results.

Why I'm trying to tell you this is because I pitched three of my clients on it today to give them a discount because they're longtime clients for a GMB posting service, and just to test really to see what kind of response I would get. Out of the three, I've already got one. I'm going to show you the email thread here in a second. I've got it screen captured and I've got the sensitive step blurred out. But within just a few minutes and me sending out the email, I got an email back. He was like, “Hell, yeah, sign me up.”

So I've got another client out of those three. So two out of three, who's already at … we've been conversing back and forth now with several replies. He's very interested. He's the type that likes to get to know a little bit more about exactly how it works, so I've been kind of explaining to him how it works.

This Stuff Works
The other guy, I bet hasn't even read the email yet. But I'm almost certain he's gonna jump on it.

My point is, guys, I just took a service that I've just learned about, that I know works, that I can train a VA to do, that can be done in Sendibles. So posts can be scheduled out in advance so it's super, super simple to do and I can train a VA to do it. Sendible has an agency package. It's $199 a month, if you pay monthly. If you pay yearly, it's $160 a month or whatever but you got to pay it all one time, obviously.

I just pitched three of my clients on doing this service for them for $250 a month, which is about 40% off what I will be selling it for when I roll it out to the rest of my clients. As well as make it a service that I start pushing and prospecting as a new service, which I'll probably sell it for 400 a month.

I just pitched three at 250 a month. One of them is a sure thing. One of them, I'm pretty sure he's gonna sign up because he's been asking so many questions; that's a good sign. The other guy, I bet he hadn't read it yet. But I know this guy and usually when I advise him to do something, he does it.

So $200 a month for Sendible and I just generated 750 … Well, I haven't yet, but it's likely that I would generate $750 a month in revenue from just doing an email pitch, explaining this method. Does that makes sense?

The reason why I'm telling you guys this is to get you excited about … This is a service that you can literally sell to existing clients and instantly create a new stream of revenue, that is easily outsourcible, that you don't have to do, all you got to do is develop the process and hand it to a VA, teach the VA how to do it.

Again, I just wanted to tease you guys a little bit. I'm gonna drop this link on the page. You can take a look at it. This is the GMB pitch thread.

Marco: While you're posting that, just so people know, I pitched this to someone because I just needed to try it out. I saw a lot of success in another Google My Business. I said, “Wait a minute. I need to try this but I want to get paid for it.” So I went back and forth, back and forth with this person until I said, “Well, look, pay me and you're going to get calls. If you don't get calls, then don't pay me anymore after that. However, after a certain amount of calls, my fee is going to double. If it then doubles, then my fee is going to double.” So every time her calls double my fees double. I started her out at 4,500 a month. It's totally worth it because it's a personal injury.

Bradley: Personal injury, right. Yeah.

Marco: I know it's in the major competitive area in New York City. You can't get more competitive than New York City personal injury attorney. So we went in there and it produced such results, man. I wasn't really expecting. I was expecting to reduce calls and I knew that it would get to the target. I didn't know that, I think I mentioned this last week, traffic went up 600% a month.

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: Six hundred percent. I'm like, “Holy …” She's having to hire another person to help answer the phone. She's already got two people answering phones and directing people. It's going crazy.

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: It's going crazy. I mean, that's just what I'm charging, but I know what it's worth in that area. All right. You have to know what a client is worth to your client so that you can charge accordingly. That's how I base my fees, by the way. But anyway …

Bradley: Yeah. Guys, like I said, I'm gonna wrap this up and we'll get to questions in just a minute. But like I said, I just wanted to kind of point out this is a real-world conversation that just happened, literally, within the last two hours with three clients that I pitched. I just copied and pasted that same email. Well, that was the first email I sent out and there's excuses, there's a couple typos in there. But I corrected them and sent it out again to the other two clients.

I got the conversation started with another one again. The third guy, I know he practically does everything that I tell him, that I advised him to do, which is only stuff that will absolutely produce results. I don't just sell him stuff just to sell him stuff. That's why he's been a client of mine for at least five years.

This all occurred today. Because I looked at the Sendible pricing page and I saw that was $200 a month for the agency account level. I was like, “You know what? Before I sign up for this, let me just check the pulse of my best clients and see how interested they would be in. I'll offer him a discount, see if I can make some money off this today.”

I drafted an email, sent it out to three people. I almost can guarantee I'm gonna get $750 in revenue from those three clients, which will mean after I pay a VA to actually do these posting service for each one of them, I'll probably come out about $400, $450 a month in positive revenue from just the first three emails I sent out. Does that make sense?

Imagine this is something that can be scaled really, really easy, guys. Again, this is very similar to what I talked about with content marketing with using the Content Kingpin method and doing blogging services for clients because it's 100% outsourcible. All you have to do is manage it and it's a steady stream of revenue that is activity-based, not results-based. Although this is activity-based, it will absolutely produce results as all of our data shows.

Anyways, guys, take it and run with it, if you will. I've burned out some of the stuff in there because exactly the type of posting service and the schedule and stuff like that, that's all gonna be included in local GMB Pro. So before you guys start sending support tickets asking what's underneath the blur, not going to tell you. You're gonna have to wait till local GMB Pro comes out. Or join the Mastermind, because a lot of that stuff gets revealed in there prior to the courses coming out.

With that said, I guess it's time to get in some questions. Hopefully, you got are excited about this. I'm super excited about this service. We're actually going to be building a full entire, at least I think we are, a full entire done-for-you Google My Business, like optimization service in the coming weeks so because it's just so damn powerful. It'll be a local GMB Pro fulfillment service, basically. You guys check it out and be excited.

This Stuff Works

How Do You Setup RSS?

Here we go, let's get to some questions. All right. Melanie is up first. She says, “Hey guys, can you explain …” Excuse me, let me open this up a little bit more. “Can you please explain how RSS is installed. I understand the idea behind what it is supposed to do, but can't seem to find on anything how to set it up.” Melanie, RSS, well, if you've got your own HTML site or something like that, then you'd have to code it yourself or you have a developer do that.

