Thursday, June 29, 2017

How Would You Use The Rank And Rent Method To Rank Videos Owned By A Client?

In episode 136 of Semantic Mastery's weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked how the rank and rent method can be used to rank videos for a sales keynote speaker.

The exact question was:

Let's remove the spot from Benner: #wwsmd – what would Semantic Mastery do? lol²

Question: I know, own my assets. That's my plan for 2017 and on.
But on theory is easier then in pratic.
I have now a client – sales keynote speaker – that wants his videos ranked.

I know that I should add his videos on some of my channels, rank & rent, but, how should be the steps to it?
1 – build a generic channel, with a generic “”sales speaker”” brand (or maybe a channel about speakers), optimize channel;
2 – build a playlist focused on one of his keywords, optimize playlist and its videos;
3 – add his main vĂ­deo + more LSI kw videos to help it rank, optimized;
4 – all the IFTTT + links and tricks from Semantic Mastey

My concern is that I can't rank in this case “”generic videos””, must be his own videos. So should I build a big generic channel to rank another speakers from other knowledge areas OR just a sales speaker channel, only for him, and rent it?
I would preffer to have many playlists and rank for other speakers to reuse the IFTTT rings attached to it.

Any tips? Good opportunity for me now, thanks for the knowledge guys!

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