Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Are There Any Footprint Issues For Syndicated Content Across Different Channels?


In episode 101 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about the footprint issues for syndicated content across different channels in the IFTTT network.

The exact question was:

I have added several additional blogs to my IFTTT network. For each post I am concerned about having 15+ network properties using the exact same anchor text back to the category page. Here is what I have done to diversify the anchor text (this takes less than 5 minutes).

In my post content, I use a long anchor text linking up to the category page. When I publish a post, I activate 4 of the IFTTT recipes. Then I take a word out of the anchor text in the post and activate a few more recipes. And repeat. The result is the syndicated post on the network ends up with 5 versions of anchor text back to the category page.

Do all the syndicated posts need to have the exact same anchor text linking to the category page? Thanks.

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