During Hump Day Hangout Episode 59 (Christmas edition), one participant asked about the recommended setup for Tier 1 and Tier 2 rings in the IFTTT networks.
The exact question was:
Hello Q for the HH. Please clarify how you recommend setting up the different accounts: Tier one/Tier 2 /branded. Here is what i think you recommend:
1) Tier 1 Branded. Your money site/client site/Youtube channel at the centre and build out ~20 sites profiles using the same name “Boston Plumbing Experts” same logo, same bio/description…and link all the sites together.
2) Tier 2 non branded are persona accounts. For each persona you create a blog on WP/Bloggr/Tumblr at the center for a persona like “John Smith” and you create ~20 sites all “branded” with John Smith with name/image/bio/description and again you can link them.
This feels different to the Syndwire account set up gigs on Fiverr which talk about setting up 20 different personas in 20 accounts…but I think you regard those as orphans likely to be deleted??
Do you ever connect the branded/T1 and the T2/persona sites or do you just post separately to each “ring”?
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