Monday, October 7, 2019

Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 256

Click on the video above to watch Episode 256 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.

Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.

The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at



Adam: Everybody, welcome to Hump Day Hangouts. This is episode number 256. Today is the second of October 2019 is the first Hump Day hangouts for October. And we have got some good stuff to go over today. I just wanted to do a quick announcement. And we're going to say hi to everybody. let you guys know about some upcoming cool stuff, and then dive into the question. So if you're watching and haven't asked your question yet, please do. If you're watching on YouTube, make sure you head over to and ask your questions there. That's where we're actually monitoring for questions. But other than that, just want to say, first of all, thanks for being here. This is your first time watching. Whether you're watching live or catching the replay, you are in the right place. So thanks for joining us, just remember to always go to, and that's where you want to pop your questions on and get them answered. Whether it's live or as a replay. So real quick, I'm going to go around the board here and we're going to say hello to everybody. Bradley, how's it going?

Bradley: Good man, happy to be here. Excited. I got my POFU Live shirt on. I was actually working on my presentation today, I spent the better part of most of today working on it. So I'm kind of excited to now

Adam: wait a second that says 2019 to POFU Live 2019 already happened

Bradley: No. But it's going to next week.

Adam: Outstanding. Yeah. October 11. To 13th. So you've been? Yeah, you're working on your presentation today. What I think you've talked about a little bit, right?

Bradley: Yeah. I'll on when I grabbed the screen to start questions, I'll just do a quick teaser of it. But it's about holistic marketing, in which holistic marketing is an actual thing. And I didn't realize that until I started to create my presentation. I mean, I'd heard the term before, which I understand what holistic means, right? It means like an all-encompassing, like, from all angles type thing. And so when I started to develop my presentation for what I have determined what holistic marketing is, and what I've been able to see by combining both offline and online and different types of marketing methods, and it creates an overall better digital presence. And its branding, essentially, the way that I think a bit holistic marketing is about building a brand and brand recognition, brand awareness, that kind of thing. And so anyways, when I started my presentation, I actually did a quick search for holistic marketing, and Damn, if that's not an actual valid, like regular, like a term that's been defined several different ways. But I found a specific definition that aligns with my opinion of what his holistic marketing is. And so I actually included that in my presentation. But yeah, it's, it's just very, very powerful strategy that I've been able to, I've been fortunate enough to witness with my own business over the last several months, my real estate business, and I kind of just stumbled across this from, you know, developing that we're building that business and starting with an offline marketing approach instead of online. And it really likes opened my eyes to the power of using a combination of all different types of marketing methods. Instead, just focusing on digital, which, that's all I've done for the last 10 years, essentially. So and it was interesting because I started to implement that, you know, I wanted to see if it could be as powerful for some of my clients as it was for me. So I pitched to one now three of my clients on it. And I've got three clients signed up for several additional marketing services beyond digital marketing, and seeing incredible, consistent results with them as well. And so that's part of what I'm going to be teaching about at POFU Live next week.

Adam: Awesome. Alright, next on the screen here, for me, at least is Chris. How's it going? Man?

Chris: Good. I just realized it's one week Damn. Yeah. only want to be. Yeah. Like, look forward to seeing everybody there then. Can't wait. Where is kind of like all that the moment we are heading into autumn here, and a slight storm brewing outside at the moment?

Adam: So I'm actually looking at Denver right now. But while I do that, Hernan.

Hernan: It's always really good. I'm really excited about the live excited to have the meeting with you guys next week, as well. And the week after that, we always come up with good stuff coming up for Semantic Mastery. So excited for the event, a lot of good stuff, but also to meet you guys. So happy to be here.

Adam: Good deal. All right. Last but not least, Marco, how you doing today?

Marco: I'm always good, man.

Adam: How's the weather down there?

Marco: It's always good.

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Bradley: And he's back. It's always good.

Marco: I'm back. I'm energized. And but I'm still trying to catch up on last week, being away for a week and all that good. In that sense, right? It was great. I tuned out, turned off the cell phone, left the laptop at home. So I was just I enjoyed the sun, the beach, the pool, the food. The surroundings were in the middle of the jungle, it was just a great, great way to unplug and just enjoy. Why get on the path to POFU if you can't stop once in a while and enjoy it and enjoy the fruits of your labor you have to do that. Have to do that it gets you re-energized. It gets you thinking sometimes differently, come up with all kinds of ideas. So it was fun. And now it's time to get back. Back to the grind.

Adam: Good deal, man. Well, this is good. I'm going to call a quick audible here. We're going to take 30 seconds. I just want to go around real quick. Everyone wants to say something. What do you do outside of you know whether it's consulting, Semantic Mastery? What is something like what are you doing this all for? I know Bradley talks about his but Bradley I'm skipping around real quick, what do you do for fun outside of this stuff?

Bradley: Well, when I don't have I get my daughter every other weekend. And so when I have her I spend time with her and right now it's all about softball because she's in like a million softball teams. And anyway, it's crazy. But outside of that, I enjoy riding ATVs. So I've got several machines and I enjoy working on them when I'm not riding and we go I go on camping trips with like ATV riding trips where we go camping for the weekend with a group of guys and or a group of people really this women involved too. But yeah, it's a lot of fun. It's a that's my escape, you know, and so I don't take them off the week vacations very, very. It's very rare that I take a week vacation, but I do often take weekend vacations. So

Adam: Nice. Chris, How about yourself?

Bradley: He's muted.

Adam: All right, we'll come back to Chris or not about yourself, man. What do you do? It's all good. Sorry. All right, Chris.

Chris: Yeah, for me surfing, snowboarding, hiking, hitting the gym, droning if there's like, well better, especially from out in talent and stuff. And definitely not worrying about the latest Google update likely seen a couple posts this week.

