Monday, July 3, 2017

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 138

Click on the video above to watch Episode 138 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at  


Adam: Let's gey ready to … Just kidding. I was going to do my WrestleMania intro, but instead, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts, episode 138. We got almost a full crew except Bradley is on vacation. I know, we all thought that this was an impossible situation, but Bradley apparently does take time off. It has been confirmed, so. Let's go down and say hello to everybody. Chris, how's it going, man?

Chris: Been good here. Finally a bit of cool off here. Yeah. How are you doing?

Adam: I can't complain. About the same. It was just nasty hot, just the last week it's been humid and then now it's just kind of blue skies, 75, so I'm a happy camper. So speaking of weather, Marco, how you doing?

Roman: Oh, dude, it's nasty cold here.

Adam: Is it like 68?

Roman: No, 70. It rained, so the temperature went down about ten degrees. I hate it.

Adam: Yeah, that's tough, man. We really feel for you.

Roman: I know.

Adam: Roman, how you doing? Are you cooking in Tennessee, or how are things going?

Chris: It's actually quite nice. It's been about 78 degrees during the daytime and about 65, 60 at night so it's been perfect.

Adam: Outstanding. I like the weather update we go through. So, Hernan, if you'd like to tell us about winter.

Hernan: Hey, guys, what's up. This is Hernan reporting from the cold Argentina. All good, man. Yeah Bradley is [inaudible 00:01:31] in the mountains. So yeah, I'm excited to be here. We hae a bunch of new bits and a bunch of new good questions for today, so.

Adam: Awesome. Oh yeah, I'll do the updates real quick and let you guys know about a few things. First of all, if you're new at Semantic Mastery, first off, thank you for stopping by and Hump Day Hangouts. Please get your question on the page. And also check out the battle plan SEO blueprint. I'm going to put a link on there with a special offer. We really appreciate the people who have already taken us up, and then taken advantage of the updates. And we've got a lot more coming with the battle plan. Also, if you haven't yet created your free account at Serp Space. Head over there. I'll drop the link in a minute, but it's just There's been a ton of backend and front end small updates going on. We got some really big projects underway. And there's actually a sale ongoing right now, so if you're a subscriber at Serp Space you would have already heard about this. But, Roman, I don't want to give anything away, but I think we got a couple things that are being worked on, right? A couple big projects.

Chris: Yup. One of the big ones that we got going on right now is just going to be a revamp of the whole front end. We've gotten a lot of feedback from people and they want to understand a little more about all the different products that we have. So we're going to incorporating proper sales pages into there, and [inaudible 00:02:48] and that's what we're working on right now. But we've got some great products that are in the works right now. Such as basically full solution SEO packages.

Adam: Nice. Yeah, I think some people might have already been pinged by you for that, right?

Chris: Definitely.

Adam: Cool. Alright, well,[crosstalk 00:03:05] Go ahead.

Marco: Yeah, no, Roman forgot to tell them traffic on-demand. We're working on traffic on-demand. Real people coming to your website, on-demand. How cool is that? It's being worked on. It'll be a while, but.

Adam: Moving right along. Update, we did send out an email, but fourth of July sale coming up next week. We're going to have some really cool stuff, so I'm glad Roman's here because there is some stuff going on right now with Serp Space, but we're also going to have some special offers. So it's going to kind of be a Semantic Mastery fourth of July sale. But we're also going to be having some Mastery PR stuff going on. And then some Serp Space special offers for Semantic Mastery followers. So stay turned for that. That's going to be next week. And then I believe there might be a webinar or something in the future. Marco, can you look into the crystal ball and kind of tell us what's going on?

Roman: Yeah. There's so much misinformation on the web, which we try to clean up. We try to clarify. We try to give people a clearer idea of what's going on so that every time someone says “Google” they don't go running under the bed, right? And hiding and cringing and crying. The world is coming to an end. Chicken Little type shit. And so I'm going to start another series just clearing everything up so that people know what's going on. Because what people are saying isn't actually what's happening. And we've proven it time after time that whatever they say, especially when it's coming from Google, and you have these Google mouthpieces just regurgitating whatever Google says, 99% bullshit unless you can get behind everything that's being said.

So we're going to start a series where we're going to be doing that. Now, part of it is going to be for members only because we're going to get deep into some especially KML relevancy, adding relevance to your local … And your local, when people think of local, especially in RYS, they tend to think of local plumber, local this, local that. But your local could be your neighborhood, your city, your county, your state, your country, area of the globe that you want to target. Local is relative when it comes to RYS. So we're going to just clear up a lot of stuff. That's coming. I'm not sure when the dates are because I have to work on. I'm stull recovering from back surgery, and there's things that I have to take care of before I do any of this. But that's coming also. And yes, most of it will be free.

Adam: Awesome.

Roman: So look forward to that.

Adam: Good deal. Well, we've got a lot of stuff coming. So we'll wrap this up and get into questions here. I do want to ask one thing. If you have watched this before, or you're watching today and you like our content, if you could leave us a review and tell others what you like most about Semantic Mastery, Hump Day Hangouts, Syndication Academy, Battle Plan, whatever it is. We'd appreciate it. We want to make sure other people know about this, too. We can say it's good. And we get feedback, which is cool, like reading sport tickets. Like, hey, this was great, or I wasn't clear on this, can you answer this. And then hey thanks for all the information, your YouTube channel, all that type of stuff. But if you can leave us a review on the Facebook page, and I'll pop the link up there, we'd really appreciate it.

