Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 135

Click on the video above to watch Episode 135 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.




Adam: All right. We are live. Welcome everybody. This is Hump Day Hangouts, number 135. We are getting creepy close to a 150, that's pretty awesome. We're marching on up there. Today, is the seventh of June, and I'm going to go around real quick, and say hi to everybody, and we'll get some announcements in and then we'll get rolling. Bradley, you're to my right, so how's it going, man?

Bradley: Good, man. I'm happy to be here. I see we've got some good question, and Paul [inaudible 00:00:28] was the winner of the hat, a few weeks ago, and he's got an awesome post on the event page, already, wearing the hat.

Adam: Yeah.

Bradley: Angry look, it's awesome.

Adam: That's awesome.

Bradley: It's awesome that you won that, Paul, and that you sent us a picture, man, we really appreciate that.

Adam: Definitely. Roman, what's up, man?

Roman: Not much, just keeping it going.

Adam: Cool. Where are you located, today? Are you in Tennessee?

Roman: Yeah. Tennessee.

Adam: Awesome. Since, Marco's not here, I'll ask you, how's the weather?

Roman: Today, is really nice. It has been rainy all spring. Literally, every single day.

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Bradley: Yeah.

Roman: We're just starting to get some sun.

Adam: Nice.

Bradley: Yeah.

Adam: Nice. All right. Hernan, what's up down in the far, far south?

Hernan: in the far, far south it's freezing, right now. It's about to rain, but we're hanging out, and I'll probably be on the east coast for a couple of weeks coming up shortly, so maybe next month, so if you guys want, or are in Florida, or the east coast and you guys want to connect, grab a beer, grab a coffee, just let me know. I'll be around there, hopefully, with warmer weather, because I'm fucking freezing.

Adam: Nice.

Hernan: Good.

Adam: All right. Chris, how you doing, man?

Chris: Doing good. Summertime here, cannot complain.

Adam: Yeah. What's the temperature like there? Are you in Austria?

Chris: Yeah. I'm in Austria. Good question, give me a second, I got to calculate this.

Adam: You can do celsius, we'll-

Chris: Around 30 degrees celsius.

Adam: Okay. That's pretty nice.

Chris: It is.

Adam: Cool. All right. Let's get the announcements going, real quick. I want to say if Michael and Jenny are watching in [inaudible 00:02:06], hello. Also, if you're new to Semantic Mastery, be sure to check out the Syndication Academy, it's a really great place to get started besides Hump Day Hangouts, if you're here you're in the right place. Syndication Academy is definitely the next place to start. As well as, the Battle Plan. A great way to lay it out. Speaking of the Battle Plan, if you haven't grabbed that, yet, we're going to have a quick webinar on Monday, and we'll be sending out an email.

You can sign up, it's just going to be a free webinar, we've had a lot of questions about the Battle Plan, about some specifics, what's in it, what do I do? That type of a thing, so we're going to go over that, so we'll be sending out an email, tomorrow, and you can hop into that on Monday, or catch the replay and find putt some more about that. Also, if you haven't, yet, please go to SERP Space, you can get a free account at serpspace.com, and that's where you can get your done for you services, and they're adding more tools to that, like there's the, correct me if I'm wrong, Roman, but right now the free tool we have is the JSON LD schema markup. Right?

Roman: Yeah.

Adam: Then, there's a couple more that we're working on. There's some cool stuff there for you. Like I said, signing up for an account to check stuff out, it's free, there's no cost, and then you can see if you want to grab some of those done for you services. That I believe is it. You guys have any announcements?

Hernan: No. I think we're good. Real quick, for those of you guys that join on Monday webinar for the Battle Plan, we're going to be sharing some good stuff, and telling you what the Battle Plan is about, but we are also making an additional training webinar for the Battle Plan purchases.

Bradley: Yeah.

Hernan: If you guys want to hop on in, you can still get it. I would suggest that you [inaudible 00:03:44] Monday, because there will probably be some kind of deal or discount, whatever that is, but that's something that's coming too, we're going to be setting up additional training with Bradley.

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Bradley: Yeah. Hernan, and I are going to do a, well, maybe the other guys, too, an additional training webinar for any Battle Plan purchases, we're going to basically just go through the process and talk about it, expand on each one of the points. Answer questions that people may have, as well as, I'm doing a lot of testing with press releases, right now, and I'm starting to see some really good results, so that's something I'd like to expand upon, a bit. Then, I think after we're done with the webinar, for the Battle Plan buyers, we'll probably end up going back through and editing the PDF to actually include timestamps, too, that section in the webinar, so that when people are reading through the PDF, they can just click and go directly to that one section of the webinar, and see it, where we expand upon.

We're really going to make it a high value PDF, more so than it is. Just because it is so simple, and some people say, oh, it's too, I cannot believe I got this PDF, that's so simple, because they want a whole bunch of crap, a whole bunch of fluff, and bloat put in there. The Semantic Mastery way is not to fill it full of bullshit bloat, instead we're going to go ahead and add additional value to it, to make it more of an actual plan that somebody would follow, instead of looking through it and going, oh, this is too simple, it must not work. Whatever. If you want to over complicate shit, you can do it, but we're going to go ahead and add additional value to it, so that maybe people will take action on it.

Hernan: Yeah. Also, what I wanted to say real quick is that one of the benefits to join, to purchase in the Battle Plan right now, or Monday, or whenever that is, is that you'll hae access to that webinar, live, and we'll have plenty of time for Q and A. Right?

Bradley: Yeah.

Hernan: Then, it will become a recording, so it's another perk.

Bradley: Yeah. Cool. All right. I can get into questions, now?

Adam: Let's do it.

Bradley: One last announcement, any Mastermind members that are on, we're going to have an impromptu, like Mastermind, well, formally, Master Class style webby, immediately following Hump Day Hangouts. Give me a couple of minutes to get set up, because I don't have it setup yet, but it will be in the Mastermind membership site at the-

Adam: Oh, webby.

Bradley: Page.

Adam: I thought you said, wedding. I was like, what the hell?

Bradley: No. It will be on the live event page in the Mastermind [inaudible 00:06:02] site. The membership site. It's going to be, I see a question in the chat box-

Adam: Yeah. I got it.