Adam: Fair enough, man. Hernan about yourself. We are technically challenged today. Alright, skipping you, Marco. What about you? I think you kind of talked about it. But what's something you like doing outside of this?

Marco: Well, you know, I have a 10-year-old, soon to be 11, a seven-year-old soon to be eight and an 11 month old, soon to be one. All their birthdays are in second week of October. Right? So I got that coming up. But outside of that I'm with my family, man. I'm with it. You know, when you have kids that young, you do nothing without them. And I mean, it's literally, there's hardly anything that you can do. Because we don't like babysitters. We don't like any of that stuff. So we take care of our children. That's one of the reasons why I love working from home because I'm available to do whatever is needed. But yeah, I mean, and I'm loving being a dad. I mean, I've always since my first daughter was born almost 11 years ago. I love being a dad and I love my family. And it's have a great time with them.

Adam: Nice, nice. Well, I think everyone's heard my a few times. But I love trail running. That's my thing. Love it. Love it. Love it. So try to get there as much as I can and get out hiking trail run and whatnot. So , Hernan, how about you? Are you there yet? Are you still muted? Still muted. All right, well, we're moving on. So just wanted to give everybody a little glimpse like this is some of the stuff why we do what we do, right? It's not all about work, you got it. also enjoy it, you can't take can't take money with you when you leave. So you might as well enjoy what you're doing and take some time for yourself and your family and what you love doing.

This Stuff Works
So real quick wanted to say first of all, like I said, when we started, if you're new to Semantic Mastery, that's awesome. Thanks for watching us, you're in the right places in place you should come every week, you got questions, we don't know the answer, we will certainly point you in the right direction. But between all of us, we generally can at least get you started down the right path and hopefully give you the answers you need. Whether it's you know, to improve your rankings, whether it's to get better results, get some clients, whatever may be. But the next step, if you want, we get our step by step processes for everything from dealing with new websites, age domains, YouTube channels, whatever it is, then I was just to pick up the Battle Plan. If you live with us, you can pick that up on the link to the side or you just go to battle plan dot Semantic and if you're already there, you already got some clients, you're already looking, you know, at building that recurring income and looking to grow and form that network with other people who are doing the same thing, then, you know, the place you want to do that is in an experienced community with fast access to real world info, and that would be the Semantic Mastery Mastermind and go check that out at And no matter where you're at, you know, we got started telling people how, you know, here's how we do a lot of what we do. Here's how we build what we build. And eventually, you know, people came to us said, Hey, can you do this for us? We're like, Oh, yeah, of course, like, Well, that makes sense. That's what we're doing. We're hiring VA to do the stuff we teach. And that's where came from. And it's expanded from there. But if you want to save time, and you know, either for your own projects or your clients projects go over there you can get syndication networks are always drive stacks, press releases, Link packages, embeds lots of cool stuff rolling out over there. And last but not least, subscribe on the YouTube channel. If you are checking this up on YouTube, just hit the subscribe button. Stay up to date with the weekly Hump Day hangouts as well as other videos that we post. With that said, I know Bradley, you were going to talk real quick I think about your you're talking POFU Live. And then what anything else we need to cover before we hop in?

Bradley: No, let's get right into questions. Alright, so I'll go ahead and grab the screen. You guys confirm that you're seeing my screen?

Adam: Got it?

Bradley: Okay, so yeah, so holistic marketing for branding and business growth is what I'm going to be talking about. And this is the definition that I found that I think most closely aligns with what my interpretation of holistic marketing as or what my opinion of it it is. So Philip Kotler Kotler, I think a marketing professor at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University defines holistic marketing as Holistic marketing is based on the development, design and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities that recognize their breadth and interdependencies. Holistic marketing recognizes that everything matters with marketing, and that a broad integrated perspective is necessary to attain the best solution. So my interpretation of that is holistic marketing is combining multiple channels, various digital plus traditional plus offline methods to produce a significant increase in brand awareness and recognition for company, thus increasing market share across the board. And the result is that a brand is sought by prospects. And I've seen that firsthand now with my own business, as well as three clients of mine that I've started to implement holistic marketing approach to their businesses. So that's really what I'm going to be talking about, and going into more detail about. Specific methods and resources and showing some results of examples for the businesses that have applied this to and why I think this is really the best way to go forward. With marketing as opposed to always just focusing on digital marketing, which is what I've done for years, I see that there's a real benefit to building brand awareness, more so now than I think ever before.

So that was it. With that, let's get into questions. If you guys have any questions, please post them, we've only got a few so far, a couple of them are in depth. So we're going to get right into those.

How Can You Make An Individual Home Listings Appear Higher In The SERPs For A Client Website?

Looks like the first one is Mohammed. Mohammed, looks like he's here too. He says, Hey, guys, a real estate client asked me I previously previewed this question earlier, Mohammed and I have a pretty good idea of a few things that you can do for this. So I'll finish reading. He says, Hey, guys, a real estate client asked me about what we can do to make individual home listings appear higher in the SERPs for our website. Apparently, in his city, it's popular for people to search for a home by its address like 123 Main Street. The idea is that his page for 123 Main Street would appear on top of rivals brokerages, even though they're the same home. What could I do to make this clients own listing pages rank higher for a specific address? Well, there's two things that I would recommend and and I'd like to get some other people's opinions as well. But the first one isn't necessarily well, neither one of the ones that I'm going to suggest are actually ranking the the website itself hire, but you can drive traffic back to the website, you can also make sure that your client is getting the lead, right, which would be the realtor, I guess. Number one would be YouTube videos. The last time I tried this for real real estate listings, it worked really, really well as if you could do some sort of YouTube video to drive traffic back to the listing that you want the listing page on your clients website, because they typically rank very, very well, that said, it's a Google property, right? So why not embed your clients page in a Google Site page, right. So you could have like, for example, if you're doing a drive stack for your client, which I'm sure Mohammed you have, you already have a G site for that drive stack for that client is branded after that client. So why not create separate pages, and then embed, just iframe your clients web page into that page, right, and optimize that g site page for it, because it's a Google site, it will likely rank very, very quickly. Remember, you can do some nasty stuff to it, to help it to rank. So that would be my two, kind of little tricks to help you get better results very, very quickly. What would you guys say? Anybody want to comment?