Hernan: Alright. Sounds good, so let me share my screen with you real quick. And I'll also try to read like an adult person the questions that we have. Can you guys see my screen?

Adam: Yup.

Shoud You Post A PR Article On Your Site First Before Publishing It To PR Sites?

Hernan: Okay. So we have a bunch of good ones. So, let's see. Alexander. Okay, let's quickly get down to business, quick one. When publishing a PR that links to my money site, should I post the article first on my site, let it index and then send the PR with a link back to that post? So that it will work like the post was syndicated from my money site or no need to post first on the money site, just blast the PR? Usually, Alexander, maybe you guys have a different way of doing this, but I just blast the PR, you know? It would be good idea though if you want to push an article, or if you want to push a page within your website or whatever that is, to set up an article and then link from the PR to that article, let it index, and then push the PR. But I don't usually repost or post first the PR, the actual press release article on my website. I just blast the PR and then I link back from the PR to my website, to the eternal pages or to the article that I have done or whatever that is. So that's basically what I do in terms of the PR, unless you guys have any other method of doing this.

Marco: No, I think that's perfect. I think that the PR is the announcement of something that happened with a product, service, on your website. I know that Bradley, every time he gets a review, he does a press release. I got a review. And so there's a ton of things that you can do, but the idea of a press release is that you're announcing something that happened or is about to happen on whatever property it is that you're trying to drive the links to. I think, to me, that's the main idea behind doing a press release.

Should You Add Full Post In The Homepage On PBN Sites?

Hernan: So, about PBN links, should I at full post, in the home page, and because of that many outbound links on home, or at an excerpt on home with an MS link on it? So, money site links still show in the homepage. And cut the article to most of the authority links on the post page. If I create a really irrelevant article, curate it with three to five authority links, times eight posts on the home, that it's 24 to 40 outbound links, what is the best way to do it?

So I'll tell you my logical behind PBN's, Alexander, and then I leave Marco, Roman and the guys to comment on this. So, first off I will variate a little bit. Many websites they have full posts, many websites they only have an excerpt, like for example newspapers will have an excerpt of the news and then they have an internal page exclusively for that post. But I wouldn't be that much afraid of outbound links because we have shown and we have proven that outbound links, even if they are authority back links, and authority meaning back links that come from authority sources that could be other newspapers, not competitors, but other authority websites. They usually increase. They actually help you increasing the authority in your own website. So authority is a two-way highway, if you would. You know? S

I you give authority to the target, but you also get some authority back. So I wouldn't be that much afraid of outbound links. It's not like it was three or four years ago when you had to have ten outbound links at most on a PBN because otherwise you will start bleeding link juice and whatever. I literally do not believe in that, and if you check the biggest websites out there, they link to the sources. Wikipedia will have a shit ton of outbound links on the footer. You want to sell your sources, you want to have many authority outbound links. That's the way I would do it. In any case, I would definitely vary within your PBN's between full post and excerpts. What do you guys think about this?

Roman: I mean, for me it's I set up sites a lot of different ways, you know? Over the years I've set up traditional sites where I used to have PBN's for blanketing everything. And then I started I started moving into a lot more relevancy type of PBN's. And since then I've done a lot more static type of linking on the homepage. But it doesn't mean that there isn't other ways of going about it. You know, if you have short little excerpts on your homepage, you're linking down to 10, 15, 20 articles. YOu're passing all of that relevancy and that juice from that homepage down into those inside pages, right? And you're powering all of those posts up. So it depends on what your purpose is with what you're trying to do.

Best Practices When Doing Pre-Screening Calls

Hernan: Yeah, I definitely agree. So, let's see. Mark is next and he asks, Semantic crew, Mark here, how is it going? Bradley, I love your answer last week about the call answering service for Mohammad's question. Would you be willing to share some of the screening questions that you use please? That would be a big help. I found a company in my hometown that offers these exact services. It's a ten minute walk away. I would love some advice on this because I love the idea of pre-screening calls.

Yeah, Mark, unfortunately, Bradley's not here, but you can ask on the next Hump Day, or we can relay your question to him. Or you can come and ask on the many Facebook groups that we have because I know that many of you guys have been using pre-screening or call centers to pre-screen the calls. If you remember last week, we talked about how these can actually increase the value of the leads that you are selling. Because you're pre-screening them, they have an actual interaction with a human being. So I think these can be much better qualified leads. So yeah, we can relay this question to Bradley so he can answer it on the next Hump Day.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek – Joseph Campbell

I also have something a bit cheesy, but it may help. Some I don't know, but let's continue with the cheese anyways. The quote is from Joseph Campbell, and I love this. The cave fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek. I have this pinned down on my wall as the fear of contacting business owners has definitely been something to block for me as video marketing has been my main skillset, but local SEO not so much. Even though I'm getting traction with local sites and also local videos, that fear has me held back for sure, and those well-lit caves are barren. It's that dark unknown cave in the corner that's the problem, but I feel this is a quote to live by. End of cheese.