For example, WordPress, it's got RSS installed automatically. It's not something you have to turn on, it's just there and so you would go to whatever. If you have WordPress, I'm just assuming you do, and again most CMSs have RSS automatically installed by default. You've got to just figure out what the feed URL is, and typically it's gonna be, whatever your domain is, dot com whatever. In this example, forward slash feed, F-E-E-D, or forward slash RSS. Or sometimes it's atom, A-T-O-M. Depending on the platform, what type of CMS it is. But for WordPress, it's just feed, forward slash feed.

Marco: I just posted an example of the Semantic Mastery feed.

Bradley: Okay. The one with our plug-in or no?

Marco: No, no. Without.

Bradley: Okay. There you go. That's how you got to do it, Melanie. If you got, like I said, something that's custom or HTML, you'd have to have a developer create that for you. It's not something I'd be able to educate you on, because I don't know how to do it. I'm not a coder. Okay.

What Is Your Recommended Reputation Management Service Provider?

Ronald says, “Hey guys, wanted to say thanks for always dropping knowledge every Wednesday.” I'll plus one that. Thank you, Ronald. He says, “Looking to add reputation management to my service packages and I wanted to know if you guys are outsourcing new service provider or outsourcing to a VA. I'm looking for a provider and would like a recommendation. Anyways, keep the knowledge coming and nothing but love from sunny South Florida.”

Okay. Ronald, I am doing reputation services now. It's just part of my SEO now. They're all one and the same. Just very much like content marketing, it's just standard operating procedure now. This is kind of funny, but when I started offering, adding reputation management into my services, I went ahead and pitched all my clients, my existing clients on it, for a very good price once again. Some of my clients took me up on it, but a several of them did not.

However, and this was about probably six or eight months ago, when I started doing that, pitching all my existing clients on reputation services. Again some of them took me up on it, some of them turned it down or declined, however, as months progressed, because I feel that reputation is so much a part of local SEO now, I went ahead and added the clients that turned me down on to my reputation marketing app anyways.

So they're not even paying for it, but they're still getting the benefit of it. Again, the reason why I did that is because it helps my SEO job. It keeps my SEO job easier to fulfill because reputation has such an impact on local rankings now, if that makes sense. So even though I'm not getting paid for it, it's a simple, simple process.

Guys, if you have a good reputation marketing app that you're using, it's like literally data input. It's data entry, entry when you first add your client to the system and then the system should pretty much handle everything thereafter. You may need to occasionally go in and manage it or create a report, most of them have automatic monthly reports.

But it would be good and wise for you to go in and check it once a month anyways or every couple of weeks just to see the health, how the campaigns are going for each client, that kind of stuff. Or you could train a VA to do that, which is what I would recommend. I still haven't done that yet. I'll be 100% honest. I'm still managing the reputation app myself for my clients. I have not trained a VA to do that yet, but I'm close to doing that.

That said, I'm gonna tell you the three, there's actually three services that I can recommend, two of them that I've actually used, that I'm using right now. Okay? The other one I've looked into. I would sign up for it if I hadn't just signed up for a much kind of higher level service.

This Stuff Works
So the three are, the one that I'm using right now is Rep Kahuna by David Sprague. It's very inexpensive. It's not the best reputation marketing app out there, but what I like about it is it's inexpensive and it also integrates with several of his other products, like his review commercials, the rep video product, which I use a lot. That's a great foot-in-the-door strategy. He's got local analyzer landing pages that's something else. That's really cool. It's, again, a great foot-in-the-door strategy. It's a great way to prospect using the local analyzer landing pages.

It kind of integrates with those. That's something that I'm using. However, it doesn't have as many of the features as I would like. I started shopping around and I found two other services that I really like. One of them is called Reputation Loop by Zach Anderson and Jeff Hershey. It's a good service. It's a good product. There's good pricing for that as well. Again, guys, this is no affiliate stuff. I'm just telling you what I'm using. All right.

Then, I actually really wanted to sign up for Vendasta. That's V-E-N-D-A-S-T-A. If you guys go check out Vendasta, you'll see how crazy expensive it is. But they have basically a fully done-for-, like white label done-for-you fulfillment service for so much more than just reputation. Because of that, I thought that would be a really good service to sign up for. However, I wasn't gonna sign up for this listed pricing.

Actually one of our Mastermind members pointed me in the direction of a reseller that got me in on a much better price. I don't know that I can share that with you, guys. I'd have to consult with both, the guy that referred him to me and also the reseller themselves, to see if it would be okay if I could share that information.

But those are the three that I'm that, I like I said, on the lesser expensive stuff, David Sprague's Rep Kahuna is good. It's a good starting point to kind of test, see if it's the service that you want to do, something that your clients, if you have existing clients, would appreciate, you could also learn how to sell this kind of a service using that product as an entry-level kind of like reputation marketing service.

Don't get me wrong, guys. It's not just an entry-level service. You could create a whole business using that service alone. I just was looking for something with some more features and so Reputation Loop is a really good service, too. Like I said, I haven't used it, but I've researched it. I know Zach Anderson a little bit from some other courses and stuff that I've taken from him. He's a real deal. He knows his stuff. I would recommend checking into those.

Okay. This is a good one here. Kendrick says, “I've heard Bradley mentioned using YouTube ads to rank local lead gen videos. Can you please explain this in more detail? Thanks.

Marco: I think you've skipped Dustin.

Does It Still Make Sense To Make PBNs That Autopost Content From Other Sources?

Bradley: Oh, I did skip Dustin. I'm sorry, Dustin. I apologize. He's probably pissed. “Hey guys,” he says, “I would like to know does it still make sense to make PBNs that auto post content from other sources? For example, if I make a PBN that posts on a regular basis content from randomly chosen relevant RSS feeds, is that considered spam or isn't that just the same like any other press release site? If that would work, then is it necessary to line to the source that the content was scraped?”