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Marco: I totally agree with that up a YouTube video is perfect, and it drives traffic. The video itself can also I mean, do what we recommend, which is running ads, to that video, right targeted ads to get that kick in, if he can run it to the embed page which has the video on it. And then he's going to power up the the page on the Gsite, which will then benefit everything we this is something that most people don't understand that that's the power of that GSite plus drive stack, it's not just good for pushing power. Elsewhere it everything that happens on that page. It's a Google property. And so it regardless of what anybody says, our test show time and again, that they get special treatment for whatever it is we don't care the reason, right. And we don't care if it's a result of something else that's happening, we don't care, we just know that it happens. And so benefit, just benefit from that drive stack and Gsite, and then you can push that benefit elsewhere, or take the power from YouTube added to that GSite and push that elsewhere. There's so many, there's so many ways, and I keep talking about this like in RYS when people ask me for advice, that the possibilities that when you start thinking this way, and stalking an iframe and running that type of of, of project is that the possibilities become endless on how much power you can actually push to this and since nobody else is doing it. me think about it, the competition becomes nothing, simply because they don't do what you're capable of doing.

Bradley: Agreed. Great. Adam, you had unmuted yourself? Are you going to comment?

Adam: Yeah, pretty much the same thing, I really liked the idea of using the YouTube video, obviously, for the ease, just getting some videos either made or, you know, cranking out a few. And then I really liked Marcos idea, adding on to that about running some targeted geo traffic to that. So yeah, just really like those ideas.

Bradley: Yeah, and think about that, if you have a YouTube video, not only can you rank that, but you can embed that in the G site page as well, maybe below your iframe listing page, right, and then run ads to it. And that'll help that g page to rank as well because it's going to be getting targeted traffic. And remember, you can buy targeted traffic mom and from YouTube from Google ads, because you can use geo targeting. So you get very specific geo targeted IP click like click from IPs that are geo targeted or within a specific geographic range. Plus, you can buy and I know for sure, because I'm doing real estate stuff. Now you can buy in market audience targeting for people that are looking to purchase a house. So looking for residential housing for sale, right. So again, you can buy incredibly targeted traffic, which is going to help it to rank and not only that, but remember you'll be pushing traffic to relevant traffic from people that may be genuinely interested in that too. So you could very well generate leads from that traffic not just as an SEO tactic. That makes sense. So it was a good question though.

What Is The Best Way Of Gaining Control With A GMB Page That Is Being Managed By An Ex-Parter With Embezzlement Issues?

Okay, Jenny has up says it's been a while, have been swamped. Applying the knowledge from your incredible money producing courses. Thanks. got time for a bit of quick advice. We sure do. You know, we do. He says got a new client whose GMB is controlled by an ex-partner with him. They've parted ways embezzlement charges. What In your opinion, in your opinion, would be the best way to get control over their Jambi? contacting your ex-partner is not an option, it does not have much value at this time, just three to four positive reviews with one negative that the ex partner left? Is there a way to just cancel it and start fresh and the negative effect from that they have moved into a different unit the same building and kept the same number. Thank you. Thank you in advance, Jenny.

Yeah, I've experienced something similar to this. And on several occasions, I've been contacted GMB support, Google My Business support. Because if you contact them and explain what the situation is, and you can do it via email, typically, I you know you can do I prefer to do it over the phone. And what they'll do is they'll kind of guide you through what needs to be done, they may tell you that you need to send them an email with it kind of explained. What happens is if you contact EMP support and tell them like you know, there was a partner, or an ex-employee, whatever the case is that had originally originally created the Google claim to the Google My Business profile, and they're no longer with the company, and we need to get access to it, then what they'll do is they'll require verification. And the way that they the way that I've had it done on multiple occasions, like I said, is where they'll require verification by postcard or excuse me not postcard, sending them scanning or taking photos and sending support or scanning in documents that show the business receiving mail at that new address at the new location. In other words, like a utility bill, for example, a phone bill, a gas bill, electric bill, anything like that anything at all, that shows that, you know, it's official, you know, some sort of bill to that billing address addressed to that company at that new billing address. So that way, and it and it usually within 24 hours after producing those documents, you'll get the GMB reassigned to the new account, whatever account it is that you, you know, designate. So that's what I would do. I've done that multiple cases. In fact, for local GMB Pro, the very first when I was doing a case study for a taxi company in Charlottesville, Virginia, and that's how I had to start that whole process with them because it was the same thing. He had an ex-partner that it was the exact same situation yet an ex-partner that originated the GMB there was an optimized it was claimed but it was on optimized and we had no way of accessing it and no way of getting in contact with the ex-partner. So I had to go through that exact same process that I'm talking about. And within I mean, it took like a total of three days. But it was within 24 hours of sending in scanned copies or photocopies you know photographed copies of his he I think he sent his business license and because it was addressed from the county directly to the new address, and they they actually transferred it into the Gmail address that I had set up specifically to take ownership of it. So that's all you really have to do, it's really not that difficult.

The reason I say that you should probably do that is because if there has ever been any sort of citation work done, like external stuff done, and he mentions essentially, then it's better to just claim or reassign the existing listing than it is to try to cancel that or market permanently closed and and create a new one because that will cause invigoration. So you'll have, it'll be harder to get results as quickly if you try to permanent like Mark one is permanently closed and then open another one was that's pretty much the same brand name. You said it's the same building just a different unit number of the same phone number that's going to cause ambiguation. So you're much better off claim or getting that one reassigned. And then doing a you know from there, you can do some citation cleanup stuff if needed. Okay, anybody wants to comment on that? Or not?