Bradley: Yeah. It's kind of impromptu we're just going to be kind of talking about the various case studies that we're working on in the Mastermind, and then answer Q and A, and it's just kind of free forum for anybody, like I said, we're going to continue doing those, so I'll be on for about an hour, unless I hear crickets, in which case I'll close it up early. If you guys want, just make sure that you come join us at the membership site on the live webinar page. All right? See you then. All right. Let me get into, where's the screen share button? Here it is. [inaudible 00:06:48] on the page.

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Hernan: We can see [crosstalk 00:06:51].

Bradley: Comments already on the page?

Adam: No. I'll go ahead and do that for you.

Does Tumblr, Blogger And WordPress Count As Tier One Network?

Bradley: Yeah. If you don't mind, it will make it easier. Okay. I'm answering a question first from Fabian [inaudible 00:07:03], who was in our Mastermind and he posted a rather detailed question, and I answered it, but this one is common enough that I want to answer this part of it publicly on Hump Day Hangouts, because again, this comes up often, and I can understand where there may be some confusion, here, so I want to kind of clarify this for everybody. From Fabian, he says, “Blog properties like Tumblr, Blogger, and WordPress, do they count as a tier one network, or are Tumblr, WordPress, and Blogger already tier two networks, which aren't counted for the rest of the properties?” He's talking mainly about a branded tier one network, and he's trying to wrap his head around, really, the way that we stack networks, if we're going to do that, so connecting multiple tiers. He says, “I'm confused about this detail, and now I don't really understand, which and when these properties become a tier two, or one, can you help me, and give me some explanation why it's like this, and why not, so I get it?” All right.

This is an image, guys, I'm going to see if I can expand on it. All right. This is an image just explaining a very simple graphic showing what the tiered network structure looks like. Okay? This would be tier one, here, and the way that this drawing shows here is that the Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr, are kind of pushed out of the tier one circle, or ring, but they're actually part of tier one, the only reason why it was drawn like this was specifically, so that I could show detail on the outer rings. If that makes sense? The Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress in a tier two network are a part of the tier one ring. If that makes sense? Again, just imagine, remember, and I've said this a bunch of times, but I understand how this can be confusing, guys, but you've got to look at syndication networks each as an individual ring. That's it. That's all it is. Every single ring is an individual ring.

When you start trying to visualize in your head the way that the networks all connect, and these multi tiered systems, and stuff like that, it can get complex very, very quickly. It can get confusing as well. But, when you break every thing down to single individual syndication rings, and then assemble them together, because that's all you're doing, it becomes a much easier process to understand, and to comprehend. If that makes sense? The point is here is this is one individual ring. The only thing that we're doing is we're taking the Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress, because they're the three blog properties that we consistently use for the networks. Then, we're going to build another ring with those properties as the triggers. Right? Each one is going to get its own ring, so Blogger will get a whole other syndication network, which would be a second tier network. Right? Typically, that's going to be a persona based network, or in some cases, and in some cases it could possibly be like an author network for perhaps a multi-blog, or excuse me, multi-authored blog, for example. Right? That would make sense.

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That's kind of more of an uncommon configuration, whereas for our purposes, typically it's just going to be a persona based blog for, or excuse me, network that is surrounded by, or triggered by the blog property from the first tier network. Okay? Does that make sense? What happens is the blog RSS feed, excuse me, the blogger RSS feed, in this case, is the trigger point for the second tier network, IFTTT account. Inside of this account, this network out here, which would have its own Blogger, its own WordPress, and its own Tumblr, as well. Right? Inside this account, when you go to set up the applets, or formally called recipes, you would chose RSS as the trigger, so if this, and select RSS, then paste the RSS feed from the Blogger account, from tier one, into that field, and then that, select, and start going through the properties within the network that you're creating applets for. Bitly, the Blogger account for that ring, WordPress, Tumblr, Dego, Delicious is apparently deprecated, now, so that's not something we can use anymore, but Buffer, all of those, all those other properties are going to be connected using Blogger as the trigger point.

Then, likewise for Tumblr, and WordPress. Again, I can understand where that can be a little bit confusing, guys, because when you start to look at tiered structures, it's like where do I start, and how does it all connect together, but if you remember that everything is a linear process, it's a simple linear process in that IFTTT, it's logic. Right? If this then that, it's if this occurs, then that occurs, and you create the triggers and the actions, and it's only a step one, step two type connection. There isn't a multi-step, or threaded connection. If that makes sense? Everything is an individual ring, it's only got a trigger point, and in the ring, itself, or the syndication network, itself, the whole thing is one action. It takes multiple applets for that to occur, but the one action is to just republish the trigger point content. That's it. It becomes a much simpler concept when you break it down that way. If that makes sense? Anyways, hopefully, that was helpful, Fabian. We also got a Mastermind, like I said, webinar today for an hour, following Hump Day Hangouts, and I think the next Mastermind webinar is next week, so we can go into more detail if needed. Let me know in the Mastermind, by the way, or comment on this page, and let me know if that was sufficient.

Does Google's Algorithm Only Factor In Links On Indexed Pages Or Non-indexed Pages As Well?

Okay. Ethan is up. “Hey, there, kind of a newbie question, but here it goes, when looking at your anchor text profile as a whole, does Google algorithm only factor in links on index pages, or non indexed pages, as well? This question became very important for me after I realized that the majority of web 2.0 links were not indexed. I built those primary to balance out the anchor text. Also, switching gears, do you guys send traffic to all your PBN's, just some, or none at all? How important is this moving forward? Thanks, in advance.” Okay, Ethan. It is my understanding that Google does still count the anchor text, I mean, unindexed, because Google may know that those links are there without, or probably knows those links are there without indexing them, and the way that I can tell you that's true is because if you, and I know Google has limited what they'll show you, now, in search console, as far as backlinks, when you download a sample backlink report, for example, I know they've started to limit that.