Yeah, Mark, amazing quote. I think this is true for all of us. I think this is true. The true growth of any business owner or any entrepreneur of any one for whatever reason is outside of your comfort zone, right? So, I think that the more that you're willing to step out of your comfort zone and the more you're willing to do stuff that you're not completely comfortable about, the more you grow. And this is true for entrepreneurship. This is true for business owners. This is true for pretty much everything. You know, when you are doing those things that you are uncomfortable about, the more you do it, the more you become comfortable about and your comfort zone grows. So then, if you start calling people right now, you start calling these local businesses owners, and you start talking to them, I think that there's a lot of volume in this. And there's a lot of volume in doing exactly what you fear because that's where the opportunity for growth happens. And then it just become natural. And then onto the next thing that you're afraid about. Right?

Adam: Yeah. Then you can take on stuff that you hadn't even considered before. It becomes your next thing you fear, and you just tackle that. Also, I just want to say I think that's awesome. It's not cheesy at all, Mark. I think that's really good, and it goes in line with the book I was reading. I think I talked about High Profit Prospecting. So if you want a copy of that, just shoot me an email at support. Just tell me about Hump Day Hangouts and I'll send you a copy.

Hernan: Yup, pretty cool. So yeah, I mean … Yeah, go ahead.

Marco: Sorry about that, but it's interesting because one of the main things that I try to get through to people is to stop fearing Google. Once you lose the fear of what might, could, would, should, can happen, once you just start doing, it builds. It's like a building block. And then you overcome the next one and the next one and the next one. What I find is that people are so scared of Google, they're unwilling. They for some reason, get to the point where they won't do anything. And they just keep reading and studying and figuring out whether something might, could, should, would work and that's never going to work.

Roman: You could take this really into a psychological standpoint, but it's fear of failure. A lot of people run into problems. They're afraid to fail. What they don't realize is that each of us has stumbled along the way, I'm sure tons of times. You're going to do something wrong several times before you do it right. It's a learning experience. It's how you learn. It's built-in fundamental process of how you learn. Do something wrong, you take those results, you come back to it, figure out what's going on, and you tweak it and tweak it and improve on it.

Hernan: Were you about to say something, Adam?

Adam: No, apparently just breathing heavily or something.

Hernan: So yeah, Mark. The whole concept of Hump Day Hangout is that this is like a mini mass, am I right? So I think this is not cheesy at all. I love that phrase, and I love that question, that remark that you're making. That's definitely a phrase to have pinned on your wall because that's where you grow. And we as entrepreneurs, we face fear pretty much every day because we are doing things that nobody taught us, nobody showed us how to do. Or even if they are shown to you, you still have to do it, right? So I think this is a great phrase.

What Are Keyword Variations In Google Adwords?

So Mohammad is up, and he says, hey guys. I'm currently setting up a local adWords funnel, like the one on Local Kingpin. The niche is home building, so there are three main keywords I have are home builders, new home builders, and custom home builders. One thing I do not know for sure is if these count as variations of one keyword, home builders, or multiple keywords. Should I also mention that the search volume in my area is very low for this niche, which the reason I decided to make one landing page targeting home builders.

Yeah, Mohammad, I think that in terms of adWords, if you are targeting them with the quotes, meaning they are the exact match, those are three individual keywords. Now, if you're targeting a broad match, or if you're targeting a similar match which is with a bracket, those would be variations. I think it would depend on how your campaign is set up, but if you're targeting. You have them written here with the quotes, then that's meaning an exact match, and Google will show your ads on adWords when somebody types exactly home builders. Or new home builders. You can also use the plus operator to broaden your spectrum, as we showed on Local Kingpin, but this, as they are right here on your question, I would consider them to be separate keywords. So have that in mind. And it will depend on how your campaign's set up as well.

Is It Normal To Suddenly Have The Homepage Of A Site Disappear From Google?

One more thing, is it normal to suddenly have the homepage of a site disappear from Google. One of my homepages disappeared overnight. A side column search confirmed that the rest of the site was there. It's just one homepage. And the highest ranked one is gone. Should I manually submit the link or wait and see what happens?

Well, I think it would depend on how long ago this happened, Mohammad. What kind of link building or what kind of changes you did to the website? It can happen. It can definitely happen. Even further, if you have one of the highest ranked pages. I don't think there is some kind of[inaudible 00:19:25] or whatever. You're saying that the site common operator is still showing. So the website is showing, so it should be okay. I think it's a little bit of Google down, so I would give it maybe one or two weeks to settle, and then see what happens. But I wouldn't freak out because, again, I think if the rest of the website is okay and healthy and the main page, the home page was ranking okay, I would give it maybe one or two weeks. It will depend, of course, of what you have been doing to the website, and again, when did you figure this out? What do you guys think?

Marco: If he did the site search, did the homepage appear in the site search? Because if it didn't, then he has problems. If it just disappeared from rankings, that's one thing. It happens. And it'll come back. But if he did the site search and the homepage is gone, that's a serious problem. It means it was removed from the index.

