Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Issues With Tags & Yoast SEO Canonicals With Some WordPress Themes

In episode 104 of Semantic Mastery’s weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one viewer asked about potential issues with some WordPress themes when working with tags and canonicals using Yoast SEO.

The exact question was:

2 years- congrats guys! Recently I attended a one and a half hour long webinar by a highly known social media expert. Truth is, Bradley, Marco and Hernan often share more helpful, actionable information in a 5 minute Humpday answer than was learned from that entire webinar. You guys are great. Thanks.

My question. I use a unique tag for each post and then use Yoast SEO canonical for each tag page back to the post. This worked with prior theme but is not working with a new theme from same company on a new site. I am not sure if it is a problem with the theme or Yoast. Should I stop using unique tags or could I instead redirect the tag page back to the post using Redirection plugin instead of using canonical? Or is there another easy fix idea?

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