But, it used to be that they would give you a full report of what they knew was, of what Google had, at least, we think it was a full report, of what they had as far as backlinks pointing to your site. In there you would see, it depends on how old the site was and how many posts you've done, but sometimes dozens or hundreds of links from wordpress.com, for example, or Blogger, so it would be Blogspot, Tumblr, Delicious, Diigo, you'd see those, it wouldn't give you the individual URL a lot of times, but it would give you the root domain, and how many links. I've got projects out there that I've never done anything other than IFTTT or syndication networks, and content marketing, and Google would show dozens, or even like I said, depending on how old the site was, hundreds of links from the various network properties, but if you were to search info at, excuse me, info colon operator for that individual URL for some of the posts, or even site colon, for that profile URL, you'd see that a lot of the posts weren't indexed, or the vast majority of them weren't. Google, as far as I know is still seeing it, if Marco, or Hernan can comment on that.

Hernan: Yeah. I was about to say-

Bradley: [crosstalk 00:14:38].

Hernan: Yeah. I was about to say, Bradley, that I had the exact same experience when it comes to non indexed, [inaudible 00:14:49] websites that are actually blocking the bots, but those links that haven't been index, yet, or they are not being indexed for some reason, I still have that experience, that they still count as link juice.

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Bradley: Yes.

Hernan: Right? Because, again, with no indexed PBN's, like no index to follow PBN's, I still have had good results, those websites have moved the needle, so I have first hand experience that knowing these websites they still do the damage. Right?

Bradley: Yeah. You have to consider the anchor text profile of those links, as well, because if Google is seeing them, and you've seen movements from using them, then that means Google is recognizing they are there, and what goes for the web 2.0's as well, and that's why I've said, many times before, not to worry so much about the web 2.0 post URLs, the individual post URLs being indexed. Yes, it would be nice if we could index all of them, but I don't sweat it too much, because like I said, search console, and I've proven this year after year, after year, until Google started limiting the data, that those web 2.0 post URLs are being seen by Google, they may not be in the index, because they could be put in the supplemental index, for example.

Hernan: Yeah.

Bradley: But, Google has seen them.

Hernan: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yeah. I agree.

Bradley: Okay. “Also, switching gears,” well, Roman, do you have any comment on that?

Roman: Yeah. It's interesting. You know? Because it kind of goes back to the caching versus indexing thing. Right? If they've cached it, they've seen it. Right?

Bradley: Right.

Roman: If it's indexed that's a different story. I'm trying to think of this in terms of penalty recovery type of thing, or hurting yourself with those types of links, and from my experience, typically, when I do any kind of site recovery, or intra text adjustments I primarily look at just the indexed ones.

Bradley: Right.

Roman: In my experience, for recovery sites, but again this is different purposes that may not be exactly what the context of this question is. I'm not sure.

Bradley: Let's put it in this context, for example, let's say somebody had syndication networks set up and let's say they had a two tier syndication network setup and they spammed it to death, they spammed at their own network, with their own content, which we've seen people do.

Roman: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Bradley: So, they overload posts with anchor text links that go out across two tier networks that, again, we recommend against that for that reason, so they over do it. Here's the thing, if they hammered away on a single keyword and it tripped the penalty, or triggered a penalty, even an algorithmic penalty, but their web 2.0 post URLs that triggered it that aren't showing in the index, how would you know? You know what I mean?

Roman: Yeah.

Bradley: If you're doing a traditional recovery, or like you say, anchor text adjustment and you're using traditional like Majestic, or [inaudible 00:17:40], and those links aren't appearing in those indexes, then how do you know that you've done all that damage from your existing posts that aren't being indexed? You know what I mean?

Roman: Yeah. Good point.

Bradley: That's my point. I always considered links, especially on the web 2.0's, that don't show in the index, I've always considered those anchor texts as still relevant, and that's why I always try to balance it out. My point, Ethan, is just no matter what you're doing when you're building backlinks, always, always take into consideration your anchor text profile, whether you think it's going to be indexed, or seen, or not, you should consider it, because if it does get seen and counted, you don't want it to cause problems.

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Do You Send Traffic To All Your PBNs, Just Some, Or None At All?

All right. Next, “Also, switching gears, do you guys send traffic to all your PBN's just some or none at all?” I'm not using PBN's so much, anymore. I am sending traffic, excuse me, spoofed traffic, CT spam stuff through social properties, citations, maps, URLs, press releases, I send fake traffic through everything, hoping to get an actual case study, or test, and experiment set up with in the next week or two. I mentioned it on the previous Mastermind webinar. Clint Butler, in fact, one of our Mastermind members had the idea to start doing some CT spam tool tests, where we test different, because there's several of them, we've always promoted CrowdSearch, just because it's the one that I've used ever since I stopped setting those micro task gigs up myself, which was time consuming. It was very, very effective, but it was time consuming.

CrowdSource kind of automated all that stuff, and I've been using it ever since, however there are other options out there that do that kind of stuff. We're going to test, I am going to test it, it's been difficult, I've got a ton of projects on my plate right now to get it setup, but I do have a project already in mind that I'm going to set up a test for, where I'm going to create various pages, they'll be basically subcategories of an overall category, sub niches of a particular site that I'm working on, it's mainly just AdWords traffic, it's a lead gen property, so I wasn't planning on doing any SEO work. What I'm probably going to do is add a few different pages to that site, targeting the sub niches, that I typically would have only caught, targeted with AdWords, but I'll probably target those, you know, create some pages with some decent content, and then just do strictly CT spam tests. No backlinks at all, guys. I want to see where, first of all, where the page indexes, just naturally, and then I'm just going to start sending CT spam traffic to those pages.

Guys, anybody that doesn't know what a CT spam is click through spam. Right? That's going to Google and searching for a keyword, or a brand term, or any sort of search phrase, finding the link in the search results that you like, that you want, or your link, whatever, the one you are trying to promote, and then you click it and then browse around the web, that page for a few minutes or whatever. That's click through spam. Right? Again, there's a bunch of tools out there that do that, but we don't know, which ones the best. I don't know, which ones the best. I've only been using the one. I'd like to test that. That's something that's going to be coming up in the next few weeks in the Mastermind. If you guys are interested in that, it would be a good time to join.