Can You Change The Website URL On A GMB Listing Without Changing That Info In All Citations And Affecting Current Rankings?

Gordon's up next he says, Hey, guys, thank you very much again for the great help you provide everyone on hump days. You're welcome, Gordon. I know that NAP info and GMB listing has to be the exact same as it is on the other directory sites, etc. But does the website URL fall under the same umbrella as the NAP and other words? So he's talking about the name, address phone number guys? In other words, can you change the website URL for business on a GMB listing without making the same change on all citations? And have the change negatively affect the GMB ranking? Technically, yes, because URL is also part of the I know it's not you know, it's NAP. We talked about the name, address, phone number, but a URL is part of that. It's like the fourth data point. However, that said, there's a lot of directories that you don't actually show the URL, right? They or it's just named, address phone number. So it's in my opinion, it's less important. It's, it's still good to try to keep your data consistent in all cases, but I can tell you for certain that I have used a different domain that had redirects before, experience a little to no negative effect from that, if that makes sense. Excuse me. So I think the name, address and phone number part of those is always more important. But yeah, I mean, to be clear, I'm not I'm not, I can't guarantee you that if you change the URL, it's not going to create an issue, I'm assuming you don't the either the URL expired, or you're trying to use a different URL to protect yourself or for tracking purposes. I mean, I'm just making those assumptions. But you know, if you still have access to the existing URL or the original URL, then set up a redirect to the new URL. That's what I'm saying. Like, I've changed the URL, because we've changed domains for an existing client, right? For example, I've got a preschool client, that we change the domain entirely for them. And he had two locations that were in existence, they had a hand, you know, handful of citations already done a couple dozen or whatever, for each location. But when he hired me, I suggested that we do a domain change and set up the individual locations on subdomains. So what we did was we kept the original domains for each one of the separate locations because they each had their own domain, it was over optimized anyways, we kept the original domains, and we just redirected those to each appropriate subdomain for that for the new domain with the location-specific subdomains. And we didn't have to go clean up all the existing citations, because that's the only thing that changed was the domain, all the other information stayed the same. And since we had done a redirect, it didn't cause any negative issue. In fact, I was able to rank it, those are the two, the two, that was one of the clients that I was applying the local PR pro method to when I was testing or developing that method. And we were able to rank both of those locations very, very quickly using primarily just press releases. And, and it didn't have any effect, having the original domain redirected to the new domain didn't cause any new negative NAP effect. But that's what I would suggest. If you have access to it. If you don't, and you can't redirect it, then you may have to go out doing a citation clean up job, I'd go ahead and just pull the trigger, you're going to have to do it anyways. And see what happens. If it causes a negative effect, then I would immediately hire Loganix to do a citation cleanup service. If there's you know, more than a couple of dozen citations. Loganix is the best service I know of for that. Does anybody want to comment on that? Go. Okay, can you guys be quiet today? Marco, anything you want to add to that?

This Stuff Works
Marco: No? That was good. So, okay. I don't feel there's any comment.

Clarifcations On The Time Frame And Frequency Of Using MGYB Web 2.0 Links And Embeds

All right. So Katie's up, he says, Hey, guys, I'm trying to incorporate MGYB. This is a good question. We need to get Rob on these sometimes. Does that guys I'm trying to incorporate MGYB services into my client budget proposals but need some clarity to move forward? How long does it generally take for a blaster MGYB web two links to fall out of the index? What is the minimum purchase frequency for them to be safe and effective? Would it be okay to use one net natural link package every two to three months on an age site with moderately high competition? Okay, so I'm going to kind of answer that. As all one question. I don't know how often they fall out of the index because I don't go check them that often. In fact, I never checked them at all. Once I order a link building package, it will send it to indexing and I just and that's it. I forget about it. I don't go check on him. So what I recommend what you said one night, your package every two to three months on a foreign foreign age site, would that be beneficial? Or would that work? And that I would say yes. Again, I'm anxious to hear Marco's opinion on this as well. But I would say yes because that's about what I do is about every three months or so. And it depends if it's if it's something more competitive or needs additional push, I might do it more frequently, like once every other month, but typically it's about once every three months. And what I'll do it, and I know that part of your next question is about embeds the same thing doing embed gigs. So I'll do an embed gig on like an @ID page or entity loop page is another way to call it or the G site or the Google Maps your GMB map if it's for local business, or a combination of all three of those, right, you can order one embed gig and include all three of those as embeds in that one gig. And then supplement that with the link building package to the embed pages. In other words, the pages that get created and embed gig, then you link build to that. So that'd be one month, right, then maybe then the next month of the link building package to the drive stacks or you know that and like all the URLs in the drive stack, as well as the G site, or the @ID page or the GMB business site, for example, that business site, and then just cycle through that right. Same thing with you know, all of the entity properties that you have like, and we talked about this with what we call entity stacking, taking all those tier-one assets that are high authority type sites that you can build links directly to and use those. So you just kind of cycle through this stuff, if that makes sense. So like, again, not money site, we don't ever build links directly the money site, but we'll do like an embed package with link,s one month, the next month, I'll do the drive stack and G site the next month with links to that the next month, I might do some of the other ends to top-level entity assets and @ID page, for example, or loop entity loop page, press advantage, organization page, that kind of stuff. And then the third month, or excuse me the fourth month, I would cycle back to embeds, if that makes sense. So I just get it into a schedule rotating schedule. And I include the cost of that plus my markup into my monthly retainer fee that I quote, a client on so that I have that money available every single month to continue pushing the assets if that makes sense. So that's what I do.

