Friday, December 4, 2015

Multiple Subdomains for Multiple Cities



At Episode 56 of Hump Day Hangout, one question was about creating multiple subdomains to integrate multiple keywords that also target cities and neighborhoods.


The exact question was:


Hope everyone had a great turkey day! I also hope I’m not drifting too deep into the weeds here. So here it is: If I am creating 50+ sub-domain local niche sites, each focused in different geographic locations for rank and rent, and all of which originate from one “parent” domain, do I treat each sub-domain as a complete, separate web site apart from the “parent” domain with its own “money site” curated content (Curation Mastery) and IFTTT Network, OR,  can I use the same “money site” curated content source and IFTTT Network used for the “parent” domain, and treat the sub-domains more like pages? I’m doing local niche + city + neighborhoods. There are 55 neighborhoods in this city, and each neighborhood is a sub-domain. I’m confused about how best to approach this.

Then there is PLAN B. Scrap all the above, and just rank and rent ONE website for the ENTIRE city! Not as much profit potential, but boat loads less time consuming and hassles. Ha!

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