Okay. First of all, yeah, they still kind of work, but I wouldn't use them to point directly to your money site. You could use them as like tier 2 links to point to tier 1 links, like your syndication network properties, your branded syndication network properties, things like that. You could power up other tier 1 links with them. But I would not point them directly to your money site.

I would never ever recommend pointing automating content of any sort, guys, with links embedded in the automated content to your money sites ever. Okay? That's something we stopped doing two or three years ago now, for good reason. All right.

Again, yeah, you can do it. If you build them well, you still should worry about … and that's part of the reason why I don't like the whole PBN thing is worrying about footprints and all that kind of stuff now. It's very, very important that you avoid that kind of stuff, even at tier 2, guys. Especially if most of them are pointing links to all branded properties, you can create a footprint.

You've got to be really careful about what you're doing. Because even if you're not pointing directly to your money site, if every post has a link that's going to a branded property that's the same brand, it's very easily detectable by the algorithm.

You've got be really careful about how you do it. It still works, but I'd be real careful about what you're linking to. Not always, just branded tier 1 properties. You may want to link to tier 3 properties. You might want to do a posts on those that just don't link to your properties at all, so that you can really make it look random and varied. Okay?

Yes, by the way, it doesn't matter if you're scraping content for your money site, which I don't recommend, or curating for your money site, which I do recommend curating, or doing curated posts or flat-out scrape posts on auto content sites. I always recommend giving attribution to where the content came from, guys, or else you could be in copyright violation, which is a DMCA violation. You can literally get fined for that stuff right.

This Stuff Works
I would recommend that you always, you can you can still get DMCA notices for even when you have an attribution link. It depends on how much content you copy. So when you're curating we only, and again, I covered this thoroughly in Content Kingpin because I've been hit, I've been burned by curating improperly. Okay, guys? I've been fined before literally for it for curating improperly. Okay? That's why it's covered so extensively in Content Kingpin is you can only use a certain amount of text from an original source before it becomes plagiarism or, essentially, plagiarism for copyright infringement.

Again, you've got to be real careful. If you're doing fully scraped content that's being republished, then that could absolutely cause problems, so just be careful with it.

Okay. Again, that's why hiding your footprint is so important, because if you're gonna do that kind of stuff where could cause problems, you want to make sure they can't trace back who owns the blog. So just think about that. All right. I don't recommend it, honestly. There's a lot of other ways, which is what we teach. You don't need PBNs. I mean, they still have their value at some level, but I just try to avoid it because there are more headaches than they're worth.

Marco: They're dying. They're dying. I mean, they barely have a pulse and the way that they have to be done now is totally different. Why go through all that trouble when you can just do a drive stack in a Gsite?

How Do You Use Youtube Ads To Rank Local Lead Gen Videos?

Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Next, Kendrick says, “I've heard Bradley mentioned using YouTube ads to rank local lead gen videos. Please explain this in more detail.” Yes, Kendrick. Here's the thing, guys. This is something that, everybody talks about CT spam, click-thru spam apps and how they worked so well for so long for helping to rank, which those of you that aren't familiar with that term CT spam, that's called click-thru spam. I named it click-thru spam several years ago when crowd search came out. Actually, before that, when I was using just micro tasks workers, but essentially, engagement can rank YouTube videos, guys. Especially engagement for local … When you're trying to rank a video for local terms, if you can get local engagement from people that are clicking from local IPs, then it's huge for ranking videos locally.

Even in very competitive terms, I've been able to rank for videos by using YouTube ads. The way that I do it is very simple, the video that I want to rank, okay, I used that video URL as the ad URL in YouTube ads. So you go to AdWords, you click on start a new campaign, make it a video campaign, and then you start selecting the settings for your campaign, which the first thing that you want to set is your … I'm not gonna go through and actually set up an ad, but I'm just explaining it to you kind of in high-level here.

But the first thing that you want to do is set up your, for local video, and that's what your question is about, you want to set up your geo-targeting. Your geo-targeting could be whatever you want it to be. If you've got a contractor with a 50-mile service area from where their business is located, you could literally put 50-mile radius and then put the GMB business address in and it will show, it will serve your ad to anybody within that 50 mile radius. Okay? Or you can do it by zip code, or by city, or by county, or by state, or by country. Does that make sense? I'm assuming for a local lead gen video you'll probably going to want to do it by county, by city, or by county, or by radius. Okay.

You can do multiple counties, too, by the way. If it's a contractor that covers, and I just use contractors as examples, guys, because that's the type of people that I work with, but generally, if a contractor covers a six county area, you can just put those six counties and it'll cover every area in there. That means anybody that does a search on YouTube and they're in one of those counties are one of those locations that are listed, they can possibly see your ad.

Now, the next kind of targeting. I've done it with just plain broad targeting and it helps, but it really helps. What I mean by broad targeting, guys, is like how do you narrow it down besides just geography? Well, you can do things like keyword targeting, placement targeting, which is where you hand-select specific videos that you want your ad to run in front of. You could also do topic targeting. You can also do things like what they call interest targeting, which is what I found to be the most effective. Okay. Topic targeting would be the second most effective. Okay.

Here's what I'm getting at. First, you set your geographic targeting. Then, when you get to your interest, your audience targeting, if you can, you want to first check your interest. Go to interest, open that up. You're gonna see what they call affinity, audiences, and you're gonna see another one called in-market audiences, and another one is like life events. Life events are like people getting married, graduating college, they're moving, things like that.

So that's a really good … I haven't done any marketing in those categories, so I haven't tested those targeting types. But the in-market audiences is incredibly powerful because in-market audiences and, again that's in the interest targeting, so in-market audiences are people that have recently, very recently been actively engaged in searching and viewing content that is related to the topics that are listed in that in-market audience topic selection, if that makes sense.

Open that up and scroll through it. Look and see if you can find your specific service type or business type in the in-market audiences list; if you can, select that, because now you have people that are … It does matter which videos your ad runs in front of. By the way, you want to set this up as an in-stream video, in-stream ad. Okay. Not what they call a video discovery ad. Video discovery ads are the ones that show up in YouTube search at the top but then somebody clicks on the video, it shows the video thumbnail and all that and then they go see your video.