Marco: I'm going to say, and let me just make sure I have this right. And I'm going to say no, it would not be okay. To use a Nitro or any kinda link package to an aged or other type of money site doesn't matter. We don't do that. That's right. We don't we won't do that. I know Daddea, I won't do that we will we do not link build directly to the money site. That's why we set up the SEO shield. It has a double purpose, it has the purpose of protecting the G site plus drive stack protects you so that we don't worry about Google updates one and two, it actually exponentially it's the power that you're pushing into that drive stack and Gsite. So now, we're not going to do that. Now you can do it as Bradley recommended. And as I'm recommending, which is link built into the Gsite, incorporate everything that you have all of your URLs into the drive stack G site, press releases tier one and everything else that you have, grab all that and link bill to all of that. And yes, it should be done on a monthly basis. And not it's not going to look unnatural. Because the way that it's indexed, it's submitted several times during the month, or however long it takes to get to the percentage of indexing that Dadea is usually looking for, which is 60% or more, let's say over 50%. Once that's achieved, it's not necessary to keep indexing right over and over again, although it can be done. But as Bradley says, If you continue your link building, and if you can continue tearing your link building, it's not going to matter how many links fall off the index, because you're going to constantly be getting new ones going to be getting tiered link building, it's all going to be powered up through that g site so that you get even more benefit. But once again, just just to be perfectly clear about this, we will not do any link building into any money site.

This Stuff Works
Bradley: Right there. So these are essentially what you can link below directly to because these are all tier-one assets. That make sense. So we talked about syndication, network URLs, press releases, plus the organization page, drive stack plus the G site, including inner page URLs, it doesn't have to just be the homepage, if that makes sense. Individual drive stack folders and files, the @ID or entity loop page. Right, the GMB map citations, top level citations, you can build links to embeds and link building to embeds. These are all things that you can build links to. And so that's why I said you've got plenty of opportunities here to put it through kind of a rotating schedule to where and that's what you know, you can you can take, if you were to separate each one of these components out, you can do it that way, then this would give you what 1234566 plus and embed and link building gig. So this would be six or seven months worth of link building activities that could be done. And then you would just repeat that. So every one of them would get hit twice per year. But the idea is you're constantly powering up all your tier one assets, so that you're not targeting anyone specific thing over and over and over again, right? Because that looks odd. Instead, now you're powering up the whole entity and all of the tier one entity assets, and you're doing it on a consistent basis. So it's much more powerful that way, in my opinion, you're hitting it from, you know, from multiple angles. Okay. So hopefully that was helpful.

Do You Have Clients Who Are Using Their Own Hosting Service?

Okay, so the next question is from Scott, what's up, Scotty says, Are any of your clients self-hosting my self-hosting, I mean, their website is hosted on their server, not a hosting service. I have a prospective client who says he has been self hosting for 15 years. However, when I do a test on who is hosting this, the result? Who is hosting this, the result says it is hosted by logics and gives domain control locations. So name servers with x x and y is substitutes for real numbers. My prospect is positive the hosting is on his server because he's not paying for hosting services. This is way out of my skill set. Any help is appreciated. Um, I'm not a server guy. Chris and Marco would be better at that for me than me. I can assume domain control is just a name server type of service, though. And so I think it could be hosted on his own service and be using a name server or DNS service for that. But I'm not 100% Sure. Marco, Can you shed some light on this?

Hernan: Self-hosting now that's kind of old school. Kind of cool. I wanted to work really? Cool. I wonder what you'll do that we're paying like 10 bucks a month or 15 bucks a month for hosting? I don't know. I don't know. I'm not an expert, either. It's just funny. Funny.

Marco: Yeah. I'm curious too because it's a lot of work to keep a server up, especially security. And not only that, I mean, I know that here, I have to go through the ISP. And make sure that my bandwidth, it can support the the server especially if I'm planning to get a whole bunch of traffic, which when I do test, bots go crazy. So I need that kind of bandwidth. Logics, I think he's that's just a desktop app. Scott, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have self-hosting. He's probably paying for the web app. I don't know if it's some if it's a paid service bottle biologics, but I am familiar with logics. And it's just, I'm sorry, but it's a lot of work, but the fucking the steps that it takes to do that, right, you have to register the domain as you do everywhere else. But you have to code the website in something, just whatever, HTML, PHP, probably, you got to have to get the IP address pointed at the computer, actually, the computers, IP. And if it's dynamic, you have to take care of that. Again, the ISP has to support hosting. Now, here's the thing, why would you have it if you When the lights go out? And he turns everything up? That server has to they aren't or like the website will go off for however long the guys out? What, what if he's on vacation? What if there's a power outage?

Bradley: He's gonna have somebody managing the server if he doesn't even know. Like, if he can't help, Scott, Tell, tell Scott, like, you know, what's going like he just as I've been hosting for 15 years, somebody's got to be managing that server, somebody,

Marco: you can do it on your computer, all you need is the app software, right, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. You all you need is the web stack. And you can do it on your computer. But I'm telling you all the steps that it takes, right? And then how are you supposed to do anything with that? Scott? If it's on the guy's computer, do you have access to the guy's computer?

Bradley: Well, he says hosted on their server, which I don't I mean, again, I don't know. That could be a server sitting in there it closet, or it could be a server somewhere else, right? Like at Rackspace or something. Right?

Marco: Yeah, if if that but I'm, what I'm saying is, it can even be the guy, it can be on the laptop, sure, it can be on an on a desktop, it, it doesn't matter, you can install it, all you need is the software. But even after all, that, you still have to install everything you can even run WordPress, off of your home computer depends on how far you want to go. But I'd be this question is, yeah, I mean, I've done it, I haven't done it in a long time. Because it's not necessary anymore. But why does this guy insist on doing that? And why would you want to even bother with something like this? I'm not sure. Okay. So yes, the question is, do you have any clients now? And he's a prospective client, for what and what are you planning to do with it? And you know, if you're going to need access to that, how are they would have to give you remote access, so that you can get in there? Because I'm not even sure what the question what the final aim of this question is. It's just a whole bunch of shit involved. I can tell you that.