Hernan: Right. That specific page. The homepage of the website has been removed. Well, if you're listening to this live, Mohammad, if you can comment on this, did the site operator brought back the homepage. Did it just disappear from rankings? It's nowhere to be found on the first hundred, or the first three hundred results, which could definitely happen.

Is There A Way To Do The Switchbox Method With A Business' Google Map Embed In Serp Space?

So, Jay Turner, is asking, is there a way to do the switchbox method with a business Google Map embed in Serp Space? That's actually a good question because the switchbox method will require a back clean. And you can have back cleans on the Google Map embed in Serp Space. The map [inaudible 00:21:22] has will actually have maps embedded, and you can have back links on the iFrame, but I'm not entirely sure. Unless you're using the switchbox to link back to your website. Is that what you mean, Jay? What do you guys think about this question?

Marco: Yeah, he's going to have to clarify for me because I'm not sure what he's trying to apply the switchbox to. Does he want to embed a Google Map that he controls? Is that he's trying to do? And figure out how to link that to the clients, Google My Business? That's simple enough to do, but if you're trying to do your own Google My Business to another Google My Business, that's not going to work. At least, I don't think so. That's ambiguity defined.

Roman: Yeah, that's really tough because I'm trying to think of maybe some kind of custom thing, but yeah, I'm not sure.

Hernan: Yeah, what I would say Jay, have in mind that you're embedding in iFrame, right? So whatever you change on the original My Maps, will change across the board. So if you're changing the length on the My Maps, then you're embedding that. And then if you change the length it was also change on the rest of the embedded websites because it's an iFrame, at the end end of the day. So that's the switchbox in and of itself. You can change links on your My Map and they will change on the websites, unless I'm mistaken, because that's an iFrame. That's the way it is. But again, you will have to clarify a little bit because, again, if you're linking out to your client or to your own property, that's easy enough. You should sling to a 301. And then you point the 301 to whatever you want, pretty much.

David Johnson is asking, is that ET? I don't know what he means by that.

Communication Tips In Getting Usernames And Passwords From Previous Agency That Built The Client's Site

So Jason is asking, I'm just getting started with my own SEO business. Congratulations, Jason. You guys are awesome, by the way. No, you are awesome, Jason. And want to know if you have any tips or tricks for getting usernames or passwords from another agency that built the client's site. I keep running into gatekeepers, even when I offer to sign an NDA or whatever they need. Yeah, that happens, Jason. This is kind of tricky because that's why we recommend you install WordPress on a sub domain most of the time. You will inherit many websites that are already set up. And that's why we also recommend that we get you set up your own legion and whatever properties. But yeah, when you're starting out, you will inherit a lot of headaches and a lot of stuff from the owner or from the previous SEO businesses, or whoever was taking over at that point.

That's why we suggest that you install WordPress in a sub domain and you go from there. You control that. You want to have as much control as possible. And then it's just a matter of, in my opinion it's just a matter of saying, hey, if you don't give me access to the back end, there's no way I can actually help your business because I need to have access to the code. I need to have to access to whatever I need to perform. That means username and passwords FDPE, C panel access, whatever you need. But yeah, it will happen. It happens a lot. It happened to me. That's why we recommend starting a new WordPress in a sub domain, one you can syndicate out, you can have your own way of doing things, and you don't have to inherit all of that. What do you guys think about all this?

Marco: I think that this is an awesome question. Especially since you're just getting started. So that you know that part of your closing needs to be, I need access to everything. If I don't get access to everything, then nothing's going to happen. So that has to be part of it. You have to do it your way, in your own words, but when you're sitting with the site owner, the site owner has to understand that SEO and marketing isn't magic. It doesn't happen by osmosis. You can't just sit there and puff, I'm going to rank you without getting access to the website, doing on page SEO, off page SEO, and everything else that you need to do. In order to do your job, you need access to everything. So you need to get the owner involved. You have to have the owner. He's the owner of everything. He has to contact the agency, and he has to get those. Sometimes even the owner. They'll hold the owner hostage, and they won't let him access his stuff. So you'll run into that. But I really like this question, and you guys will just have to find a way to formulate your closing so that the owner, or whoever it is that your client is, understands what your needs are in order to do your job.

Roman: Yeah, you've got to put it back on the business owner because that's their previous … They were dealing with a web design company in this particular instance and that's on them. They need to provide you with you.

Hernan: Yup, definitely. I know for sure that if I get a client telling me, yeah, I want to redesign my website, I need some [inaudible 00:27:06] whatever the fuck that is, or Wix. I'll definitely not do it. Back in the day I wouldn't even do it. I wouldn't even dare to do it right now because you need to go through the code and the logic of another person, and that's complicated. That's why we always advocate for having your own properties, and then just selling what the client wants, which are businesses. Business leads customers, that's what the client wants. He doesn't want to lead with rankings and keywords and charts and those kind of things, and back links. That's not the way it works. The business needs more customers, and that's why the legion model, or the rank and rent model works so well because you control the property, you know what's going on. But then again, when you're starting out, you need clients to pay for the party, as I like to say. And there you go. That's one of the perks.