All I'm looking for is YouTube to register engagement from somebody that is in the local geographic area, so it's a local IP click, and as in-market, especially if I can. If I can't find an in-market audience for the particular campaign, then I would go to topic targeting, which seems to be okay, but it doesn't work as quickly or as well as in-market audiences.

What I'm saying is, let's say somebody's in them, they just got done searching for roof repair companies. Okay, just an example. Let's say, they were searching for roof repair companies and they were looking at content for how to fix a roof leak, things like that. They were looking on YouTube, they searched Google, maybe they went to or and were looking at articles about roofing leaks or roofing stuff, period. Does that make sense?

Now Google's tracked them or identified them as somebody that's in-market for roofing services. So now when you select the proper geographic targeting and you select that in-market audience for roofing services, which exists by the way because I have roofing clients, I'm using it right now as we speak, then anybody within that geographic area that goes to YouTube for any video whatsoever, let's say, they want to watch a video about, I don't know, CrossFit fails. I used that one because there's funny videos about that. But they're in there just for entertainment one night and they're looking at CrossFit fails or gym fails or funny cat videos and stuff like that, well, all of a sudden roofing video pops up in front of as an in-stream ad, in front of one of the videos that they clicked on. Does that make sense?

It doesn't matter that right then and there they're not looking for roofing services, all that matters is Google knows where they're located and it knows that they were in-market for this, and now your video just got seen. Whether they click on the ad or not, it doesn't matter, they now have seen and engaged with your video. Does that makes sense? If you were doing roof repair of some video stuff.

My point is, it works really really, really well. So the number one thing is geographic targeting. The second most important thing is your audience targeting. I highly recommend that you test with interest targeting in both in-market audiences and life event audiences if you can find something, if you find a category that your campaign would fall in.

If it doesn't, then go to topic targeting. You can find much broader stuff in topic targeting. Those users have a history of an interest in that specific topic, so stuff like roof repair. A lot of the times you might be able to find a topic, like a topic about home improvement stuff. But that's just people that are interested in home improvement in general, so that's not quite as targeted as somebody that has actively been searching for roofing-related content online because they most likely have an issue that needs to be resolved if that makes sense.

This Stuff Works
Okay. I know that was a long explanation, but that's a question that comes up often. We'll probably make that a frequently asked question. Hopefully, that helps you guys with that. As far as, just really quickly, the strategy that I use with this, guys, because, again, if you can generate leads from that, which you absolutely can generate valid leads from that when you have your targeting very tight, very dialed in. But I don't look for leads from that. All I'm looking for is actually those registered engagements and so that it helps it to rank in Google search, because when it ranks in Google search then it will end up helping me to generate leads.

But it does happen from time to time where it will actually generate leads from that ad itself, which is a bonus. But as far as the actual, the bid strategy, what I do is I just always do manual cost per view and I set up, I always start, guys, I do $1 per day. That's it. One dollar per day for a video. I always start my campaigns at max cost per view at 25 cents per view.

Then, once the campaign starts running, it starts receiving impressions, it starts getting viewed, which will show as an engagement, as a specific engagement column in AdWords, then it will start to show you the average cost per view. Most of the time it'll be like 12 cents, 13 cents, 10 cents, or 11 cents, something like that. It would be somewhere in that range.

Then what I do is I start going in and backing my max cost per view bid down from 25 cents to, say, maybe 20 cents. Let's say, my max average cost per view is 12 cents, well, I'll back it down the 20 cents, then I'll back it down to 15 cents a couple days later. Then I'll start backing it down one cent at a time. Every day or every couple of days, I'll go in and I'll back my max cost per view bid down another cent, another cent, another cent to where I get below that average cost per view at 12 cents.

What's funny is you'll see the average cost per view will drop, but you'll still get just as much impressions. But it's just because you're slowly bidding down. It's crazy. I've got several campaigns running now, right now where my max cost per view is one penny, which is insane, because I've got it down to 50 cents per day as my budget right – 50 cents per day, one cent per view. Literally, at the very most, Google AdWords will charge me $15 per month to keep that video ranked by just having local IP clicks that are in-market clicking on, engaging with the video, whether they want to or not.

It's a great, great strategy, guys. If you haven't used that for video SEO, certainly try it. This has been a trick up my sleeve for about a year now and it just works really, really well. So CT spam apps aren't necessary for videos anymore when you can use AdWord and by legal valid views, from people that are in-market sometimes, from the specific locations that you want, and you can do it for as little as one penny per view. Okay. Great question, by the way.

Is It Still Important To Have A Claimed And Verified GMB Listing And Multiple Local Directory Listings To Rank Local SERPs?

Gordon's up. He says, “Hey guys, thank you very much again for the help you provide. Your generosity will be rewarded tenfold.” Well, thank you, Gordon. He says, “Can you please help with following: if you're looking to just rank in the local SERPs but not on 3-pack, is it important to have a claimed and verified GMB listing, as well as multiple local directory listings, and how many local directory listings would be ideal?”

Yes, only because having a verified GMB listing, it's not absolutely necessary to rank an organic, but it will certainly help because anything that you can do to validate the entity, and that's one of the primary ways you can validate an entity is, by having a verified GMB listing.

There's other ways you can do it. We've talked about that in various webinars, too, but there's things like, I just talked about an AdWords account, set up an AdWords account and set up a funding source billing and run an ad for the business. Even if it's just YouTube ads and you've got $1 a day budget. There you go, you've just validated the entity because you've got a payment source on file with Google. Does that make sense?

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Again, it doesn't have to be GMB, there's other ways you can validate an entity in Google itself, but that is one of the primary methods. It's one of the most powerful ways. Okay. As far as citations, yeah, you should still get citations. Again, it's another way to validate the entity. The more citations or business directories out there that have the business, the NAP, name of just phone number listed for a company, the more like votes that is for it being a valid and true business. Okay, so it does help.

