Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Content, Scheduling, And Linking Of Properties To Syndication Network

In episode 252 of our weekly Hump Day Hangouts, one participant asked about the content, scheduling, and linking of properties to a syndication network.

The exact question was:

I have a basic knowledge of the big syndication and IFTTT picture, and how it works, but still have a lots of gaps in my understanding which I hope you can demystify for me. 1. Would it be best to syndicate just my own posts and curated posts to my syndication network, or would it be better to also include other related RSS feeds? 2. How long should my content be (an article or article curation approximation)? 3. How regularly should I post to my syndication? 4. How many back links to my properties should my articles contain? 5. Is the main purpose of syndication for driving traffic or gaining back links? 6. Are my syndication properties likely to get banned?

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