How Important Is It And What Would Be The Effect Of Structured Data Markup In The First Few Weeks Of A New Website?

So, Colombia is asking, how important is it and what would be effect of structured data markup story in the first few weeks of a new website. I do it right off the bat, Colombia. I do it as soon as possible, even further when working with WordPress. I install Yoast, and Yoast will markup your stuff, will add structured data to your pages. So I do it right off the bat. I don't wait for it to age or whatever. I do it right off the bat because I want to feed that data as soon as possible. And that's part of practice as far as onsite SEO. We talked about that on the battle plan a lot, online SEO and one of the first steps is to have a correct data markup. Even if it's a completely brand new website. Do you guys do it differently? What do you guys think?

Marco: I totally agree. Except I hate Yoast. I code my own. I like coding anyway. So I have a template that goes on at the start, and if I need to add to pages or whatever, I'll add the code. You can use a widget if you're using WordPress. There's plenty of ways you can work with it. But you can't go wrong, Colombia, with adding to your footprint, with making sure that it's clear. All of your same as, all of your other properties, your address, your at ID. All of the things that you've been learning from us should be applied right from the start. The price, it varies. Or the dollar signs that Google recommends. Either one works. But yeah, as much as you can get in there to signal … These are signals to [inaudible 00:30:00]. These aren't signals from people, right? Although they can be if you're doing rich spinets. I'm not going to get into that. But these are signals directly to the bot to pay attention. Because you're doing things the right way. You're giving the bot what it comes in and looks for. Because if you don't, then it goes into your content and tries to extract. And you don't want the bot doing that in a brand new website.

Hernan: There you go. Roman, any insights about this? Do you do it right off the bat, do you wait a little bit to extract your data to a website? How do you personally do it?

Roman: I do it right away. Just like Marco, I go in and do it myself manually. [inaudible 00:30:40] do it, one or the other. But basically, yeah, I have it templated out structured data that I just fill out and slap in there.

Hernan: Pretty cool. Yeah, by the way, you can use Serp Space structured data markup builder. Jason will need markup builder to … You just input your data there and it will spit out the code that you need to input. Just for clarification.

Roman: While we're on that topic, that's one of the things I'll be looking at adding into Serp Space in the next couple of weeks. Basically an expert to set that up for you, so you don't have to worry about it. It's an up sale for IFTTT networks and thing like that. So you can just get it done in one swoop.

Hernan: Nice. Pretty cool. Just for clarifications, Yoast will add some data markup, but some data markup you need to add it on your own. And that's why you need to open an account on Serp Space and a free account because that's a free tool that you can use.

Marco: And just for clarification, I hate Yoast.

Tips In Using TAS2.0 Gig On Serp Space For Local SEO

Hernan: That, too. So Chris Thomas, via Support, and this is a question for Roman. I don't know how much we can disclose about this, but let's give it a shot. I have a question around your TAS2.0 gig on Serp Space that I was going to put to you guys. I have a client site that ranks very well for various “service+CD+CBD” in Maps. It's a CBD location. Example, rotator cuff treatment, Dallas CBD, but that's not ranked quite well for organic. And it doesn't rank well at all, not in the top four or five pages for broader search, say physiotherapist Dallas, or even physical therapist Dallas CBD. Let's say I need to improve my rankings for keywords physiotherapist Dallas, but I also want improvement for frozen shoulder treatment Dallas, lower back pain Dallas. I'm interested in your thoughts in approaching this.

Option one, separate the three keywords into three separate gigs. Say one main keyword per month over three months. Each TAS2.0 gig. One WEB2.0 would target the relevant service page, say frozen shoulder treatment. The other four 2.0 would link to injuries to do with frozen shoulder, etc, etc. Option two, each of the five WEB2.0 target a different subset of keywords. So one WEB2.0 would target frozen shoulder treatment, another lower back pain, etc. Hope it makes sense. Have a great day. What do you think, Roman, about this? What would be the best use or best practice in terms of this? If we can give something away.

Roman: So, basically what you have to think about here a little bit is what you're ordering. So each of these sites are going to have … We're setting up five of them. And they're going to have a homepage and two inside pages per, or 15 pages total. So based on a few concepts like link buoyancy and things like that, you want to target different pages on your site with this. You can target two or three of the WEB2.0s on a single page if you really want to push it. If that page has been around for a while it has … Point to it. But typically, expectantly when I'm first getting started with a campaign, I like to spread it out amongst as many pages as possible. So in this particular example, with local SEO, it's likely that you're going to have … Devoted specifically to your different types of services that you're offering, as well as location based pages. So typically with TAS or DAS, what you're going to want to do is target the service pages themselves with it. So in this case you can target, like you were saying in option two, you could target five different pages.

What you have to think about though, is that each of these WEB2.0's will be targeting a single page, and you've got basically three opportunities there, to push that page. You've got the homepage of the WEB2.0, and then the two inside pages. So the topic for the homepage might be in this case, I wish I knew more about this topic so I could give you more relevant examples. But let's say that you were targeting broader type of keywords, like psychotherapists CBD, maybe that's like your silo page or something like that. Your inside page keywords are what you would want to give us for that should be something that isn't exactly the same as that particular keyword. Exact same keyword, two different ways. You want to always have something that's related to that. For instance, maybe two different kinds of psychotherapists, whatever else type of keywords that you want to target. It has to do with the way relevancy is passed through. I'm trying to find the easiest way to explain this without giving too much away.