How many would be ideal? Don't know. I can't answer that. It's different for every single keyword in every single location. It's really going to depend on what the competition has and also it depends on many things, like how well your site is optimized, whether you have a GMB listing or not. There's a number of factors there, variables there that I can't answer that. I'm unfortunately sorry.

Okay. Do you want to add to that one question, Marco, before I move on?

Marco: Yeah. The only thing I would add to that is I don't see why he wouldn't want to have a local or Google My Business listing, a verified Google My Business listing if he's local? Because due to the mobile first algorithm, what's happening is that the map usually triggers from some type of mobile device. You don't usually sit at a desktop and look for a service or whatever unless it's emergency and you're at home, or whatever. It's more mobile. It's over 60%, you have nearly 70, I'm seeing as much as 80% and 90% on some, and so you're omitting the majority of the people who would find your services, one.

Number two, since is mobile first, it bleeds over into the desktop listing and it brings up your SERPs if there's a correlation between all of that activity that we're generating in the GMB and better rankings. Now we never get a guarantee ranking. We never say that you're going to get rankings, but there is a correlation. We're seeing it. Whether it's causation, that's another thing. I can't say it yet. We haven't tested enough. But I'm pretty sure from everything that I've seen, that it is a direct cause-and-effect. I can't say for sure. I'm saying that, in my opinion, there is a cause-and-effect relationship between all of that activity in the Google My Business listing and ranking better in SERPS.

Gordon's not coming up. Damn it. It's Gordon R, right?

Bradley: Did you follow him? I think you have to follow him.

Marco: Yes, I just did. I just did. I think it was too soon. Come on, Google, speed it up. Anyways, I was trying to tag you, Gordon, but I've got the URL here to answer your second question to try to get in real quick. Come on. Damn it. All right. I'm just gonna paste the link. You can go find it, man. I don't know why Google is being stupid.

Is Google 100% Okay With PO Box Address For GMB Listings?

Anyways, to answer your second question, which was, “You mentioned on a recent Hump Day broadcast that you use PO box addresses for your GMB listings to get them claimed and verified. Doesn't Google prefer an actual physical address?” Yes, they do. “Or is Google 100% okay with PO box address?” No, they're not. It's against Terms of Service. I don't care. I do it anyways.

Yeah. To be clear, yes, they want a real physical address. You can't enter a PO box, that will give you an error message. It will immediately terminate the account for spam if you try to add a PO box. The way to get around it, though, is by using this form right here. Guys, it doesn't cost anything extra. Just download this form. You don't even need to download it. You can go to the post office and ask them to give it to you when you fill out your paperwork to get a PO box.

The thing is though, some PO … Well, they probably all know about it now, but several years ago when I started using this method, a lot of the post office workers, clerks or whatever, didn't even know about this option. So I learned to start printing it out at home and bringing it to them so that they didn't argue with me about that not being a possibility. “We don't offer that?” “Yes, you do.” You know what I mean? I used to have to argue with them about it, sometimes, in order for them, and show them the form. I just learned to do it on my own. However, probably now, they're all aware of it.

But just anyways, you can go download this form. You can register your PO boxes online. Guys, they won't assign you the box number until you go in and provide valid photo ID, plus a second source of, like a vehicle registration or utility bill or something like that, and then you'll fill out the paperwork or sign the documents or whatever. You can pay for it everything online, too. You just still have to go into the actual post office to get your keys and complete the paperwork. Just bring this in with you.

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Once they give you the box number, then with this form, you write down the post office street address in the box number. That becomes, just like you see it on the top of this form here, that becomes your physical address for the PO box. Essentially, let's say the post office was at 123 Main Street and your box number was 101. Okay. Then you wouldn't put PO Box 101, any town, like Virginia 1111. You would end up putting 123 Main Street number 101. That's the address you would actually input into GMB and that's what you would use for all of your … That would be your NAP. Okay. Make sure you use the pound sign. The post office is very particular about that. They'll tell you, “Don't use suite, don't use box, use the pound sign.” So just make sure that you do it.

That's how you do it. I've been doing it for years, guys. One thing I would recommend, Gordon, is do not register multiple PO boxes for GMB listings under the same account. Don't do that. Your account is scrutinized and likely all of them will get terminated for spam. If you're gonna create multiple GMB listings with multiple PO boxes, make sure that you create a new Google account for each one.

You can add yourself as a GMB manager so that you can access all accounts and manage all accounts from your Gmail account, but just do not be the site owner or the profile owner from all one account. Because, again if you get caught and it gets terminated for spam and all of them are owned by the same account, Google is certainly going to look at the rest of them, too, and if it determines that they're all post offices, which is very simple to do, you can do it by just looking at Google Maps, then now they'll terminate all of the accounts. Again, you want to mitigate your risk by having them all separated by different accounts. Okay.

How Many Header Tags Can You Use With Keywords For the Content Of A Single Lead Gen Website Page?

Number three, “How many H tags can you use with keywords for the content on a single lead gen website page?” I don't know. You don't want to spam that, Gordon. It just depends on how much content you have really. Also, it's not just about certain a number of H tags for however many words. It's not like every 300 words you should have an H tag. I hate those kind of formulas, guys. I look at it as would it be logical to have an H tag here? Is this an actual heading to a new section in an article? Does it make sense to have a heading here to separate this section of this page from that section of a page? Does that make sense?

Again, it's more about, are you logically separating your content up or dividing your content up with proper headings? It's not about the number of headings, okay? Again, guys, I try to look at everything now more from a user standpoint than a machine standpoint, which is what we used to do when we'd optimize content.

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Google's algorithm is getting to the point where it's, through machine learning and AI and Hummingbird and RankBrain and all of that, it's becoming very, very good at determining what has been optimized for SEO and what's been written naturally, but just in a good. Google will reward content that's been written naturally but just in a good way that's good for users and not spam to death. It doesn't mean you still can't SEO that stuff, but it's got to just look a hell of a lot more natural right.

Is It Ever A Good Idea To Resend A Video Email When The Prospect Hasn't Clicked?

