Thursday, January 11, 2018

Is It Better To Create Subdomains Instead Of Individual Domains When Managing A Huge SEO Project?

In episode 164 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked if it's better to create subdomains instead of setting up individual domains when managing a huge SEO project.

The exact question was:

I have potentially came across my first big big account. A prospect wants SEO for approximately 25 websites, which he wants to rank in the 3 pack for various cities 150 mile radius around him. I sat down with the guy this morning and getting addresses for mail verifications is not a problem for him. The options I presented to him are 1. One large website with 25 subdomains. OR 2. Separated word press websites.

I'm leaning towards #2 because I'm a little afraid of future changes that could take down such a large account but what are your thoughts? Thank you.

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