Hernan: So basically what you are saying is that he can use the gig initially to power up the entire website, and then he can use this more than one keyword for the gig, or a group of keywords. That doesn't necessarily have to do with one keyword for WEB2.0. Is that what you're saying?

Roman: Sure. SO for instance let me kind of incorporate and example of that. It might make sense. Like I said, if I had knowledge about what psychotherapy actually was, I could be able to give you better examples with this. So let's say that you were trying to target personal injury attorney in some random city. One of your WEB2.0's could be personal injury attorney. And then, for instance, the keywords that you would use for the inside pages for that could be slip and fall attorney, dog bit attorney. Topically, they're related to the original topic. So you're pushing all of that relevancy back to the target page.

Marco: I think in order to help him out, one of things that he could do is go after something physiotherapy versus physical therapy, and talk about the differences, and that would be one of the ways where you could broaden and differentiate and still provide an example that matches up. You would exactly the broad physiotherapy, but you would use one part. Let's say physiotherapy for back pain, versus physical therapy. Is that more how you would want to see it? With LSI, rather than exact match.

Roman: Exactly. LSI type of variation. Something that isn't exactly the same but it could be slightly different, or it could categorized in the same grouping. When you go to set up your site structure, typically most people put a lot of thought that goes into the site structure itself. And this is one of the main topics that really separates people in SEO from experts, from the amateurs to the experts. When an expert goes and sets up a site, they really take a look at site structure wise. They know that they want this page linking to this page, and so on and so forth. So as you set up your site structure, you know what keywords you're going after. You have that somewhere in a document, lying around, listed out. When you're doing a service like this, if you have all of your data for your site structure and the way you set up your site, you can use that data to feed into this. If that makes sense.

Hernan: Yeah, I think it does. I think it makes a lot of sense. And also, what you can use is something like, for example, Power suggest pro to get additional keywords that people are actually looking for. Searching tank keywords, you know what I mean? People are actually looking for these keywords, and you can use a tool like Power Suggest pro, of course vary it a little bit, and that will help you vary in your Anchor Text profile, and also the relevancy that you're pushing to your website. So yeah, great question. Thanks, Chris, for asking this.

What Serp Space Package Would You Recommend For A New Website With Content?

So David, David Martin, also via Support, is asking, I have a brand new website with content already published. It's a couple of months old and nowhere in the rankings yet. What Serp Space package would you recommend? How will this work since a lot of the country's already publishing the website. Well, first off, David, if you don't have it already, go and get the Semantic Mastery Battle Plan. Ask for Chris or the support at Semantic Mastery. They'll come for a coupon. Ask for a coupon and the Semantic Mastery Battle Plan because over there we have it step by step blueprint, if you would, on how to approach aged sites that already have content. I'm a little worried, though, that it's a couple of months old and it's no where in the rankings yet. That's not a very good sign. Usually when you have a winning domain or you have a really powerful domain, it will show over the first fifteen days at least somewhere, at least on page five or position 50, or page four or page three. Just so you know guys, if a website is showing just with onsite SEO on page two or page three, it doesn't mean it sucks. That's actually a good signal. That's actually Google lists saying this website is relevant so I'm putting in over the first hundred websites. Just have that in mind for that keyword. So it doesn't mean that you should be discouraged.

Now, with link building or whatever, using Serp Space services, you can get it further ahead. I'm a little bit worried that a couple of months old, is it index? How many pages it has. Is it completely index? And no where in the rankings, that's kind of worrisome for me, or what I would say. Now with that said, go ahead and get the Battle Plan if you didn't have it already. It's just a really small investment. And there you will have a step by step plan on how to approach and aged website. I would consider this maybe an aged website. Not a brand new website, it's just two months old, or six months. That will make a difference, too.

A lot of content is already published on the website, that means that you're not publishing content on a regular basis, I would suggest that you do so. That you add a syndication network to it, of course. Because the time where you would just publish content on a website and hope it to rank are long gone unless you're using something like [Airways 00:42:19] Academy or [Airways 00:42:20] Stocks. With websites that doesn't happen. You need to publish content. You need to keep the bot coming back to your website. I would start with a press release. And then I would follow the battle plan. We have an entire section dedicated to aged websites over there. But what do you guys think that David should do for a website that is nowhere in the rankings yet? What's your opinions?

Roman: Personally, I would definitely be looking at the on-page of the site and seeing what's going on because he should have some kind of rankings. Especially if he has a lot of content. That doesn't make a lot of sense. He should be ranking, so he's not where he needs to be. So the onsite first, especially because it's a newer site. I mean, there could have been other things that could have been tripped in the process if they attempted to do SEO, such as extended sandboxing and things like that. But I would look at the onsite first before you do too much else to see if there's some glaringly obvious problems because I would likely think there would be. And then from there, an IFTT network if you have content. That's one of the best ways to utilize an IFTTT network or a syndication network.