Just to answer your question, Ethan, yeah, I'm sending spoof traffic right now through Crowd Search to everything. Absolutely, everything, except, like I said, I don't send it directly to the money site, much, for that I'll do brand or navigation searches, which is searching for the company name, so the brand name. You can also do brand name plus service, so that's a chance for brand name plus keyword, that will start to build that association. The keyword with that brand, which will help. I'll do just very, very few, very conservative type of search metrics, or numbers on brand searches, directly to the money site, but pretty much all the other spam traffic that I send is going to be through citations, or social media properties, or PBN's like you said, or perhaps press releases. Somewhere, where I can refer traffic to the money site through a branded property. If that makes sense? Okay? That's really powerful.

Guys, I'm doing more and more testing with this stuff, and I'm starting to see more and more results with SEO ranking results without backlinks, it's insane. I'm starting to do more testing with strictly engagement signals, and I'm seeing incredible results with that, and I say no backlinks, but I'm doing stuff with press releases, right now, that's starting to show a lot of promise, and there's backlinks with press releases, but it's pretty interesting to see how stuff is really starting to shift, as far as, how the algorithm works. Backlinks are still important, but I'm saying I've seen stuff, now, that can rank on engagement alone, which is insane. You guys got any comments on that?

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Roman: Yeah. I wish I could talk more about it, but you're absolutely right, Bradley.

Bradley: Yeah.

Roman: Absolutely.

Hernan: Yeah. Agreed.

How Do You Manage Keywords When Selling Video Ranking Service To Clients?

Bradley: We need to zip it, keep it shut for now. I mean, like I said, talk on a conceptual level, guys, a lot of the stuff you want to get in to the nitty gritty details you got to join the Mastermind. I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is. Cannot share all of our secrets in the public forum. All right. Columbia, is up, she says, and she's been crushing it. Columbia, has been really, Columbia, I just want to say, I appreciate you coming on the webinars all the time asking these great questions, I can see you're really trying. I think with the amount of action that you're taking your going to do just fine. Okay? Keep coming and asking questions, we're happy to help. She says, “When you sell a video ranking service and you give them three keywords for the first month, do you give them new additional keywords the second month, and following months, or are you just supporting the original three keywords for all the months that follow?” Columbia, they pay me for the initial keywords, and that's it, and then they pay me monthly to support those three keywords, or whatever. Whatever the number is.

If they want more keywords, that's fine, but they're going to pay me for a setup fee, for each new video, and then they're going to also pay me an additional fee for every keyword, per month. Like I said, I do package deals all the time. My bottom line fee for doing wholesale SEO services for video production companies, 100 bucks a month, per video. Again, I tell, the way that I work this out is that I tell the video production company, they approach their customer, their clients, and when they go to sell them on the Google Boost program or the SEO program, whatever they want to call it, they'll pitch it to them, and tell them, okay, give me what your three top keywords, or the three top search terms that your customers would search to look for your business. Then, they submit those to me with the work order, and what I do is I set up a poke test.

I'll do keyword research very briefly, but this is in part why I'm trying to get away from doing anything other than just working in specific verticals, because it does require research, like keyword research, and such, for every new project. To me, that's just a lot of additional work that's unnecessary. I'll do keyword research, figure out which keywords, and I'll just build a list. It might be 15, or 20 keywords of their primary desired keywords, plus longer tail versions of those, plus the location surrounding their target area, as well. I'll build a list out of that, and like I said, it could be 15, 20, 25 keywords and I'll run a spam test, a poking test, first, to identify, which out of those 15, or 20, whatever keywords are easy to rank on test channels. Right? From there, I'll send back a list of the keywords I can say, okay, heres what I think are the best opportunities are for ranking, and then the video production company sends it to the customer, and says, here's what we can do, just you select.

That's where, if none of their primary keywords that they originally posted, or suggested, are in that list to show, okay, here's what we can do for you, then I'll often do a deal, where I'll say, okay, let's just assume they're only wanting one video, they gave me three keywords, but they're only wanting one video, then what I'll say, the proposal will be, okay, instead of, since your primary, or one of your three primary desired keywords isn't in the list, but we can do all of these other options for you, what we'll do is we'll do two videos for you for the price of one. I'll do that, and I don't mind doing that, because already know I can rank the video with a test channel that has no syndication network, no authority, nothing, it's an invalided entity, an orphaned account. I ranked for that keyword, well then I know if I go take that same video, or the video that is now provided to me by the video production company, and I go push it through my network that's setup for this stuff, I know I'm going to be able to rank and it will stick.

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I don't care if I do two videos for the price of one, then, because I already identified it's not going to require any work. All I got to do is upload it to my channel, boom, I'm done. For months, and sometimes years, I'll collect a $100.00 a month for those two videos, without having to do any additional work. Does that make sense? If somebody wants additional keywords it's fine, but that's another setup fee, and I charge a $100.00 per video for setup fee, it's a one time fee. Then, for example, I just had, it's funny, but I was sending out client reports for the video production company that I do the most work for, today, I was sending reports out to them. He replied back, and asked, one of the clients had failed to pay him about two or three months ago, so I had to pause the campaign, so I basically unlisted the video. Right?

You don't delete it. You unlist it, so that it falls out of the index. He contacted me, he didn't say, oh, that company, blah, blah, blah, they restarted their billing, I've got payment so go ahead and restart that campaign, and I had to email him back and say, I'd be happy to restart the campaign, but I'm going to send you a bill for setup fee, because the campaigns been paused for two or three months, so now I've got to set it back up, so I've got to start over, again. Really, all I got to do is go in and turn it from unlisted to public, but then it's probably going to require a little bit of massaging to get back up in the rank results, the search results. I charge them another 100 bucks for it. You know what I mean? For that. So, that's something that, for example, any additional keyword you should charge them, the fee for actually the setup, which is what I call a setup fee, but that's just to prepare the video and push it through your network, and then charge them on a monthly basis for any additional keywords. Don't be afraid to do package deals, it makes sense. Right? Add value where you can. All right.

How Would You Present SEO Progress Report To Your Client?

