Monday, October 10, 2016

Have You Used Panoramio And Would You Recommend It For Geo-Tagging Images?


In episode 100 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked about using Panoramio in IFTTT networks.

The exact question was:

Hi guys, congratulations on the big 100! I know your class 104 as the big one, but hump day hangouts episode 100 still looks and sounds pretty cool, and you lads have helped me and a lot of other people with your content, so a massive thank you for that – I love HDH’s!

My question is, do you or have you ever used Panoramio? It’s a Google property that gives you a profile with one link to your website allowed, its connected to Google images and you geo tag images, I embed them in my site in some places and embed them on ifttt and citation sites where possible. I can’t imagine using a Google property to embed geo tagged images on other and your sites hurting. Have you played with it? Thanks?

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