Bradley: Yeah, you know, I would, again, I would just contact the client, I asked him specifically like, who is managing your server, like and put me in touch with that person, whoever that is. If he says he's self-hosting, I promise somebody, it's probably not the client himself. Like, you know, the the business owner that you're talking to? That's actually managing it. He may be. And if so, then he's got to be the go-to guy for anything that you need. But otherwise, if there's somebody else that's managing that, that set it up and is managing it on an ongoing basis, then I would say put me in touch with them for any sort of server access issues that you need, like cpanel or whatever, whatever it is. So anyway, that's what I would do. But yeah, I agree. I think that's sometimes you fall you run into people that have over complicated issues, and I don't know that it's worth it. It really depends on how much you're getting paid. So.

This Stuff Works
Tom, see I read this while Marco was talking. This is pretty cool. He last week, you asked if anyone has been watching since the beginning. Since because we're at to Episode 256. Today, we're almost at our five year anniversary. And what are we four weeks away from that? Right? I think so. Yeah. 200 Episode 260 would be 404. or excuse me five years. So we're damn close. And he says, last week, you asked if anybody been watching since the beginning since I couldn't watch live? I couldn't answer. So I thought I'd chime in today. I started watching around Episode 50 or So Michael Bose was with you, then. I haven't missed an episode since. Even if like last week, I have to catch a replay. Which means I've watched roughly 200 hours of Hump Day Hangouts. Well, God bless you, man. At this point, it's like a weekly get together with friends. Thank you for the weekly help. Yeah, that's really, really cool. And, Tom, I appreciate you commenting on that. That's, um, you know, what a commitment.

Marco: So drop us the name in the comments. We need to know who this is we need to know. I mean, we have to know who it is. We're usually familiar with everyone who's in here asking questions, and you're involved in in the back and forth. So please drop your name.

Bradley: Well, Tom might be one of them. People that don't ask a lot of questions. Maybe he does. I'm not sure because of this new chat app. I don't know who the hell he is. Who the hell this these people are for the most part. But, you know, anyway, the fact that he commented and said he's been watching 200 hours again, you know, you're a good man for that. Because that's a lot of listening to us. That's for sure. But that's awesome. Thanks for coming.

Is There A List Of The Required Info To OnBoard Clients For Each MGYB Offerings?

Okay, this is a good one, it says, Is there a list of the required info to onboard clients for each of MGYB offerings? If so where can I find them? I don't think that we have that yet. But that's something that maybe somebody can take note of this. I know we're continuing to develop out. Well, I say we but really Rob is continuing to develop out a lot of stuff for MGYB. To make it better, like packages, for example, you guys know, we've recently launched, you know, like link building packages and embed packages, which is so much better, because a lot of we got so many questions where people would say like, you know, what should I do for this type of competition and that so we've recently added that. Next thing we're doing that I know Rob is trying to get to is doing full-on, done for you packages, like where it's multiple services combined. So you buy at one time and it you get the syndication network and the drive stack along with the press release and embeds and @ID page or entity loop page, you know, all those kinds of things. So I know that that's coming. So this is something that we can absolutely add to our to do list. Because I think that's a good thing to have, which would be kind of like, depending on what service you buy, like an onboarding form. I know there's the order form. But for a client, I understand what I think I understand what you're getting at, is there something that we could send them or some sort of form template that we could provide that you could build, like a Google form, for example, that you could send to clients whenever you onboard them? And have the clients input all the data, that then you would just deliver to us at MGYB? Marco, do you have any comments on that?

Marco: Yeah, I mean, it's it's a good idea. And I can talk to rob about it. Is the problem, right, that we're in right now is that we only have one Caesar?

Bradley: Yeah, well, I think Rob said, we're gonna we're going to get another coder to help see Caesar correct, where we're going to try,

Marco: we're going to see how we do that. But the problem is also that the information that we need is different per product. Right? Right. And so you go and you order the product as you need it and submit the information. Because, for example, the @ID is something that you can't ask the client for the information beforehand, because it requires the build at the time when you order it, well, maybe you can go ahead and, and beforehand, do the s3 and everything that's required. But again, it's different products. So what can we do, we could probably create a PDF of what you're going to need for every product, I can tell you that that's not going to happen anytime. Yeah.

Bradley: Yeah, I would think, you know, I mean, that's a good idea. But even something that could be done. And again, it's not, it's not going to be at the top of the priority list. But I do think that it's a good idea, which would be to maybe even do, like you said, a PDF, but even like a create a Google form that could be copied. In other words, you could share it with somebody, or they could request to make a copy of it that then they would, you know, add to their drive, which then they would have a not, you know, a spreadsheet that the responses would go to it everything to where they could just forward that to their client, or embed that on a page on your own website, and send your clients to the page on the website to fill out the form. If that makes sense. That's it. But it's different Google Forms per product, right. But I'm saying we only have the main I'm talking about doing it first for like, like entity loop, for example, or syndication network, that kind of stuff. So yeah, I agree. It's, it's not something that's going to get done immediately, because we're trying to roll out two packages. But I think it's a good idea. So I appreciate you. It's a great idea Rob. Rob already has it will incorporate it into the list of things to do, which keeps growing longer and longer. Yep.

Is It A Good Idea To Buy A Couple Of Different Domain Names For A Local Service Area?