“How do describe to client type of ongoing support work that you'll be doing for them, so that they see the need to pay you for the following months?” Well, in part, Columbia, that's why you push everything through your own channels, because the moment they top paying you, you can change it from public to unlisted, and it disappears out of the index, that's why they need to keep paying you, because if they don't pay you, you turn the shit off. I say that, because that's what keeps you in control. You know what I mean? If you ranked a video on a client channel, then they could say, you know what? We decided we don't need you anymore, and they'd stop paying you, and there is a chance that, that video will still rank for months, and even years to come. I've seen it happen, guys. I've got videos that I'm collecting paychecks from that I haven't had to touch in six months, 12 months at a time. Every now and then I have to go in and do a link campaign, or engagement, or send it through SERP Space, or Video Powerhouse, or something like that. I just did a few of them, today, actually.

Adam: Yeah.

Bradley: Go ahead. I'm sorry.

Adam: No. That's fine. I was going to say, something else that she can do is go ahead and have your process, or much of it you want to share with the client listed out. In some case, they want to say, well, exactly what are doing? Say, I'm monitoring it, either you're paying for a rank tracking service, or you're doing it, you're adding what's needed to make sure that the ranking stays the same, but then don't lead with that, I would lead with the benefits to the client, it's not-

Bradley: Right.

Adam: What are you doing? It's what are you providing, and hey, I'm providing you a service. I'm ranking videos. I'm getting you visitors. I'm getting you traffic, and you don't have to do anything except cut me the check.

Bradley: [crosstalk 00:29:43].

Adam: then, I'm making that happen every month, and you don't have to think about it, you don't have to hire another person. That's the benefit.

Bradley: Right.

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Adam: Then, if they want to say, well, what are you actually doing? Then, say, okay, here's my process, I'm doing these things and it's happening without you having to tell me.

Bradley: Adam, is exactly right. Lead with the benefits to them, not the features of what you're doing, because people buy benefits, not features. Now, some people are going to be curious and it's great if you lead with the benefits when people start asking questions about the features, it means they're close to making a buying decision. Right? For real. Now, they're curious as to, now, they know what they're buying, now they want to know how it's going to happen. Try not to make it overcomplicated or technical, because you'll confuse people. You can, the ones that are inquisitive about it, who might have a little bit of understanding, you can say, look, I'm going to building backlinks, I also have to maintain the broadcasting networks that the videos embedded on, I have to constantly drive social signals, backlinks, and traffic into them, that's what will help to keep the video ranked, and provide you traffic, and leads, blah, blah, blah. Remember, always come back to the benefits. Like, what Adam was saying.

“What kinds of work and how much are actually needed to these followup months, and how do you charge a regular client, not wholesale for one video setup fee of monthly support?” That depends, Columbia. Typically, a video service, video clients that aren't through a production company, then video SEO services are usually for me just a foot in the door strategy, so I usually don't charge very much for it. Usually on an individual basis, like when I'm working directly with a business, instead of a production company, or wholesale, well, when I'm selling retail, let's put it that way, then I'll usually do two or three video package and it might be something like $150.00 or $200.00 a month, for the two or three different keywords that we're targeting, but that again, is usually just a foot in the door strategy, once I've produced results for them, which is rather quickly with the YouTube videos, then I will usually upsell them on doing full SEO suite of services, or PPC, or whatever. Okay? Content marketing, syndication networks, all that kind of stuff.

As far as, what kind of maintenance, it doesn't take much. Some takes more than others, there's no doubt, but you know we've got Video Powerhouse, that works really, really well. I've been using Crowd Search for traffic, that works well. Some videos that take, that just won't budge with traditional SEO stuff, I'll setup a YouTube ad for, and I'll send a $1.00 a day worth of traffic, I'm getting a 100 bucks for the video, a month. If I set up a YouTube ad that drives local IP traffic to the video, it does a couple things, it helps it to rank, it will also show traffic signals on the video that I'm paying Google for, so that looks good to the client, or the customer. They've seen traffic on their video, and it helps to rank, because the local IP traffic I can set up via AdWords. It's a $1.00 a day. You know what I mean? I might spend 30 bucks a month, but I'm making 70, and it's pretty much on autopilot.

Is It Okay To Use PBN Links Directly To Money Site Or Should A Tier 1 Syndication Network Be Used As A Buffer?

All right. Alexander is up, he says, “Better using my PBN links directly to money site or using my syndication tier one as a buffer, that way I can also link from the same post to two or three properties, and it all converts in power to the money site, and maybe to RYS properties. I'm not really sold to it, yet, maybe because I never tried it.” Yeah. You need to try it first, Alexander. I'd recommend doing most of your PBN links to your network properties, or to tier one properties, period, and not directly to your money site. Some people might have a different opinion, but I really stopped doing a lot of that, quite some time ago. What do you guys think?

Roman: It depends, for me. As far as, the money site goes. You know? I still definitely use PBN's on my money site [inaudible 00:33:19], but they're very particular things that I look for.

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Bradley: Yeah.

Roman: When I do that, and they're not just quickly made.

Adam: Yeah. I was going to say, and I'm going to preface this with, I am not doing this, right now, but I mean that's a pretty broad question, so I think Roman's answer applies, it depends.

Bradley: Yeah.

Adam: It's not that you cannot do this, but it totally depends on what kind of a site you're linking back to and from.

Bradley: Yeah. I prefer to link to tier one properties, guys. I just always try to be very, very careful. Like, Roman says, it really depends. If I've got some Uber powerful domain, if it's Uber powerful it doesn't even really be topically relevant and you can see a good push from a link, but if it's not super powerful with high metrics, or whatever, then I'm looking more for topical relevancy, and it just depends. It depends. Yeah. I mean, if you're in doubt, don't link, if you're in doubt about the actual value of the link from the PBN that you're going to build the link on to your money site, then if you're in doubt at all, trust your gut, and push it to a tier one property instead.

Adam: Yeah.

Bradley: All right?

Hernan: Yeah. I would say that, if you control a PBN, that's fine, you can change, and switch, and swap the links, but if you don't, and this applies to any kind of link that you're doing now, excuse me, this is the power of detachable link juice, or Switchbox.

Bradley: That's right.

Hernan: Switchbox SEO, 301's. I usually have had good results with linking from a PBN to an internal WordPress site, let's say you want to rank an internal website, you will link from an article, and then it will get syndicated out, and then you point PBN links to the internal page of that WordPress, or that Blogger, or that Tumblr website. Right? That's how I do it, and I have had good results, but I agree with Bradley, if in doubt don't do it, that's what the whole syndication network is about, and you can always still use 301's to control the link juice, and see, and point it to different places, and see what the effects are.