How Do You Manage A Client To Proceed With the SEO Program After Over-ranking An Authority Site?

Hernan: Okay. Pretty cool. So Ed's up. He's saying, I have a lawyer client who has had a website with Findlaw for years. I was unable to work on the site, so I created another WordPress site. Okay, good job, Ed. And this is something that we have been talking a little bit before. So he created another WordPress site altogether, which is actually a good idea in my opinion. Both sides were ranking, and he is high in Maps. Just recently, his phone stopped ringing after getting a ton of calls. I have checked moz and there is no sign of duplicate content. I'm also realizing I'm kicking Findlaws ass in terms of SEO because Google My Business goes right to my site. He's worried because there are now no sign of Findlaws site when he looks. I go into private and I see both sites everywhere. I have set up a tier one. He's not sure how to proceed and might want to take down my site.

Well, first off, Ed, I've never worked with Findlaw, maybe you guys have. I've never worked with it. If it is what I think it is, which is a parasite or a website that's hosted within a sub domain or whatever that is. Or maybe they're hosting their websites like this cookie cutter solutions for lawyers. On this case, I would say that Findlaw got penalized, or they got hit, and that's what happens. At some point, it happens to Pinterest. It happens to whatever kind of parasite you're having. That happens. They get hit and your website is not yours. It's actually FindLaw's. You're paying for it, but that's one of the caveats or one of the risks of having parasites not fully under your control.

Now, the other thing is I wouldn't know why the client wants to take down your site. If you say that your website is kicking the other website's ass, I would definitely keep your website going. Now, what you can do, Ed, is clearly FindLaw's website converted better than yours. Even if yours had better SEO and better results, I would say that Findlaw made a better job converting those visitors into sales. Or into calls. So what you can do is emulate whatever design or whatever call to actions Findlaw had, or has, to apply them to your own website because you clearly control that. I wouldn't definitely take out your website because it's like shooting yourself in your foot saying, I'm taking down the only website that I can actually rank, or that's ranking. Why would you do that? Because FindLaw's website, he cannot control that. You cannot control. Just let him know that taking down your website will only … The only thing that that will cause is to take down your website. Taking down your website will not make FindLaw's website come back out.

So what I would suggest also, Edward, besides diving into Findlaw and seeing what they are doing better than you in terms of conversions and try to emulate that on your own website, is go into SEM Rush and plug in their website. You can do, or you can do their website on SEM Rush, and you will see if Findlaw had a hit in terms of rankings, or in terms of visitors that can from organic visitors. You will see that for example, Twitter had a hit a couple of years back. Pinterest a hit. If you see any kind of abrupt downfall in terms of SEO rankings or in terms of organic visitors, that means that Findlaw unfortunately it's true. So that's the two things that I would say and by any means, take down your website because that's the only thing the client's got left. Does that make sense? Do you have any other thoughts or any advice for Edward?

Roman: I think you pretty much covered it. From what he wrote, I don't know if he's tracking analytics to his site, because that would be the first thing I'd take a look at. He could tell the phone stopped ringing, right? But I would definitely take a look at analytics and start from there. I think there was just a recent update that a lot of people were talking about the last couple of days. So that might have something to do with what happened to Findlaw.

Hernan: Probably. Let's see if we can plug this into SEM Rush, see what happened because … Yeah, currently websites. So I'm assuming this is kind of a parasite. So if I plug it into SEM Rush, let's see what comes up. You can definitely see on SEM Rush what's going on. So yeah, they have been gaining traction, but then they had a dip over the past two months. You can see this. You guys can see my screen, right?

Roman: Yup.

Hernan: So you can it has been gaining traction, but if you check, they had their peak in April, and then over the past few months they have been losing a little bit of traction. So this could be right here something that you need to have in mind. And maybe they are taking a hit. We should be waiting until the next ten days. It usually comes up, or comes up the algorithm, I mean. And maybe we'll see even further downfall here. But if you check, for example, Pinterest, this is also good, guys, to see parasites, to rank for. This is great to see parasite. So Pinterest's been killing it. You see can see this that they have been killing it. So if you want to rank something, rank it in Pinterest. Because these guys have been killing it on the search engines. I don't know.

For example,, okay? If you want to go ahead and open a Twitter account and then you want to rank that Twitter profile you can see it. But as you can see they have been getting rankings and this was when they opened the index story, and then they had a peak over here and then they're just keeping it stable. But basically this will tell you, Ed, this will tell you what's going on with Findlaw, alright? And by any means, I will take your website out, because again, that's the last chance the customer has to actually optimize that, to make it convert better and see what's up because I'm pretty sure Findlaw has been [inaudible 00:50:50] pages. And they have been doing their homework in terms of conversions. So you might want to do what they are doing in terms of conversions. And I wouldn't take your website down by any means because that will only mean that you will take your website down. That will not ensure that the final website will come back up, right?

Marco: That's perfect advice. Copy whatever Findlaw was doing to get conversions. Look and see how they appeared in search results, the title that they were using, the description that they were using, the landing pages that they were using, and go set it up on your website. You can change it up a little bit to make it unique. But keep the main elements of where the eye focus goes. And I talked to Ed about conversion a little bit when he came down to visit. We took a look at one of his websites, and one of the big problems was the layout. The layout of the lander, where people were going. It might also be that he needs to work on his titles and descriptions so that he gets better conversions or click throughs.