So Mike's up, he says, Hi, everyone, is it a good idea to buy a couple of different domain names for a local service area? And how can I use it for SEO benefits? For example, money site with branded domain name, and more exact keyword domain names? Can you please share a sort of strategy if there is on how to use it? Thanks. Now, I don't recommend that anymore, Mike. You know, years ago, yes, we, we did all kinds of stuff like that years ago, I mean, we would just buy different domains to read that we would use for redirecting purposes to the main site and then do crazy things to that the redirect domain, right? There's a lot of things we used to do, I'm not going to talk about them, because they're irrelevant. Now. They really are, they really are. But they're another strategy we would do would be to build out kind of like many PBNs on exact match domains that would point to the brand new domain, because we would add relevancy that way and use them for link building and that kind of stuff. But again, I don't recommend doing that, because you have to know how to exact match domains aren't really useful in my opinion anymore. I know, some people would argue with me, but I prefer a branded domain name. And I also don't recommend building PBzns, unless you're like one of our mastermind members, Dean, who is incredibly good at it, which requires a lot of time and effort to do it correct correctly, and build real traffic into sites that you're going to be using to link back to your own sites. And you gotta hide your footprint and all that. And we just, we got away from doing that. And we use our, our entity loop properties, like create the entity loop, which becomes the SEO firewall, which is all using, basically free resources, you know, like Google Sites, and Dr stacks, and Amazon s3, pages, and things like that, and then do all of all kinds of link building stuff to those and push relevancy and power that way. So again, I don't recommend buying exact match domains for for a specific business, or, you know, related domains and stuff like that anymore. There are other people out there and other methods that teach how to do stuff like that, if you're interested in that kind of thing. It's just not something that we would recommend.

This Stuff Works
Marco: If you're going to put that much time and effort into something, do it on a G site and drive stack band, the drive stack both vertically and horizontally, like we've I taught in, in the charity webinars and in the entity webinar that we talked about, you guys, again, Dr. stacks, and G sites are some of the most powerful things that you could do for SEO right now. It hasn't changed in for something year that we've been doing, it's not going to change into the near future, probably mid term, either. I don't see it, I just don't see how probably it could be done at the flip of a switch tomorrow. But I just don't see it happening because of the kinds of companies and educational places that use the G sites plus drive stack. So why not take advantage of that, while it's available, you have to do is go to MQIB dot CEO, order the drive stack ordered with the G site. And then you expand it, I teach exactly how it's done for a donation to my charity. And it's that simple. It's simple in that the concept is simple. You still have to do the work. Whether you do it pbn, if you want to do it, right, the way that Dean does it, you have to put in the work, noting that there's no magic pill in this business. If you want something to last, you're going to have to put in the work. And what I'm what I recommend for what you're trying to do is you have that branded domain, then go into that branded Dr. Step was g site and expand it. There you go.

Which Of The Two URL Structure Is Better?

Okay, so Mike says another question please about URL structure, which one is better? He says slash city slash service dash type or site com slash service, dash type dash in the city? Thank you. Well, I'm going to recommend the second type or the second version of the URL. And the reason why I say that is because if you if you're trying to do it the first way, if you're going to target different cities with the same service type, which I'm assuming you would, it's going to create URL structure issues, right? You can still do it but WordPress used to automatically append a dash to for like, in this case, service type, right? So let's say let's just say plumbing. So let's say and we'll just use Culpepper. Right That's, that's where I live Culpepper, Virginia. And then there's another city adjacent to us called Warrington. Right, so Warrington and let's say I was building a site for a plumber that service both Culpepper and Warrington. So if I did, you know, Joe's or you know, whatever we'll call it Joe., for example. And then Joe service, then automatically Google used to append a dash two. And just recently, I noticed that now they'll actually change it to include the category, your name or so it would say Joe's the first one that you would create was Culpepper, right. So it would be under the category of Culpepper. So that's where the city right so Culpepper, then it would say /drain-cleaning. But the second time you would try to create that drain cleaning service type underneath a separate category would automatically append the category to the URL. So would end up being Joe's plumbing So it makes sense. So you end up over optimizing the URL. And even if it could have just been the plugin, because I just I was showing this as an example the other day a couple weeks ago now for our Semantic Mastery mastermind webinar, and I was showing how they used to do the dash, you know, it would do like a dash to dash three for each time you would try to duplicate that service type underneath another category, it would always append another the next into integer. However, it could like I said it could have been the SEO plugin that I was using or something that was appending the category name to the URL instead of dash two or could have been a WordPress core change that I haven't proved that either way. But my point is, is it creates a URL issue because you can't duplicate the same URL slug underneath different categories, right? It has to be a unique slug at all times. So in my opinion, you're better off using just the post type, excuse me, post name permalink structure if you're using WordPress, and I'm assuming you are and then going with the second version here that you're talking about, right? So it would be And I wouldn't put dash in that city I would put just dash city. Because you can admit those what they're called stop words like in, have, to, the, those are all type stop words. And I don't typically include those in the URL, the shorter the URL, the better. That makes sense. So that would be my recommendation. It's a good question.

What Are Some Tips On How To Charge A Client For The SEO Services You Offer?

boardwalk says I am just starting out and wondering how do you determine what to charge a client so I'm not undervaluing myself or overpricing the client? Hey, Hernan don't we have an arbitrage? spreadsheet somewhere? Um, what do you mean? SEO Services arbitrage spreadsheet and our SEO Services calculator?

Hernan: Yeah, we do. Actually, let me Yeah, I think I'll yeah, I'll need to find it. But yeah, I, I'm pretty sure we have it somewhere.