What Is The Best Order To Follow When Targeting Properties Building?

Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. Next part says, “For testing speed what's the best order to target property building, video, AdWords, maps, organic?” All right. This is 100% going to be, this is independent of everybody, everybody is going to have their own independent opinion on this, me, personally, now, from now on, if I already know that AdWords is going to be mixed in to my marketing campaign for that project, I'm going to lead with AdWords, guys. A 100% of the time, now, because I can quickly identify where the traffic is, which keywords are producing the most traffic, and the best conversions, and then that's what I'll focus on my SEO campaigns, so if I know, I won't start any new project purely on SEO unless it's for experimentation purposes, for like case studies, and stuff like that. But, for any kind of client, or lead gen project that I start now, period, any project at all other than for experimenting purposes, I always lead with AdWords, because now I can identify where the traffic is, what's converting, before I spend even a moment of time on any SEO work, because SEO work in my opinion has become way too complex for it to be the leading, or the only method.

Because the problem is you can think you know, unless you know a market very, very well, for example, I know the tree services market, very well. If I wanted to start a project purely based on SEO, I could, because I know those keywords, I know where the traffic is, I've been doing it for years, but the point is, is I can still, I still don't know exactly what the search behavior of the new location that I'd be starting a new site in is. AdWords can show me what the search behavior is a lot quicker than SEO, because I can turn an AdWords lead gen funnel on and a campaign on, and within 24 to 48 hours I got traffic rolling in. Within 30 days, I can have enough data to be able to determine what to focus my energy on for SEO purposes, because it might take me three or six months for me to get any results from SEO, so I want to be damn sure that I'm working on the keywords that are going to produce me the best results and the 80/20 principle absolutely applies here, guys. 80% of your traffic and leads are going to come from 20% of your keywords.

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In fact, in some markets you'll see it's more like 90/10, or 95/5, and that's the absolutely truth, because I see it in all the different AdWords funnels now that I've got, I mean, both affiliate and mobile, the same thing applies. You'll see the vast majority of your traffic comes from just a very, very small subset of your keywords. That's what I would want to focus on for SEO to begin with, which would require, remember guys, a lot of the time those are going to be your broader keywords, at least for AdWords I always try to go very bulls eye, like targeted specific on buyer intent keywords anyways, because I'm not building out these big elaborate funnels to pull people down the sales pipeline for local lead gen. To me, it's possible, but it's a lot of work, so I just target after the really focused buyer intent keywords, anyways. Those are going to be difficult to rank for an SEO.

My point is, first to identify what those keywords are, and AdWords can help you to do that, but then from there you can start to develop an SEO timeline, or a plan, and a plan for optimizing for those keywords that produce the most traffic, and often that's going to require silo structure, categories, and subcategories, supporting posts, all that kind of stuff. Again, I don't like, in days past, in previous days I would always start off with SEO, and I would design these sites, and start building the content, and the pages, and the internal linking structure, and the syndication networks, and the content marketing, and all this stuff that goes in the rank, before I really knew where the hell the traffic was. You know? Again, my point is, guys, if you're going to start with, if you're going to have AdWords in the mix at all, at any point, I would lead with that.

Again, that's going to be personal to everybody. I know the guys on the call with me, here, probably have difference of opinion, but I would start with AdWords, and Maps, initially, especially for local, guys. Then, from there after I have those two setup, which would already be generating traffic, because AdWords can generate traffic overnight, then I would setup some video campaigns, both SEO and AdWords stuff. I'm going to be testing some local video, local video ads over the next few weeks. We got a project, a case study in progress, right now, in the Mastermind, and that's going to be applied to that, as well. Then, I would focus last on organic. What do you guys think?

Roman: I think you covered that really well.

Bradley: Awesome.

Roman: AdWords, I mean, that's data. You're making decisions based on data that you're collecting, and there's nothing more powerful than that.

Bradley: Correct. Okay.

Hernan: Yeah. I agree with Roman on this one, and with you, as well. Because usually when you're doing SEO for your own websites, and when you're doing SEO for clients, as well, or even a project that you are selling leads, or you want to send traffic, the best way to start is PPC, always, because it will speed things up, so that when SEO kicks in you already have data, as Roman was saying, in order to know what's converging and what's not. That's the way I usually roll. I don't disregard, here's the thing, I don't disregard one thing for the other. Right? The main point here is to not depend on one source of traffic, but rather have a true business, which is having several sources of traffic, and several sources of leads. That's why we use SEO, but we also use PPC to speed some things up, but also to not depend on one source of traffic, alone.

Bradley: Yeah. The other problem with, you just got to remember, like, I don't like relying 100% on just SEO traffic anymore, either. That's why AdWords, I think, is so important. I know those are both just Google traffic, I get that, and there's traffic to be had in other locations. Sure. But, I'm saying specifically from Google, because I just don't trust the fact that anything is going to last, as far as, rankings go. Being proficient in AdWords is a skill that is almost a prerequisite, now, for any sort of marketing consultant. Even if you're not really skilled at it, as long as you know the importance of it, and you have somebody who you can go to kind of help you with that kind of stuff, or even outsource that part of it, I think it's important to have that data. All right. We got to keep rolling.

How Do You Speak So Smoothly In Front Of The Camera?

[inaudible 00:42:14], is up, he says, “How about I am currently producing a video for my SEO agency, where I explain five tips to hire a great SEO to a business owner. I want to do it like how you did for Syndication Academy, where I stand in front of the camera and talk to the business owner. I want to ask, how do speak so smoothly in front of the camera? Did you actually have a script, or did you just speak out of a thought in your mind?” No. I have a script, man. I have a teleprompter, and you can get a teleprompter cheaply, some of them are really stupid expensive, but you can get a very inexpensive teleprompter on Amazon that is just basically like this little setup that goes on top of a tripod, and you use a tablet, and iPad, or an Android, or whatever with an app. It's called Teleprompter Pro. That's the app I use, there's probably a million apps that do the same thing, but the one that I use is called, Teleprompter Pro. It's an app.