Mohammad's up. We're almost out of time, guys. Sorry about the long answers today, but these have been some good questions. Mohammad says, “Hey guys, is it ever a good idea to resend a video email when it's prospect hasn't clicked? I find that even when I phone, some of them read the thing again and don't click. Is there a limit to how much I can push them before moving on?”

I mean, that's up to you, Mohammad, how far you're willing to do it. I know that you hear that common thing that people say it takes seven contacts with somebody before they'll engage with a marketing message or something like that. I'm sure you all have heard that kind of stuff. It's up to you how many times you want to reach out to them.

Direct Mail isn't a bad thing. I still use direct mail for prospecting sometimes. I don't know how far you'd want to go with it, but sometimes you could literally send out a postcard with a short link or a QR code that takes them to the video. That's something you could do. I'm just saying, if you're that person, because I know how persistent you are, Mohammad, and my point is you could do it all digitally, especially because I know you're in the real estate industry, and God knows realtors do a lot of stuff with direct mail, so they might respond well to it as well. I don't know because I haven't prospected to realtors with direct mail.

But it might be something that if you've got somebody engaging with your emails but they're not clicking the video, send them a damn postcard with a QR code on it. You can print it probably from your computer or do one of the on-demand printing services. What's the one that we use? Shit, I can't remember the name of it now because it's been a while since I've been in the dashboard. Anyways, just ask me in the Mastermind, Mohammad, and I can tell you the on-demand service that we use. You could actually put a QR code in a link, a short link or whatever to the video that you want them to view and send it to them. Say, “Hey, I've been trying to get you to watch this video.”

I mean, be honest. I love being honest with people like that. Seriously, when I try to reach somebody over and over again and, for whatever reason, they're not doing what I want them to do, sometimes I just tell them, “Look, I've been trying to get you to do this thing, whatever it is, so for God's sakes just do it. Here it is again.” Sometimes because then you get engagement just because they're like, “Wow, that's pretty honest.” I don't know. play around with it, Mohammad. I know you are testing a ton of different things right now, so direct mail might be another thing you can test.

You could also try messaging them on LinkedIn or Facebook. I hate it when people message me on Facebook out of the blue, guys. LinkedIn is different, but Facebook, so that actually pisses me off. So I'm not sure that I would recommend that. So for all of you that ever consider messaging me on Facebook, remember that. I'm just kidding, guys. But honestly, prospects and stuff like that, I wouldn't want that brought on the Facebook. But LinkedIn is different.

Also, Alignable. I'm testing Alignable right now and it seems to be pretty good for leads, too. I don't know if it's available in Canada, which I think was where you are, Mohammad. Check it out.

Would Moving Your Desktop Tools To A Laptop Be A Better Choice When Traveling?

“I do all my work on a desktop and even though I don't deserve a vacation yet, sometimes I have to go on other kinds of trips, which means I have to take a laptop. But some of those trips can be long and my desktop is where all my tools like Snagit and PSP are. Did I make a mistake setting everything up on a desktop or moving to a laptop a better choice?”

Mohammad, why don't you use a remote desktop, RDP, remote desktop protocol. I do with my Chromebook all the time. I leave my desktop at home and I can log into my desktop from my Chromebook. It's an app you can download a Chrome extension that's like the RDP extension. Then you have to install it on your PC too. Then you basically authorize the two to communicate to with each other and you can literally pull up your desktop, your PC at home, and control everything from your Chromebook. I'm sure you can do it from any Windows computer. You can do it within Chrome is what I'm saying.

I do it all the time. When I'm on a trip, now it doesn't make sense to do that in the summer when there are thunderstorms and power could go down and stuff like that. I don't like to do that. But during times when I'm not expecting thunderstorms, I'll do it. If I'm going out for the day and it's not supposed to rain and that kind of stuff. I will absolutely tether directly to my PC from my Chromebook. That's something you can do. Oka?

Bradley: You can do it. I mean, if you're running Windows, you have to get on Chromebook. But if you're running Windows on both the laptop and the desktop, you just use remote access.

Marco: Yep.

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Bradley: That's what they're called, RDP, remote desktop protocol.

Marco: Yeah, but it's a remote access in Windows.

Bradley: Desktop connection. Yeah, right there. The Chrome extension, if you go to the Chrome store, they have … Hold on, I think I just clicked on an ad. Let's see, it's remote desktop. If could spell it correctly. Anyways, you guys can go search this on your own. My point is they have a remote desktop solution that you can add. I can find the exact name that I have installed on my computer and send it to you, Mohammed. Ping in the Mastermind and I'll get that to you. Okay.

What Is The Best Way To Monetize A Site With Curated Post And Autoposting?

Nigel's up. He says, “Good day, gents, and to quote Hernan, ‘Very happy to be here.' Thank you again for an amazing MasterMind Onboarding Call. Can't wait to report back results. Wonderful experience.” That's right. Nigel's new Mastermind member and we have a private call with our members when they first join and Hernan was the one that got Nigel. He told me he had a really good call with you as well. He posted it in our Slack group, guys. Again, welcome, Nigel. We're glad to have you.

He says, “Number one, having a site getting traction with decent brand recognition and search, 100% auto blog video,” awesome, “not monetized, 2 tier IFTTT, and 1,000-plus post, no articles, pages or links, just some social, no to YouTube yet. Looking for advice on best way to monetize. Should I go back curate existing posts based on engagement and add links and perhaps repost, resyndicate using SM plugin, or just focus on new curated posts? Logical next step for link building.”

That's up to you. I mean, stuff like that, you could put AdSense on. If you're getting a lot of traffic and you haven't monetize it yet, why not just go some of the easy route for now and put on AdSense, because people will click, you'll start generating money from that.

Something else you could do is affiliate offers. If it's a themed site, which I'm assuming it would be. I'm sure you can find affiliate offers or CPA offers that you can embed banners and things like that on the site. That stuff works, guys. You can even set up like a rotating ad plug-in and put in several different types of offers. You could have an opt-in and give some sort of cheese away, some sort of lead magnet so that you can start to build an email list.