Bradley: Okay. Because I was gonna say, I know we have, we've created a spreadsheet where you can kind of input the cost of services and then input your markup and it will, you know, or percentage of markup. And it will, it will tell you what to charge clients. And that's something and you also should be a section in there for your you know, what you what you feel you should be making on an hourly basis if you can calculate the hours involved. And I honestly, if you're just starting out, it's going to take a while to learn your own productivity, like in other words, to be able to know how long it's going to take you to do things, it's going to take you some time to kind of refine that. So when you first start out, you're going to likely undercharge customers or you may over overcharge customers. If you overcharge customers and you're unable to produce results, you will likely lose those customers. If you undercharge customers, then your bet, I think you're, you know, you're going to find out that you're working too hard for not enough money. And you could always go back to the client at that time and ask for more money or explain that you need to raise your rates, that kind of stuff. It's difficult to determine how long like you know how long it's going to take you to accomplish things when you first start out, it's just going to be kind of a trial and error thing. But you know, I as far as what I would recommend is trying to find reputable sources, fulfillment sources, again, MGYB. If you understand how to put the components together, that we sell, then you don't have to do the work yourself or even really learn how to do all like build all of those components, you can if you'd like, but you're better off in my opinion, just purchasing them from a done for you services that is reputable, a good third-party provider and marking it up. And I always recommend a minimum of 100% markup. So but more like 200% markup is about, you know, and it depends on what you're selling too. And I know Marco will probably have a different opinion, he's going to say give it 1,000% markup and you know, there's some there's some validity to that my opinion. But for example with syndication networks, you know, I know what my costs are, through my virtual assistants. Even when I first started out and I first trained my to first of all, when I first learned how to delegate and outsource the stuff might I hired two virtual assistants and train them how to build syndication networks that later became syndication Academy the product, and I knew what it would cost me. And let's just say it cost me you know, $75 for a VA to build. And it wasn't that exact number. It was close to that. But let's say it cost me $75 to have a syndication network built by one of my virtual assistants, I was charging. When I first started out, I was trying about $500 to sell a syndication network to a local business now To this day, and I have for several years, I probably should mark it up. But I sell them for $700 now, and I have for the last I think three years. So and because of you know, you guys can get syndication networks, I still think it's $75 for a branded syndication network from MGYB. So that's my point, you could do a in that case, it would be what 1,000% markup 10 times, right. So you buy it for 75. But you sell it for 750. That makes sense. That's 1,000% markup for things like Google stacks, and drive stacks and G sites, they're so fucking powerful man, if you go and buy the whole, like the whole lot of it, it's going to cost you close to 500 bucks, I think. And you could you could mark that up easily to you know, $1,000 1500 dollars two or three times of what it is because it's so powerful, if that makes sense. So that's what I would recommend doing is figuring out what services you're going to use to get results, marking it up, you know, unless you're doing it manually yourself, in which case, you know, you've got to determine what your time is worth, and then figure out how much time you're going to spend developing those components out for that client, if that makes sense. And in charge accordingly. So I know you guys want to comment on that one. It was a good question.

This Stuff Works
Marco: Yeah, I, I see it a little bit differently, that you could do it that way. But if I'm talking to a lawyer, and which I was recently, and I know that someone coming in the door, and signing that piece of paper for that lawyer to represent them was worth $100,000 to the lawyer. So my math is really simple. I know what the costs are, what that lead is worth to the client. All I had to do was determine how many leads, I could provide this client. And then I want a percentage of that, so that I can come back to the attorney side. Because if that client is worth 100k to him, and I know what I'm going to have to invest, then I'm going to want some part of it. Because it's worth that much. I mean, imagine that hundred thousand or more in the door. So that that's how I figure it out. So that if it's $2 and 50 cents, and I have to provide 10,000 the close leads for this person to sell what 20, 25k. And then I want to present it the work that I'm going to have to do to get that it's probably more than I care to put into that project that but that's roughly how I figure it out, I want to know what a lead is worth to that client. So if it's a dentist, lawyer, whatever it is tourism, dentistry, you name it, cosmetic surgery, I want to know what that lead is worth in the door and closed. So that I'm going to, then I'm going to determine what I charge. So I'm going to be for the work that I do, because I'm gonna I know how much work I'm going to put in it. I don't care about the hours that I'm going to put in it. I just know what my work is going to be worth to that client, and he's going to pay me for that. Just like that person putting that foot inside that lawyers office. And signing that piece of paper knows what he's going to pay for that lawyer, because you cut you going to that lawyer for a reason. You're going to that plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills for a reason. You're not just paying for the service. If you were paying for the service, you'd go to Mexico and get the plastic surgery and get the corrective surgery or whatever it is that you want to do and pay a whole lot less you're coming to this guy, because there's a specific service that he provides that you want, when you get to that point. So I guess my point is, there's a whole whole different tiers, right of what you can charge between the way that you figure it out, maybe the way that that the arbitrage calculator is set up and the way that I do that there's just so many ways that you can charge. There's no certain way, right, there's no sure way. But my way has always worked for me.

Alright, so the last two are just comments. Scott says thanks for the answer about hosting and will contact the client about how I will be logging into add pages and access the site. So there you go, Scott. hopefully that was helpful. Tom says thanks, guys. I've asked several questions over the years under the old system. Tom Clark, just signed up under the current system today. That's awesome. Tom again, thank you for hanging out with us every every week for 200 plus episodes. That's quite a feat. And Mike versus thanks, Bradley. You're welcome. Alright, guys, that was perfect fucking timing. It's like we planned it

Marco: four years. That's incredible. Thanks, man. For you. Thank you.

Bradley: Alright, guys. Yeah, Tom, you should be coming to POFU Live so you can meet us in person. had to throw that in there?

Adam: Yeah, guys. If you haven't yet, now's the time. Grab your Now, we're going to be headed out there next weekend. Start the event. VIP day on Friday and the real deal on Saturday.

Bradley: Yeah, so that's VIP day is Friday the 10th I believe. And Saturday the 11th is the start of the actual POFU Live, live training event. So we'll see you guys there. Take it easy, my guys.

Bye guys. Bye everyone.

This Stuff Works

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