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I use an Android tablet. All I do is put the Android tablet on the thing, and part of the app will reverse the text from the script that you add to it, and the script can be uploaded to the app, or imported into the app via a text file. Then, all it does a mirror image of the text, and it scrolls, and I bought a little Bluetooth slicer, what do you call them? The little, like remotes for changing PowerPoint presentations and such, dongles, or I don't know what the hell they call them. Anyways, I bought one of those little Bluetooth things that I'll use, that I can control the speed or pause, or restart the teleprompter, but yeah, absolutely script that out. You have to, man. I mean, if you're doing something off the top of your head, that's great, but for sales videos and stuff like that you pretty much have to script that stuff out.

It just takes practice, as far as, speak so smoothly. Trust me, some of those sales videos, guys, takes me three hours to record. I mean, it takes me longer to write the script then it does to do the videos, but as far as sometimes on off recording day, when you're trying to record a video, you cannot get through more than two or three sentences without a stutter or a stammer, and then you got to start over, unless you have really good editing skills, or a really good editor. In my case, I try to get everything done in one take, so that there's minimum amount of edits at all, and sometimes it will take me two or three hours, like 20, 30 takes to get through an entire script, especially a sales video script, which is like six, eight, ten minutes long, and it's difficult to do all of that in one take. Yeah. It's kind of a process, but you just get better. Just like anything else, guys, if you practice it enough, you get better at it, that's all.

Hernan: Yeah.

Bradley: If any of you guys remember the first sales videos we did. First of all, when I'm 280 pounds.

Hernan: Yeah.

Bradley: They were so bad compared to what they are now. You know what I mean?

Hernan: Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. I mean, every video that we make, or that you make, or whoever, it doesn't, it's never as polished as it looks like. That's the end product. Right. There's a lot of stuff going on behind that. You see all of these guys appearing really comfortable on camera, or not, but there's a bunch of editing. For example, I recorded some videos, myself, I will listen to [inaudible 00:45:23], and the guys a machine when it comes to selling, but he will tell you, yeah, it will take me a week or something to record a two hour webinar. You know what I mean? Because of that thing that it needs to be perfect, and it needs to be edited in a way that there's no mistakes, whatsoever, so there's a lot of work involved. Now, if you think about that, a via cell, or a video, or webinar bringing hundreds of thousands of dollars, themselves, it's totally worth it. It's worth the [inaudible 00:45:55].

Bradley: Yeah. Again, the hardest part, for me, really is the writing of the scripts, because I still write all of our sales scripts 100% on my own, and I'm not a copywriter, so it takes me sometimes two days to write a damn script. I'm not kidding. Two full days. It's painful, for me, because it's very, very time consuming, but I always feel like they come across better that way then trying to read off somebody else's script. Anyways.

Possible Reasons Why Your Google Drive Properties Are Not Indexed By Google

Don says, “I'm not a member of RYS Academy, but I'm waiting for the next program to drop. Having said that, I've been playing around with Google Drive properties, but following all the pieces I've picked up here and there. I cannot get any of the drive files to index, not rank, but simply to index.

I've tried drive files on two separate drive accounts, and submitted all the links to SERP Space indexer. I know without seeing a link it's hard to diagnose, but I have gone through and triple checked everything is public, but they don't index. I also created a new Google site over a month ago and it still hasn't indexed in spite being set to allow search. Having said that, I create a classic Google site and indexed almost immediately, as soon as I get my next GMB location verified I will order a drive stack, but I cannot figure out why the files aren't indexing. Is there a way to test all of the public index my shit settings are correct? Thanks, guys.”

Yeah. Look, the only thing you have to do is if you set the file to public, and indexable on the web, and that's in drive, it should be indexable. It doesn't mean that it is going to index. I've had issues with drive files indexing, and what I found is just to leave them alone, or build links to them. What I mean is I've had a lot drive stuff, for example, the one that we use all the time is an example from my first test with it, that's still ranking, the Virginia SEO one. That took six weeks before it ever indexed, but when it did, boom, it stuck. It's been there ever since, which is freaking insane.

Again, I didn't do anything to it, guys, but an initial, at the time, which was in May of 2015. That's been over two years, now. I did a PBN link run to one of my really shitty PBN's, like no kidding, it was a PBN that I wouldn't use to link to any sort of money site, or even tier one property, it was specifically used for video broadcasting and that's it. Only because it was a poorly built PBN from 2011, or '12 that I had built. I ran that site through there, I did a PBN post run for that and I think I had 13 backlinks from a poor PBN and about six weeks later it indexed and it's been ranked number one ever since, and I've never done anything to that site, since, guys. That's the truth, which is amazing. Anyways, Don, I've seen that, I've seen that those files don't index all the time, or at least right away, just give it time. What you can do is build links to those files, that should help with the index, but just be patient. Okay.

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Marco: If I could just add, what he's missing-

Bradley: What's up, buddy?

Marco: Hey, what's up, man. What he is missing is the interlinking. The RYS shit, that's what he's missing. Everything, all of the relevancy that we create. Everything that RYS Academy is all about, and since he mentioned the next program to drop, there won't be one, guys. It's just, we've talked about it, and we might as well make it public. I'm not going to make a followup training. We might make an update for RYS Academy, and if we update it, it is going to cost a whole lot more, but as far as all of the stuff that I've been working on, and whatever, I'm way behind, because of my surgery, and we've talked about it, and it just makes absolutely no sense for us to go and give people training where they're going to take it and create a competing product. Now, if we do release anything, it will be with a-

Bradley: As a service.

Marco: Yeah. Not only a service, but it will be nondisclosure, and noncompete agreements, and enforceable, so that I can chase you down in court, anywhere in the world.

Bradley: Yeah. That's what we're saying provided it's a service, a done for you service, and if people want to learn how to do it themselves, that's fine, but they're going to pay a premium for it, and they're going to sign nondisclosure, noncompete, all of that. And, a licensing agreement.

Marco: Absolutely.

Bradley: [crosstalk 00:50:17].

Marco: I mean it's going to be just totally, it's not what people are expecting. We're not going to give you a step by step process on how to build a competing product. I'm not going to do that. Sorry. That's over. If you're waiting for that, I'm sorry, it's not going to happen.