Nigel, that is absolutely critical. If you've got sites that are generating content or traffic, you should absolutely try to capture contact information via opt-ins somehow, some way, so that you can market to them off the site, too. If it's a themed site, the types of products that you can sell to them or a market to them, so give a lead magnet, offer a lead magnet It doesn't matter, it could be a PDF, it could be a video, it could be it could be any number of things that you could offer with an opt-in. In exchange for an email, you get this, and then now you've got an email list that you could also market to via affiliate offers, CPA offers, things like that.

All right. Something else besides that, you could do … Oh, yeah, remarketing, too. Don't forget to make sure you got a remarketing pixel added so that you start building a remarketing list that you could remarket to via YouTube, Adwords, the Google Display Network, Facebook, all of that. You could remarket to those people, too. Again, if it's a themed site, then you probably already have a guest an idea of what those people that audience is interested in. Okay.

Is RSS Masher With Hooks Still Viable?

“Is RSS Master with hook still viable?” Yes, it is. “Can you give an example how to use it to build and/or dilute tier 2 syndication so it was not to draw attention that all links from a single source?” Yeah, very simply, Nigel. It is a valid product, absolutely. It's a great product. I've always talked about my two favorite RSS tools are: RSS RankFeedr, which is Lisa Allen's product; and then RSS Masher, which is Damon Nelson's product, for two different things, they're both very powerful. Whereas the RankFeedr is an SEO RSS tool. That's what I think of it as, specifically as an SEO tool.

However, RSS Masher can be used as a content distribution tool. That is really powerful because you can splice a bunch of other feeds together, all related content, you can add your own, links you can embed stuff into the actual feed output. It's crazy. It's really good for content marketing and for some of the stuff that we do with tier 2 networks and stuff.

How can you use it? Very simply, create your super feeds or your related content feeds that are spliced together in RSS Masher. Then once you have your super feed created to your URL for that super feed, you use that as a trigger, so if this, RSS, paste your RSS Masher in as the trigger feed, then that, and then select each one of your properties, and go through and just build those applets out at the tier 2 level. That's all you have to do. Does that make sense?

Because here's the thing, let's say you've got five related content feeds all spliced together, you only now have to build one set of applets on your tier 2 network for all of your related content feeds, because they're all spliced together, the outputs are all going through one feed. Each individual input, RSS feed input will have its own attribution link and everything already built into the output feed, if that makes sense.

Literally, instead of normally you would have to go in, if you had five related content feeds, you'd have to go in and set up five entire new sets of applets, which now, unless you've got a paid account, you can't just use the shared applet URLs anymore. You can't duplicate them. You have to go in and manually set up each applet and it would be a lot of work. This is a way to really significantly reduce time. But also, like I said the RSS feeds, you can do a lot of cool stuff with RSS Masher.

Guys, we're at the five o'clock mark. I'm gonna stay for three more questions because we're almost done. I'm surprised we didn't get a whole bunch of questions while we were on. That's unusual. Are we live? Yeah, we are.

Marco: Yeah, we're live.

How Do You Fill Out The Services Section In GMB?

Bradley: Okay. That's just unusual. Usually, we get a bunch of questions while we're on. Scott says … Okay, Scott, you know what? I can answer that question. We can't give away too much on GMB stuff. You, Scott, your a new Mastermind member or newer Mastermind member, but guys, we can't give away all the GMB secrets here on Hump Day Hangouts. I'm sorry, just can't do it.

Scott ask in the Mastermind. We're going to have a Mastermind webinar tomorrow. I'd be happy to tell you exactly where that is. Because I was actually doing some searching for that just today and I found out exactly where it displays. I'll show you. I'll tell you about that in there.

Marco: Yeah. Rob, this is something that we went and looked at last week, or Rob looked at last week or the week before. It's in our sheet, our shared Word document. It's in there so you can go and look and see exactly where it lives.

Bradley: Yeah. It's funny, because I didn't know it was on that sheet. I literally spent about 20 minutes today researching and trying to figure it out, and I found it and I was like, “Okay. I get it,” and so it makes a lot of sense. I'll explain that to you, Scott, tomorrow.

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How Does Google Track Traffic From One Private Domain To Another?

All right. Jeff's up. He says, “How does Google track traffic from one private domain to another, to my, for example. A Google shortlink traffic would make things easy for them and they could technically track your person's cookie from one site to another through Google Analytics and assume the person click through the link. But it seems they'd only be able to measure traffic from a small percentage of links if these were the only by available methods.”

You're right. However, Jeff, think about this. Okay. First of all, Google Chrome is the number one prop, most used browser. So anything that anybody does while they're logged into Chrome, Google can see which websites they go from. Whether they're private domains or not, it doesn't matter, because Google is seeing what their activity because they're in Chrome. Okay.

Why do you think Google created Chrome as a browser? So that they could track everybody's activity and know exactly which links they were clicking and all that kind of stuff. Right? Number one, if you're using Chrome. they can track it. Number two, if both of those sites have analytics on them or even one of the sites has analytics on it, the referral site, then Google will know it. Does that make sense? If they have search console installed or any sort of Google code installed on the site, then Google contract that stuff because they basically given Google permission to inject code into their site. Google tracks all that stuff.

So if they've got search analytics or search console or analytics, or if you're using Chrome, or if they have Google reCAPTCHA on the sites, or they have Google AdSense on the sites, think about that, guys, it's all Google code. Google gets to track inbound traffic and outbound traffic. Think about that, Jeff.

Again, I think Jeff's a new Mastermind member, too.

Marco: Yeah.

Bradley: You don't show up in Hump Day Hangouts, but you're in Mastermind.

Marco: Yeah. I had a call with Jeff, actually. He's awesome.

Bradley: Okay. Awesome.

Marco: He's new to SEO. He reminds me of Rob because he's into everything he wants to get into, everything he wants to know and he wants to do it as quickly as possible.

