Friday, December 22, 2017

Would You Advise Linking Each Page Of Spun Google Sites To A Good Quality Site’s Hopmepage To Push More Link Juice?

In episode 160 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked whether linking each page of spun Google sites to a high-quality site’s homepage would push more link juice than linking only the homepages of the spun sites to the high-quality site.

The exact question was:

I have been building a good quality, new Giggle site to point at my money site and then building spun Giggle sites with silo-linked pages and linking only the home page of those back to the “”good”” Giggle site. Would it push any more juice if I linked each page directly up to the “”good”” site or is it about the same with the sub-pages all linked back to the spun sites home page?

This Stuff Works

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