And the only way that he can figure out the click throughs is if he goes into Webmaster into the search console and takes a look at what kind of click through rate he's getting on what' being served per search. I mean, Google will give you all of that. And so you work according to what's being given to you, the position. If it's top three and it's being click through, you got a big problem. If people are landing on your page and then not converting, you have a big problem. So you have issues, direct issues that you can address, but the only way to know is if you find the metrics and analytics and go take a look at it, and work from there.

Hernan: Right. I would say that this is like phase three of any project. Phase one would be the discovery or the research. Phase two is actually the setup and the rankings, and now that you have the traffic and you have the rankings, now his phase three would be to actually make it convert. Right, Ed? So I would definitely install the little tool that Adam showed me a while ago, which is [HotChar 00:53:16], which is free, and it will allow you to see where the visitors are clicking, where they are clicking, where they are leaving the website. And again, just copy what works, right?

So, Mohammad. Hey, Mohammad. Hey, guys, I'm watching now. The homepage disappeared about eight hours ago, about an hour and a half ago it suddenly reappeared on all keyword searches as usual, and on the site colon search. Now just after you answered my question, I checked once more, and it's gone yet again. Yeah, it's definitely dancing, or it's definitely Google watching the Hump Day Hangout and going after your website. It would be both of them.

Marco: Mohammad, don't touch the fucker for 21 days, at least. Give it three weeks, let it sit, don't touch it. Don't do anything. Once it settles, take a look at where it is and decide what to do. That's part of the blueprint, taking the next step, the next action. But when it's dancing like this, don't touch it, leave it alone.

Roman: Marco, would you even check it?

Marco: No, no. I'm not going in there. Once I see that it's dancing, no, I'm not going to go and check anything, side operators, nothing.

Roman: You've got to remember, if you're doing that site colon operator, and just think about it for a second. Your site, Google's recording that. That exists in the search engine. That's a unique query that's sitting in the search engine. They record all of that stuff. So, yeah, again, this is speculation on my end with this, but I had a suspicion that that plays a role into some of the stuff. If you check it too often or are looking at it.

Hernan: There you go.

Marco: Serp watching. You'll get a nose Serp watching.

Hernan: Yeah, Mohammad, they are moving the card to see if you bite. That's actually happened, you know? If you freak out, and your start removing links, it will happen. So let's go into Jay's question, and then I think we're going to wrap it up. On my previous question, I want to use Map Powerhouse to help clients Google Map Rankings, but we want the option to switchbox should client be flaky on payment service. Okay, fair enough. So maybe use a Google My Map with client's Map embedded and my Powerhouse, my My Map. Yeah, that would definitely do it, Jay. That's what I would do. You control the My Map. You control the links. And again, whatever changes you do to the My Map will be reflected all over the place. So don't do the client's Map, but do My Map, right, the ones you control. That will be a switchbox enough. What do you guys think?

Marco: Yup, that's it.

Hernan: Alright. Okay, so I think we're-

Chris: Yeah, sorry I was going to say real quick since we got Roman on here, I think now's a really good time to ask that last question that Ken popped in there. Roman, if you have time, do you mind kind of giving the elevator pitch on what TAS2.0 is?

What is TAS2.0 Service In Serp Space?

Roman: I'm still in the process of writing this sales content, so haven't gotten started on this one yet, but just as a quick rundown. It stands for Traffic Authority Stacking. So Traffic Authority Tracking is basically a new iteration of, a lot of people were familiar with the Main Authority Tracking, which came from Network Empire and Jimmy Kelley. So DAS or TAS2.0 is the next iteration of that. The original version of all of that training discussed things on more of a theoretical level and not so much on a practical level. And this newest version is significantly more powerful. It incorporates a lot more, and basically in a nutshell, it's an extremely well optimized WEB2.0 that implements … Into it for highly effective rankings. Typically these will rank in of themselves very well within the search engine. So if you have something that's not so competitive, don't be surprised if these rank on the first page by themselves.

Hernan: There you go. Pretty cool.

Chris: Sounds good.

Hernan: Yeah, sounds really good. I'll definitely try it out. And just to answer Brian because we went past. I accidentally screwed up my anchor text and over used it. Yeah, usually a press release with strictly URLs and brand terms will actually dilute and equalize a little bit your anchor text. Use with caution because you already have that problem with your over optimized anchor text but usually a press release will help you out. Alright, so, we answered them all. So let me put this back on so you guys can see my pretty face, and I think we are good to go. Right? You have any other announcements?

Adam: I think we're good to go. I just wanted to say again, if you can, I'm going to put the link back up there if anybody here if you like our stuff, if you could leave us a review we'd really appreciate it, on Facebook. Try to help spread the word and get more people for Hump Day Hangouts. So please help up help everyone else.

Hernan: Sounds good. Thanks Adam, thanks Marco, thanks Roman. It's been a pleasure as always. And thanks, guys, for watching. So we'll see you next week.

Marco: Bye, everyone.

Hernan: Bye.

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