Bradley: Yeah. That's a good point. One of the things we're going to be doing a lot of is continuing to build out our done for you services, guys, because we've surveyed our audience many times and that's what people say they want. A lot of people like the training, just so they can figure out how it works, but they don't want to do the work, so they say, can you do it for us? We realize that, that's where the demand is, so we're building out more and more done for you services. We're still going to produce info products, and training products on certain things, there's no doubt, but the really nitty gritty, like really technical stuff is going to be strictly for the Mastermind members, guys, going forward.

There won't be another RYS Academy style release from us, unless, of course it's like I said, under premium, and licensing agreements, and all that kind of stuff. But, there's still lots to come from us. Lots of done for you services, and we've got, I've got several training programs in progress, right now, that I'm putting together, that we're going to be releasing under Semantic Mastery, or the Mastery PR brand, one or the other. Again, there's more and more coming, but it's just like all the really big, like groundbreaking stuff, like what our RYS was, there's a reason why we're not going to be releasing that kind of stuff. We'll be releasing done for you services, instead.

Marco: [crosstalk 00:51:49].

Bradley: Go ahead.

Marco: We have something that's huge. We have something that, I mean, what we're working on is turned into a monster, and what we're trying to do now is decide how to put all these pieces together, so that we can offer the two, or what you said, the way that you mentioned it, the training, but that's going to be a premium, if I'm going to train you on something like that, or if we are, because you guys are all going to be part of this, of course, Semantic Mastery. The thing is we just want to protect ourselves, guys. We didn't last time, a lot of people took advantage of it. It's never going to happen, again.

Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Greg, I'm going to answer these next two, guys, and then we got to wrap it up, because we got the Mastermind/Masterclass webinar in a moment. “My established blogs has a branded network, and the YouTube channel has its own two tier.” Okay. “I will be adding some of the videos to some of the already established individual pages on my blog, however, when I post a video to the YouTube channel, if I also want to syndicate it out to my branded network, as well, do I create a separate post for that video, and send it to no index? My website is siloed well, and ranks, and I do not want to mess that part up. Thanks.” No. Why don't you just connect your YouTube channel to the branded network, and just syndicate directly to the branded network, instead of embedding it on your site first. Right?

My point is, if you've already have established posts, or pages on your site, you're going to go in and just add a video to those pages, those aren't going to resyndicate, unless you make them, which you can do with republish old posts, it's a WordPress plugin. That's the one that I've used a lot. They have a free and a premium version. It's called republish old posts. You can use something like that to actually reinsert those posts back into the feed, so that they'll syndicate out, but it's not necessary to do that if you're going to want to publish or syndicate videos from your money channel to the branded network, which is essentially only connected right now for syndication to you money site.

Then, just go setup, just connect your YouTube channel to your branded networks, set up a whole other series of applets, using YouTube as the trigger, and when you upload the video it's going to automatically syndicate to your branded network. It doesn't have to go through your blog. Right? That's what I would do. That way you can do whatever you want on the pages on your blog by embedded posts, or videos, or whatever into those, but that's not going to retrigger syndication, unless you force it to using like a plugin like that. But, the videos that you upload to your video, or YouTube channel would get syndicated to your branded network via the YouTube trigger applet.

All right. Last question. “Hi, Bradley. I have a question about citation in GMB, as you know Google is preventing user PO box for local business,” yeah, Google prevents using PO boxes, but you can use the street address option within post offices, I just set two of them up about two weeks ago. Another two. No kidding. I had a client for the case study I'm doing in the Mastermind. I set up an AdWords funnel for him, a lead gen funnel, and I had him, well, I think his is actually a real address, though, I think it's a real address. Anyways, my point is it absolutely still works. Guys, I'm going to drop this link. We got to wrap up, but I'm going to drop something, here. Give me a moment.

This is the exact form that you fill out in the post office. You can print it off from your computer. Here, I'll zoom in on it a little bit. You can print this off from your computer and fill it out, and take to the Post Office. All you do is go rent a Post Office box, period. Then, hand them this form. Look, it doesn't cost anything, all you do is fill it out, and whatever their PO box, let's say that the Post Office street address is 123 Main Street, and you get box number 101, so by filling out this sheet, and submitting it when you make the payment for your, and you have to go into the Post Office to sign for it, anyways, when you rent your PO box, when you go rent your PO box, you hand them this form, or you can ask them for it and they'll produce it for you, and you fill it out, and then hand them the form.

It says, Post Office street address, so 123 Main Street, then you use the number sign and they'll tell you very specifically that you're supposed to use the number sign, not suite, not box, not nothing, you're supposed to use the number sign, the pound sign, and say 123 Main Street, number sign, box number, and that absolutely still works. Where it has been creating problems, right now, is when people try to multiple register, or excuse me, register multiple PO boxes under the same GMB account, to quickly. That's where it's flagging, but if you set up each listing under a separate GMB profile, then I haven't had any issues with it at all. Okay.

Anyways, let me drop this link and we've got to wrap it guys, I've got to go. I know there might have been a second part to that question, so let me jump back and finish that, real quick, guys. And, we'll wrap it up. Is Bill Cousins, here? I'll be damned, he is. Bill you need to reach out to me before the webinar, buddy, so we can get you on. All right. Cool. “My problem, now, is because I cannot get PO box verified, suspended from Google.” Yeah. Start over. I mean, what I would do is I would go and fill out that form, go submit it, and start over under a new Google My Business profile, so set up a new Google account. Create the Google My Business profile under there, and then use the street address results, or option, and it should work. Okay.

Clean your IP if you need to. Use a proxy if you have to. “If I'm going to use a local home address how to GMB, then use the original PO box address for the citation.” No. Don't do that, either. Whatever the address is that you have registered with Google, that has to be the address that you use in your citations, if you switch it up, your never going to get any results. Okay, Hank? Yeah. Try that, buddy. Try this one, here, and I'm telling you it should work. I would clear your browsing history and all that first, use a clean browser like Firefox that you've run through the process of cleaning. All right, guys. We got to wrap it up. Thanks for everybody being here. Roman, thanks for showing up today, man. Appreciate it.

Roman: Yeah. No problem.

Marco: Bye everyone.

Bradley: See everyone, next week.

Roman: Take it easy.

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