Thursday, June 2, 2016

How To Improve The Value Of PBN Sites?

In episode 81 of Semantic Mastery’s Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the best ways on how to improve the value of PBN sites.

The exact question was:

Hey Guys. Love the IFTTT, love the MasterClass even more! Here’s my question:

I have a pretty huge private link/Blog network that I’ve been very cautious with. And by “very cautious”, I typically mean one money site link per site, nothing else. I’m concerned, of course, that I might be wasting the link power of the private sites. My question is: what would you guys do to get better value out of each site? Add some links to different money site 2.0s? Add links to different PLN sites that are NOT linking to the same money site? Obviously, I want to avoid a footprint, but not at the expense of getting the most benefit out of my PBN/PLN.

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