Bradley: Yeah.

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Marco: It was really, really interesting to talk to him and get to know him.

Bradley: Well, welcome, Jeff. I personally want to welcome you, since I haven't yet. But yeah, absolutely, it's a great question, by the way. But, yeah, think about all the different Google products out there. It's damn near impossible to find a site out there that's not using some sort of Google product on their site or not registered with some sort of Google product or app. Does that make sense? Think about that.

Google has access to those sites regardless. If anybody is in Chrome, whether they have access or not, Google's tracking all that data. Remember, Google's got a stake in Firefox now, guys. Think about it. There's a reason for all of that. It's so that they can track data across as many browsers as possible. I don't think Apple is talking with them, like Syrian or whatever. You can tell I'm not an Apple user. Whatever their browser is, is it Opera, or what the hell is, Safari. Safari, right? I think so.

You wouldn't know either, would you, Marco?

Marco: No, man. Macintosh and Granny Smith, that's what I know about Apple.

Should I Be Using Proxies When Working With Subdomains Linking To My Money Site?

Bradley: All right. We got a couple left. Sweet. Scott, it looks like Scott and David left. He says, “I'm probably making this harder than necessary, but should I you be using proxies when working with subdomains linking to my money site or should I just be logging in using Firefox?” I don't worry about it, Scott. I honestly don't. If you do a ton of like PBN stuff, then, yes, I would recommend that you would log in, use something like Browseo or Ghost Browser, or something where you have various proxy set up and you're logging and each WordPress site through different IPs.

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Again, guys, I don't really worry about that kind of stuff because and I went through this kind of in great detail a couple week, maybe last week or the week before, on Hump Day Hangout where you have to assume how much things have changed in the last few years because of the prevalence of Wi-Fi now in mobile devices. Think about that. Think about all the public Wi-Fi's out there, that hundreds and even thousands of IPs or devices are connected to the same IP. Does that make sense?

There's no way that Google … I mean, they can. They can track it through the MAC address, the device address, but not the IP anymore. I mean, it's not that they can't track things through the IP, what I'm saying is that is less of a spam signal now because of the prevalence of public IPs and public Wi-Fi. It's more about your device address, which I think is called a MAC address. I'm not sure if it's the same on a mobile device, but on PCs and laptops and stuff, they're called MAC addresses. That's something.

But those, I think, can be shifted to and I think there's apps out there that will randomize that kind of stuff. You have to look into it. That's if you've got your tinfoil hat on, Scott, and you're really worried about it. I don't really worry about that kind of stuff because, again, I don't do a shit ton of like spammy stuff like that anymore.

I've got my Browseo that I've got multiple profiles, dozens of profiles that are all tied through my IP and I don't care at all because the thing is, again, like if I was to go to a library or university or a Starbucks for God's sakes, there's literally dozens of people were in sometimes hundreds of people at any given time logged into the same IP.

Marco: By the way, my Android phone and my Android tablet have a MAC address. I don't know about Apple, again.

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: Granny Smith is my favorite, thank you.

How Do You Regain Access On The Link Indexer Service In Serp Space?

Bradley: Last one, David Kennedy. He says, “I'm subscribed to Serpspace link indexer and now I can find a page on the Serpspace site that says indexer but it goes nowhere. How do I gain access?” Okay. David, submit a support ticket because, yeah, as far as I'm aware the link indexer had been shut down temporarily because all link indexing services have basically stopped working. But Daddy-O, our manager that manages all that stuff, he's been working on a solution, I don't know if that's available yet. But just submit a ticket to support at

Marco: I actually have an answer for that.

Bradley: Okay.

Marco: It's not available yet but I do know that Daddy-O has been able to achieve 40, 50% indexing rate, which is crazy in today's internet landscape. Right?

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: It's so difficult to index. But with those types of indexing rates, I know that he's going to talk to the guys at Serpspace so that we can revive the indexing service.

Bradley: Yeah.

Marco: It's coming, David.

Bradley: Yes, David. I would say that if it's not available yet, which I didn't think it was anyways, just reach out to support and we can suspend that subscription for now or you can use the credit somewhere else or something like that. Just work it out with some … I don't handle the financial stuff over there, guys, there are support, but I know that just contact support we'll get you squared away. Okay.

Okay, guys, thanks for everybody being here. A little bit over, but that's okay. We've got all of the questions answered, so it was worth it. We'll see. Mastermind members tomorrow. Most of you are on the damn Hump Day Hangouts.

Marco: Bye, everyone.

Bradley: Thanks, Marco.

Marco: Oh, wait, Mark's question.

Bradley: The one popped in? Did somebody slide in at the end?

Marco: [Inaudible 01:05:32] to Reputation Kahuna.

Bradley: I'm sorry?

Marco: It says, do you have a backdoor to reputation Kahuna?

Bradley: Why don't I see that comment?

Marco: I don't know.

Bradley: I'm refreshing, hold on a minute. I don't see that comment.

Marco: I see it.

Bradley: Okay. Well, I don't know why I can't see it. Let me see real quick. I know David Sprague's products. Usually, it's just whatever their domain is assigned to that product slash new. Let's just see if that works. See if that is a valid URL. It is. Okay. So let's go to slash new. Okay. So that's not a valid page. Hold on. It might just be a because that's what they usually look like. Hold on. Register current member.

Yeah. It looks like you can just place your order direct from this page, guys. Just go to You enter your name, first name, last name, email. Go to next step, place order. Then, on that page, I think it's $99 a month and you get I think 20 seats. Basically, you can add 20 locations for … Then there's upgrade packages, too. But that ends up being $5 a month per location, you actually add 20 clients.

So it looks like it's just Just enter your name and email, click place order. Again, I think it's $99, don't quote me on that. But it's a decent price and it's a great starter service, guys. Like I said, I went for something a little bit more robust as I continue to dive deeper into that. But it's a great starter service so you can start learning how to sell it and learning how to manage it. Okay.

All right, guys, thanks. We'll see you all later.

Marco: Bye everyone.

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